It was attended by about 100 or so law students from not only UKM but those from UM, UIAM as well as from Help University College. Among speakers presenting their respective papers were a legal practitioner, En. Mohd Najid Husain from Mohd Najid & Partners; a Criminalogy Lecturer from UiTM, Prof. Madya Datuk Abdul Halim Sidek; a representative from the Women's Aid Organisation, Pn. Nazlina; the Executive Director of All Women's Action Society (AWAM), Ms. Honey Tan and yours truly, Jasni Abdul Jalil, Nurin's Uncle. Yes, I was there as Nurin's Uncle and my task was to relay the experience of the victim's family in regards to the application of their rights since the abduction of their child till now.
As mentioned in my earlier post, I presented a brief paper that cited the various examples where the rights of Nurin's parents were either breached, invaded or ignored.
Our promotional activities on Nurin Alert is still at the beginning stage and not at the tail-end as eventhough the authorities have shown a very receptive response to the Nurin Alert initiative and had in fact implemented the various proposals in the search and rescue for poor Sharlinie, we in C4NA are determined to see that Nurin Alert is indeed incorporated into the Child Protection Policy and eventually turned into a law in order to ensure an effective and efficient execution of a serach and rescue operations for missing children.
If you have had noticed, there is this logo posted on top right of this blogsite (beneath the picture of Nurin's tombstone). This is the official logo that has been adopted by Citizens for Nurin Alert Society (C4NA) as the logo for Nurin Alert. Designed by Ampuan Yussof, a fellow Malaysian based in the USA and improvised by Intan Shafinaz of UiTM, the colour scheme is actually yellow - amber - red, but for some awkward reason it is appearing on this blogsite as the BN blue!
Perhaps it's trying to gain the BN's support to turn it into reality, but I'm trying to do something about it before everyone else starts thinking that the BN blue is indeed its actual colour.
While on the subject of C4NA, you might want to know that we are in the process of getting the entity registered as a Society to as to ensure the sustainance of the Nurin Alert movement so as to facilitate the grouping in executing projects requiring public and private funding.
I should be able to publicise the names of the Protem Committee Members very soon once we finalised the list or once it got it registered.
Till then, have a Good Night and productive day ahead.
Jasni AJ
Operasi mencari Sharlinie rumah ke rumah dihenti
Oleh Ifwan Tun Tuah
Berita Harian Online
PETALING JAYA: Polis terpaksa menghentikan sementara pemeriksaan dari rumah ke rumah untuk mencari Sharlinie Mod Nashar, 5, yang hilang sejak 9 Januari lalu bagi memberi perhatian kepada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-12....
laaaa beri laluan kat Pilihanraya? malang malang..ada ker cam ni ...isk isk isk labu labu
way to go Jasni, you seems like a real pro nowadays :)
Hi En Jasni. The emblem is finally red, amber and yellow. If you won't mind, I'm going to upload it to the NURIN Groups on Facebook.
Silakan. Ajaklah I join sekali dalam Facebook you tu.
Best regards
Jasni AJ
Wowie, En Jasni, if you have Facebook, even better... mari masuk!
I'm not sure if you're listed for open search on Facebook, but in any case the links are:
1. In Memory of Nurin Jazlin (and other victims like her)
2. NURIN Alert
En Jasni sungguh berdedikasi. Semoga Allah akan sentiasa memberikan En Jasni sekeluarga kekuatan untuk meneruskan perjuangan ini.
good job JAJ! amat berharap kematian nurin terbela dan nak tgk macammana rupanya pembunuh itu!
sedih, sedih dan sedih. Bila sy dengar operasi mencari sharlinie dihentikan secara rasmi semalam...tiba2 menitis airmata
sy pasti keluarga mangsa no matter how long wld it takes,will never give up looking & searching for her!
Bgmana jika anak malang itu sdg menderita dan masih hidup ,meminta di selamatkan.?.. no one really knows what happened to her but i really hope kumpulan2 tertentu masih aggresif menjejak ninie & lain2 yg kita tidak tahu kerana tidak di beri publisiti di akhbar!
ada terbaca ttg pakar 'numbers',kata pakar itu,salah seorang penculik pernah ditangkap tapi dilepaskan(?) dan ada yg khabarnya menjalankan zikir tanpa henti 44,i really dont care how they want to do it,asalkan kanak2 yg diculik tu selamat! kalau ada yg nak santau,tuju-tuju ke pd penculik2 bedebah tu pun elok jugak..dah naik geram sgt sekarang!
zul,ada baca malay mail hari ini?
ada tulis,salah seorang dr fotofit baru yg akan dikeluarkan ,ada parut disblh kanan wajah..! berderau darah aku sebab aku pernah tulis di blog ini dulu pasal mimpi aku selepas solat hajat beberapa hari (bila arwah nurin dijumpai) dulu pasal parut di pipi kanan di wajah seorang lelaki yg aku nampak dlm mimpi... itulah fadhilat solat hajat
pls dont stop praying & hoping. the criminals must be caught,they are very dangerous.our children need to live in safe environment.
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