Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Of hypnotic and mystical help

Unicorn gave me an idea on what to write today. In her comment on my earlier posting on "Moving On", she said, "...and kalau pakai hypnosis atau ulamak/pakar traditional cari org hilang pasti nurin dpt diselamatkan. sebab nurin dlm 3 days tu masih kuat,auranya dpt dirasa lagi ...".

Well, other than the almost daily prayers conducted individually as well as in congregation with other concerned relatives, friends and neighbours, we have had our fair share of experience with the various techniques and methodologies of the hypnotic and mystical practices throughout the 28 days period.

Before I proceed with the article, I wish to make it clear that this article is written just to solely share our so-called experience with you. This article is definitely not intended to belittle any of the practitioners at all. In fact we are very indebted and grateful to all of them, as most of them were sincere in extending their services to us and most of them had actually volunteered for the services without asking for even a sen. In fact, a vast majority of them came over to offer their services instead of us seeking for theirs.

One the first day when Nurin went missing, Jazimin was recommended by someone to check with a practitioner whom according to some had actually succeeded in locating missing persons.

Taking that recommendation, he met up with the practitioner and upon doing his "readings", he gave us indications on the whereabouts of the child.

He described the place as "in between Wangsa Maju and Setapak Jaya", "look like a multiple storey building", " a green mosque nearby", "a number of Chinese mini temples" and "flickering lights here and there".

Based on these descriptions, we went around to look for such a location that matches with the descriptions. Believe it or not, there was this particular location that have all these descriptions at its surrounding.

Failed to get the police assistance to conduct a search party, we spend the whole night long and until the next day surveilling the place, looking out for any signs of the child being there.

The next day, we managed to get the neighbourhood's Rukun Tetangga people to help us search the residential units, but since it was a civilian search, we could only asked if any of them saw the missing child.

As no actual search party was ever conducted at that place, we never know whether the child was indeed kept there.

A few days later, another practitioner gave us another indication of another location. This time, it was at the Wangsa Keramat area. The surrounding area was described in great detail (except for the exact house) where the child was presumably kept. Again, we conducted our own search party. But by this time, the Police were kind enough to track the area as well, but obviously we were unsuccessful.

There was also another tip from another practitioner, this time saying that the child was on her way to Hutan Melintang, heading for a jetty to cross into the neighbouring country. The practitioner had even gave us the 4 digits of the van presumably used by the captor(s). Jazimin and his friend immediately rushed for Hutan Melintang, but again with no success.

These are some of the earlier tips that were conveyed to us by the different practitioners, each one with different sightings and stories. Though confusing at times, we were not too disturbed as our main concern was to find the missing child without ruling out any "tips" at all.

There was also this another practitioner (who is a Silat Master)who had actually gave explicit and horrifying details of the child's abduction. Now knowing the outcome of the tragedy, I would think that from among all the practitioners whom we got into contact with, he is perhaps the only person who had actually got it right from the very start, i.e. Nurin was in great danger.

However, the "negative" reading was never conveyed to Jazimin as just like anyone else we were never sure of anything.

Days later we came into contact with Dr. Sazali, the remote sensing expert. He did the hypnosis or remote sensing method, a report of which is published in the latest issue of Mastika. For the record, Dr. Sazali never told us of his findings until much later. However, unlike the other practitioners, Dr. Sazali conducted his own search party with the help of the police. One of his search party was reported in Harian Metro.

As days passes by, more and more "tips" were conveyed, ranging from the child being abducted by the unseen spirits (bunian) to kidnapped by child trafficking syndicate etc. etc.

What am I driving at? Hmmm, I don't know actually. Perhaps, what I'm trying to say here is, yes there are people out there who have this special gift, but I guess we would simply would not know which one of them are really and genuinely able to do so. As far as we're concerned, I would think the Silat Master and probably Dr. Sazali were more accurate than others.

The Silat Master uses purely quranic verses in his readings while Dr. Sazali uses an international approach blended with some quranic verses as well.

In the final analysis, I guess we were just simply unfortunate that though we had tried, none of the "services" sought and received in the pursuit of finding Nurin failed to produce the results we were hoping for.


