Pic : Some of the people attending the "Majlis Doa Selamat".
I was at Jazimin's new place yesterday attending a "Majlis Doa Selamat" in conjunction with their move there.
Things have surely brought new hopes to the tragic stricken family as not only they are now resuming their lives with a new home as their new base, the head of family i.e. Jazimin would also be charting a new lease of his career life when he takes up a new job come Monday.
I guess this bright future for the family could probably be the Almighty's way of allowing the family to move on with their lives, not only to be back to normalcy but on a better footing and platform.
Life is certainly taking a new leaf and I could see the grit and determination of the family to really move on to be just like any other families.
Nurin has certainly made an impact on the lives of everyone around her, not only during her lifetime but more so upon her demise from this cruel world.
Her impact is destined to be felt by other Malaysians as well when her legacy would be permanently carved in our lives via this Nurin Alert initiative that we're currently working on. Whether the Alert System will actually be bearing her name or not upon its adoption, that is not really important. What's important and what need to be remembered is the basic reason on why we need such Alert mechanism. And the answer to that is just simply that we do not want any other child to endure what Nurin had to endure during her last 28 days of her life.
Thank you Nurin for showing us the way, the way to save the lives of the innocents.
Jasni AJ
Hi Jasni, Alhamdullilah! I hope and pray Jazimin and Norazian will build a new life for their family, a life that would have made Nurin happy. We will never forget her in life and in death. Nothing can ever replace her in our hearts and in our memories. Take good care of the children. The emotional scars they bear will stay with them for the rest of their lives. Only remember the beautiful memories.
Alhamdullilah. Our prayers and best wishes will always be with the Jazimin family -- and bless you too, Jasni for being the caring person that you are, and keeping us 'strangers' informed. While we will never forget your niece, you are helping us to heal in a way, to move on too. Salam
May Allah bless them.true enough,only remember the beautiful memories to move on BUT do not forget (this tragedy).Do not forget kak ngah and her last ordeal.
because this is not normal forgive and forget matter. Dont let bygones be bygones.
tired of waiting of when the killers to be apprehended..!
Jasni AJ, have en jazimin & wifr done their umrah..?
Semoga Allah merahmati Jazimin dan keluarga...apapun hati ni tak akan senang selagi penjenayah tu tidak ditangkap ...
unicorn, torrent, benhapper..mana da kau menghilangkan diri...teruskan memblogging...depa baca tulisan ni dan mungkin akan ambil tindakan segera menyiasat kes Nurin..sebab masa yang di ambil terlalu lama aku rasa teramat KECEWA dengan cara autoriti kita bertindak...korang dah baca majalah Tell?
aku dah baca...dan cara tindakan polis menyiasat kes ini di tahap memalukan...ada satu part tu adakah dia suruh Jazimin cari arwah kat cyber cafe? masuk akal ker? aku sedih dan marah...
PM? marah sehari...masa Nurin yang dikasihi ditemui mati..and then tiada dengar apa-apa arahan lain terhadap kes ini...come on menteri do something...
seriously sedih...bayangkan kalau kes ini tidak di bawa ke media..adakah polis akan bertindak?
jangan marah rakyat buat spekulasi kalau benda jadi cam ni...tindakan slow sangat...kecewa dan tidak tahu kemana kan kubawa hati yang duka ini...
I will pray for Jazimin's family as well, and I hope that they will always be strong and move on. My children often said that Nurin always looked beautiful and yes, she will always be our angel. Not easy to forget such an angelic face. Let's move forward with Nurin Alert!
I believe they can only try to move on, but a mother i can imagine what Norazian feels abt the way her daughter suffered...the only salvation is that Nurin is with Allah SWT now and only feels joy and happiness...
Only last week and yesterday...another two baltant abductions and rapes and request for ransom...the f...ing criminals are getting bolder and bolder, making money and getting their fun too, grabbing women and kids in broad daylight...because they know:
1) they won't get caught
2) sentences are "pondan Bodoh" macam nazri and co
3) Police force outnumbered
4) pak Lah and company don't care
5) the leaders also busy looting khazanah negara and f..ing and blowing up women
6) rakyat playing "follow the leaders"
sori Jasni...
