Tuesday, November 20, 2007

It has been 90 days since

90 days since. Yes, it has been 90 days when Nurin was abducted by someone, someone until today nobody knows whom.

90 days since. Yes, it has been 90 days when Nurin was hidden somewhere, somewhere until today nobody knows where.

While we patiently wait for some positive developments, the revelation in the august parliament house today does not bring much hope that the long, long wait would ever be fruitful in the near future.

While the police (with the assistance from the FBI) have publicly declared that till date they have not been able to extract the motorcycle number plates from the video footage due to technical factors, i.e. due to the poor visual, one must have also wonder how the perpetrator(s) managed to execute his(their) crime undetected; before, during and after!

However, notwithstanding the latest revelation, the family remained steadfast in their believe that the police have done and still are doing their best ever investigation works in attempting to unturn the mysterious stone that could reveal, catch and punish the perpetrator(s) soon, InsyaAllah.

The perpetrator(s) must be identified, and not only that, it (they) must be punished to serve as a lesson to the would be like-minded criminals of the future.

The world don't need them, the sooner we get rid of them, the safer the world would be. The longer they are allowed to roam about freely, the bolder they will get. And our children will be as good as trapped in a world, an extremely dangerous world. There will be no more adventures for them, certainly not at the playgrounds or the dreadful pasar malams! In fact, it is not even safe be at home, remember Preeshena!

We also are patiently waiting on the charge (or charges) to be made on the identified culprit who leaked and distributed Nurin autopsy pictures. According to the police, they have completed their investigation and the papers are now with the Public Prosecutor's Office. We wonder what's holding them up?

The 100th day is now fast approaching, let's pray that we can have something by then.

Jasni AJ


joesniper said...

aku doa agar penjenayah ditangkap, diadili dan dihukum ...

aku doa agar dia/mereka dapat dipertonton kepada umum supaya menjadi sempadan ...

tabahkan diri menghadapi dugaan ini ...

mungkin ada hikmahnya diatas kelewatan-kelewatan yang bertunda-tunda sebegini ...

wahai sang penjenayah, pencarian terhadapmu tetap diteruskan sehingga rahsiamu terbongkar ...

suatu hari pastikan ada mentari ... sabarlah kau menanti detik yang menentukan engkau atau kami dipihak yang benar ....

-zaza:o:binxz- said...

my heart breaks...

wondering when will this case be solved...

I really hope Allah will show us the way.

cikpuansue said...

agak2 u all pembunuh durjana tu tgh buat aper sekarang?

n malam2 dia tido lena tak?

joesniper said...

aku rasa binatang tu tengah bersenang lenang sebab plat moto masih tak dapat dicamkan hatta oleh FBI sekali pun ... dia mungkin sedang mencari mangsa baru ... tapi dia akan terlupakan jerat yang menantinya ...

suatu hari pastikan ada mentari ... sabarlah kau menanti detik yang menentukan engkau atau kami dipihak yang benar ....

Zulkifli said...

I can understand the pressure and the tension bro...90 days of waiting...blogging and promises..

I really hope that the AG do something about this...

Zulkifli said...

harap Peguam Negara melakukan sesuatu ...jika file autopsy telah di hadapkan kepada pendakwaan ...tindakan segera perlu diambil untuk menenangkan sedikit perasaan keluarga Nurin...

dakwaan perlu di buat segera ...dan tindakan drastik dalam mencari pembunuh itu perlu di tingkatkan...

buktikan polis Malaysia boleh...penjenayah tu mungkin tengah bergembira dalam duka...tidur mana lena tu mimpi kena seligi oleh orang ramai...

Unknown said...

Dah pi US minta tolong FBI, tapi rupa-rupanya mereka cuma canggih dalam drama TV sahaja. Tertipu kita.......

Ya, Allah hanya kau sahaja yang dapat memberi hidayat dan petunjuk hingga tertangkapnya pembunuh tersebut....Alfatihah untuk Adik Nurin Jazlin, semuga kematian mu dapat dibela......

TaxConsultant said...

polis dah clueless? Rekod panggilan telefon tu dah semak ke? Takde ke cctv lain sepanjang jalan tu, stesen minyak, atm machine berhampiran, 7e. Etc? Dah check ke? Takde saksi langsung yg nampak?

old lady said...

Setiap hari menanti berita mengenai penangkapan makhluk durjana tu, atau sekurang2nya penangkapan penyebar yang cetek pemikirannya itu....tapi hampa. Hanya mampu berdoa setiap waktu agar mereka menerima pembalasan mereka secepat mungkin

Saya harap pihak berkuasa dapat melipatgandakan usaha pencarian, jangan hanya menunggu saksi tampil ke hadapan, dan jangan hanya menumpukan kepada jenayah2 yang melibatkan wang sahaja, tetapi melupakan jenayah yang melibatkan nyawa, terutama nyawa kanak2 yang tidak berdosa.

Zulkifli said...

frustrated...aku rasa orang frust bercinta pun tak frust macam ni ...

setidak tidaknya pengedar gambar autopsy tu di seret ke Mahkamah...sepatutnya sekarang perkara ni dah berlaku...

dan yang paling penting penjenayah atau penjenayah penjenayah yang seksa dan bunuh Nurin di tangkap...

ini jangan kata pokok angin pun tak ada....tiup time awal jer...

setuju dengan mak farrah kes macam ni perlu di beri keutamaan sebab dah di bawa ke parlimen pun bahawa orang ramai nak bawak anak keluar rumah pun takut...

sekarang nak tinggal anak dalam rumah macam jasni kata pun dah tak selamat...habis camna...?

come on la do something...berapa ramai lagi budak lepas Nurin? Presheena dan lain lain...?

I'm sad, depress and now suffering from hyper-tension...pembunuh keparat tu jalan sana sini senang lenang ...kita tension takut anak anak jadi mangsa...

rone said...

Never...NEVER putus asa...ingat Allah tempat sebaik-baiknya kita pohon....reservekan DOA supaya Allah bagi petunjuk & tertangkapnya bastard killer ni dan keep-on sembahyang hajat selalu.

Yup...macamana dgn surrounding CCTV to Jalan PJS 1/48, Petaling Jaya...takkan no CCTV at all!!

Rekod handphone mane...Polis dah siasat belum?? takkan nak tunggu FBI siasat jugak!!

Mana dia anggota-anggota yang bocorkan gambar autopsy...bila nak dakwa!!

left_wings said...

Kenapa polis tak check line hp yang dipakai oleh penjenayah tuh pada hari itu,waktu itu dan duration time dia pakai hp tuh..mesti adee rekod punya..tak ponnn pakai leee psikik ke..aku suka tgk citer CI kat channel 762 astro...psikik ni terbukti...

unicorn said...

chanel astro CI tu 732 bukannyer 762 left wing....

Mat Salo said...

Masya'Allah.. has it been that long already?

Bang Jasni, you can rest assured that the public is watching this case very closely --but what is the AG doing? This is public interest and concerns public safety. The killer(s) is still out there and they still can't even prosecute the unscrupulous people who leaked the autopsy photos --although the RMP claimed to know who they are...

We Malaysians are not going to let the matter rest until the perp(s) are brought to book. It's time for your family to seek closure, Oh God! I pray that you and your families be given the strength...