Jasni AJ


Unknown said...

salam semua.
Komen saya ialah.... tanggungjawab tetap tanggungjawab.. kita tak boleh lari.. Usaha mesti kena buat. Dulu masa hilang, usaha ialah untuk cari bagi dapat. Sekarang kita dah tau apa jadi kat adik Nurin, usaha menjurus kepada cari penjenayah. Tak kira la pakai apa bentuk cara sekalipun, semua itu adalah usaha.
Saya baca komen yg lepas, banyak yang berdoa agar penjenayah ditangkap. Tetapi yg perlu di ingat semua ialah, mungkin Zaman sekarang ini- doa dan pengharapan tidak cukup. Kita kena sama sama keluar cari org hilang atau ambik gambar penjenayah, bawak ofis ke dan cuba tanya ada tak kenal sapa dia tu.
Kita dah tau polis pun dah tak banyak maklumat sebab tu tak ada perkembangan (saya harap saya silap).. Tetapi cuba ingat- kalau perkara ini terjadi kat anak menteri ke, anak ViP ke... sure keliling lubang cacing diorang cari. Perlu ingat majority kita semua bukan menteri, ViP, businessmen, etc. Jadi jgn harap ada harapan sangat.
itu saja nukilan saya... Pesan saya.. banyakkan baca doa dan yaasin mintak kebaikan atas semua org..

old lady said...

Saudara Jasni, and sekeluarga telah banyak berusaha dan tidak hanya berserah kepada pihak berkuasa yang semakin lama semakin diam. Sampaikan orang nak bertanya pun tak boleh.

Apa kabar ibu dan ayah serta kakak dan adik2 nurin di rumah baru mereka. doa saya sentiasa bersama mereka.

Green_Man said...

Salam semua..

Saudara Jasni, dah lama saya x komen di sini walaupun setiap hari saya melawat blog ini sebanyak 3 kali.

Segala usaha ikhtiar yang saudara dan keluarga serta teman2 buat dalam pencarian arwah Nurin tetap dinilai pahala di sisi Allah, yakinlah...segalanya da hikmah yang Allah sahaja yang mengetahui.

Usaha itu adalah lambang kasih sayang sesama insan yang belum luput dek zaman. Berbagai pihak datang menawarkan khidmat dalam pelbagai bentuk dan cara.

Malah ada yang membantu tanpa diketahui pihak saudara sendiri.

Pemergian arwah Nurin anyak membuka mata masyarakat khususnya ibu bapa agar lebih perhatian kepada anak-anak. Mungkin selama ini terlalu sibuk dengan kerja atau tidak kisah jika anak tak pulang rumah.

Tetapi perlu diingat, hikmah itu hanya berguna kepada mereka yang mahu mengambil pengajaran dari sesuatu peristiwa. Masih ramai ibu bapa yang acuh tak acuh dalam menjaga anak.

Sebelum ini ada ibu yang anaknya hilang dari rumah. Kepada wartawan dia mengatakan kasih dan sayang, x lalu makan dan sebagainya dek kehilangan anak...tapi realitinya amat menyedihkan.

Saya sempat merisik khabar di kawasan perumahan berkenaan melalui rukun tetangga dan persatuan penduduk..ternyata si ibu ini pun jenis tak kisah jika anak tak pulang ke rumah.

Semasa anak ditemui..ada orang hantar ke rumah, si ibu tidak berada di sana. bila dihubungi rupa2nya dia sedang menikmati juadah rendang ketupat di rumah terbuka hari raya. Alahai..entahlah apa nak jadi.

Tentang hal pak polisi kita nih..memang mereka semua sedang teramat sibuk..dekat pilihanraya, banyak demonstrasi, banyak acara grand seperti LIMA, ada pula kes melibatkan anak VIP kena bunuh (memang cekap mencekup kalau bab family VIP nih).

So..kita perlu teruskan usaha mencari dan mencari penjenayah yang masih berkeliaran disekitar kita.

Beberapa hari lalu..seorang ibu mengadu bahawa anaknya diganggu sekumpulan 4 orang pemuda 20an disekitar keramat. Mereka minta no tel atau hp, konon nak jadikan adik angkat. Sasarannya hanya pada kanak-kanak 12 th ke bwh. Risau jadinya..saya terus hubungi polis. Tapi tiada apa berita pun.

Kumpulan tu pun belum muncul lagi sbb dah tahu saya bagitau polis. Saya sedang memantau keadaan.

Kita kena peka lah. kalau ada yng mencurigakan, cepatlah bertindak, jgn sampai dah terantuk baru tegadah.

Sekali lagi..saudara2 semua, usaha anda tetap bernilai di sisi Tuhan.


unicorn said...