I'm really f...ing pissed
sori..."but as a mother'..and "blatant"...correction..typing in anger...
Agree with tehsin...I really do now...I'm very sad with how the case is being handle...the mentri's dont really care...like tehsin said kids and women are being kidnaped in broad daylight...and the criminals are not afraid of the law anymore...they rape they kill and they didn't get caught and now they can plan who the next victims without being afraid of the authority(ies) anymore...how lousy can it gets? this is ridiculous and doens't make any sense ...I know that Nurin is happy with Allah s.w.t in heaven but I couldn't help thinking that the suffer she've been through for 27 days....
the 27 days of her suffering plus the kind of action that the autorities have taken so far make me really sad and sick ...
Mr. Jazimin, I will pray everyday for you and your family. I believe that Nurin will bring lots of changes to the world, she did not die in vain, she is a little angel, she is in all of our hearts, we will not rest until the person responsible is caught...Keep on commenting ppl...lets keep this blog alive...lets keep the fire inside us burning...God bless Mr. Jazimin and family
dah fed up la zul, mcm2 la msia nih sekarang nih...jgn lingkup cukup..kita bukan ada duit nak pi migrate
Tehsin, nak migrate bukannya senang sekarang ni..kalau kaya cam menteri menteri senangla lari....seriously m'sia makin teruk ..social problem, crime rate naik...nilai matawang jatuh...try compare dgn Singapore S$1.00 = RM2.31...
takut memikirkan masa depan anak cucu kita nanti...
ialah kalau dah macam ni jadinya...susah tu..menteri semua ada guard bolehla tidur lena kita ni apa ada kalau kena apa apa macam ni la makan hati
Tehsin,it is true it will be very difficult for the family to move on, so we can only pray for them. It is easier said than done, as mom to 3 kids, I can only imagine the suffering they went through.
Unfortunately, crime and corruption is at all time high, and still will be. Police definitely not focusing on public safety, probably polishing their water cannons, as usual - nothing new to all of us. I am doubtful if it ever will improve or change.so, meantime, we have to fend for ourselves and loved ones. Look at Nurin's case, remained unsolved, autopsy photo case, remained closed.
ya another thing, autopsy photo case...Is it close? what is happening here? knock, knock, knock ...anybody home...? this is so n@%&&******* tak masuk akal...ridiculous....? semua penjenayah yang terbabit dalam kes Nurin semua terlepas macam tu sahaja...bila nak dakwa yang sebar gambar autopsy tu? tak akan nak tunggu perhimpunan aman lagi sekali...?????????
zul & others,
i havent read TELL cos couldnt find one in nearest bookstores.but i will soon.
as i was saying earlier on (back in ramadhan mth),nurin could be saved kalau police take quick action like using dog sniffer and making road blocks.Dlm 3 hari jejak masih kuat and kalau pakai hypnosis atau ulamak/pakar traditional cari org hilang pasti nurin dpt diselamatkan. sebab nurin dlm 3 days tu masih kuat,auranya dpt dirasa lagi but soon after hanya Allah swt yg tahu .
newpapers dan other media tht time sounded not 'serious' lagi mungkin di stereotype dgn kes YIN, which was found well & alive.
entahler, kdg2 sebab terlalu take thing for granted benda mcm ini terjadi. lepas 2 minggu nurin hilang,berita tv3 dan lain2 spt melupakan kes nurin tanpa publicise more kecuali rtm1 yg selalu disiarkan puisi 'kembalikan' khas utk nurin.
aku ada hantar email kat buletin tv3 inquire why tak follow up kes nurin yg ketika itu belum ditemui? nurin aku katakan sedang menangis keseorangan menantikan ada org dtg menolong. pah tu ,barulah ada berita pendek ttg nurin semula.
aku sedih, kecewa,migrain bila aku melihat mayat 'budak' ditv,mmg firasat aku berat mengatakan itu nurin w/p sblm disahkan.
berhari2 menangis sebab anak aku, angah sebaya dan very bubbly, manja.tak mungkin aku sekuat pn norazian dan jazimin..
cepat2 lah pembunuh2 itu di tangkap sebelum kena anak org lain pula.kalau ada pistol,senapang dan AUTHORITY,tiap2 mlm aku pi ronda dan soal siasat org
Jazimin suami isteri masih belum sempat mengerjakan umrah berikutan visa hanya dikeluarkan kepada individu tertentu sahaja selepas Hari Raya sehingga musim haji.
InsyaAllah, Jazimin suami isteri akan dapat melaksanakan umrah itu selepas musim haji nanti. Sekarang ini mereka sedang belajar apa yang patut supaya ibadah mereka itu nanti sempurna hasilnya.
Jasni AJ
Semuga Encik Jazimin dan Puan Norazian tabah menjalankan kehidupan yang perlu diteruskan....Doa saya semuga mereka tabah menghadapi dugaan dan segala kemungkinan yang perlu ditempuh di dunia ini..Amin
Nurin Jazlin sentiasa dalam ingatan...
Tehsin, let me add some more...
7) johari keep saying reporter/public should ask no more about Nurin's case
8) nazri always confuse "It the witness protected by law or is not' -I think he's failed several times when he did law's paper last time
9) IGP musa busy with road block to block the protesters even from 3 am!!
10) KJ busy with his monkey's behave
11) Zam keep blaming aljazeera because showing the world what malaysia democracy look like
12) the rest of cabinet members aiming to RMK 9-ada masyuk ka!
-How dare the police says 'No criminal element....Go look Nurin at the cybercafe.."
-How dare when IGP musa & nazri asked to charge the parents b'cos allowed the girl Nurin to go to pasar malam on her own
-How dare when johari said media should not asked more abaout Nurin's case
-How dare when the police said 'No lead...we don't know...'
- How dare the police till now let free their person who distributed autopcy picture in internet
-How dare they let this little girl brutally horrific tortured for last 28 days
I'm 100% agreed bring this case to court and see 'how dare the will answer to court'
Bastard coward killers-your days are numbered!
so sori Jasni
unicorn, tehsin,rone and ors ...doesn't make sense...only two person with camera in the autopsy room and they took like how many months to solve the case...how slow can they be?
the B%sT*rd, killer, murderer is laughing hysterically at how our police handling this case...
please PM and others do something about this case before the election ....this case is bigger then DSAI case....
This case is about every one of us...and will have effect in the G.E...so Please...
musa hassan,johari baharum DEFINITELY have to go..!
sori ler, tapi aku rasa kalau masa TUN mahathir,kes ni mesti ada development sebab tun seorang yg caring sgt towards children (my auntie pernah berurusan dgn tun dulu)
maybe siang malam he push IGP for new development...sadly, he no more with us.so pak lah,show that u r also care! jgn mulut jer ckp!
jasni AJ,
ive just noticed 'the delivery' video clip paste on this blog.
but when i clicked, nothing come out.it's said 'the page cannot be displayed' why is that?
agree with unicorn, tun is very aggresive...
hopefully Pak Lah will do the same in this case..PLEASE...anda di beri mandat untuk menjaga keselamatan dan kesejahteraan rakyat...kuasa di tangan anda ...please do something about this
this is painful not only for Jazimin and family but for all of us ....
Hi Jasni,saya adalah penduduk area jln klang lama..sejak kes penemuan mayat arwah adik nurin, saya turut merasa kepedihan keluarga arwah..saya tidak tahu samada pihak polis ada mendengar kes di mana dua tahun lalu ada seorang lelaki cuba mengumpan seorang budak di taman permainan waktu ptg..lelaki itu duduk dlm sebuah van putih..kebetulan nasib baik ada orang ternampak kejadian mengumpan itu dan menyergah lelaki itu..lepas itu lelaki tersebut lari bersama vannya...saya cuma terdengar kes ini dari penduduk taman medan..yang menjadi tanda tanya saya, apakah tiada saksi langsung yang mengenali lelaki bersama van putih tersebut..adakah mereka orang yang sama terlibat dalam kes bunuh arwah..saya cuma nak sampaikan maklumat utk membantu menjejak mereka dan tak ada niat nak mengganggu siasatan polis..
Dear Kaisara,
Thank you for the info. Incidently, when Dr. Sazali conducted his search for the then missing Nurin, he was led to the same area.
You may wish to note that the body was delivered at a location at PJS, near to Jalan Klang Lama.
Your theory is therefore logical and I'm sure the police have the same sense too.
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