Jasni AJ,

sometime our hardwork and initiative doesnt always turn out to what we are hoping for.one thing for sure ,u have to know the right people/experts. BUT i wld do the same kalau dah desperate,org ckp dia ni bagus, kita try, org ni bagus, kita cuba juga. Berikhtiar apa saja demi anak tercinta.Namun Allah swt lah yg menentukan.

prepetrators ini bila dah cium bau makin jauh dia lari..mungkin masa civillian search tu,anda semua telah melepasi rumah nurin dikurung tapi apakan daya...mlgnya earlier stage,tiada pihak berkuasa yg ada authority utk buat house search.

i can imagine how frustated all of you.i feel the same and i keep reminding myself that arwah is in the safest place,so close to her Creator (swt).

pendita alam,

dr apa yg anda tulis, anda seorang yg bertanggungjawab dan prihatin. keep it up. kerja itu bukan sia-sia.kalau bukan didunia di akhirat saja balasannya.Hanya Allah yg tahu.

.. said...

I can imagine the pain and anguish Nurin's family went through, leads after leads and nothing positive came out of it.

We wish no parents, family and child to go through the same pain again. Let's move forward with NurinAlert.

..and thanks Jasni for sharing, I know it must have been tough then.

Zulkifli said...

Tears In Heaven Lyrics

Would you know my name
If I saw you in heaven
Will it be the same
If I saw you in heaven
I must be strong, and carry on
Cause I know I don't belong
Here in heaven

Would you hold my hand
If I saw you in heaven
Would you help me stand
If I saw you in heaven
I'll find my way, through night and day
Cause I know I just can't stay
Here in heaven

Time can bring you down
Time can bend your knee
Time can break your heart
Have you begging please
Begging please


Beyond the door
There's peace I'm sure.
And I know there'll be no more...
Tears in heaven

Would you know my name
If I saw you in heaven
Will it be the same
If I saw you in heaven
I must be strong, and carry on
Cause I know I don't belong
Here in heaven

Cause I know I don't belong
Here in heaven

The hottest songs from Eric Clapton one of my fav...
ditujukan khas untuk semua bloggers disini...lagu ini mengingatkan aku pada Nurin yang dikasihi....dan mengingatkan aku betapa kecilnya manusia bila berhadapan dengan tuhan nanti...

kepada pembunuh Nurin doa dari orang teraniaya biasanya akan di kabulkan oleh Allah ..lebih baik kamu menyerah sekarang kerana hukuman Allah s.w.t adalah sepedih pedih hukuman...ingat dihujung zaman ini segala perbuatan jahat akan dibayar cash semasa hidup....berhati hatilah anda tidak akan lepas....

TaxConsultant said...

emm tadi masa kerja ada dengar radio.. iklan kasih ibu di era.. iklan tu lebih kurang cerita mcm ni ..ada seorang ibu nasihatkan ibu yang lain supaya jangan biarkan anak terperuk kat rumah.. dia nasihatkan ibu tu supaya suruh anaknya keluar bermain dengan kawan-kawan ni taman permainan.. kalau duduk terkurung jer boleh menyebabkan menyebabkan anak takde keyakinan diri dan jadi pemalu..

dengan keadaan sekarang ni.. macam mana nak suruh budak keluar bermaian dengan kawan-kawan..
nasihat tu dah betul tetapi selamatkah? atau si ibu tu kena ekor buntut budak tu sepanjang masa?

bila dengar iklan tu aku senyum jer.. antara betul dan tidak.

Jutawan Internet said...

semoga keluarga encik jazimin lebih tenang dirumah yang baru, beroleh kesihatan yang baik dan rezeki yang dimudahkan. Amin

tehsin mukhtar said...

Allah sahaja yang tahu why the psychic help wasn't successful...maybe Nurin was chosen to go through all this as a reminder to all parents to care properly for their kids in this evil ridden age of the end of time...Only He Knows, and He is never unjust or cruel.

Just looking at the VOBBO website, site of video blogs, kita boleh lihat beratus2 video budak2 Melayu/Islam, remaja2 seks bebas who gleefully pose for the camera tanpa segan silu, showing the extent of depravity in our youth today. Mat Salleh post video elok2 untuk share, tapi anak2 melayu/Islam post video lucah dan seks bebas. Mana tak rosak minda pemuda2 Islam sampai sanggup buat perkara begitu kejam pada Nurin di tengah Ramadhan mulia...

Reading the Mastika article, I was upset reading about how the parents of the victims of the Kampung Baru felt some sort of shame yg perkara memalukan happened to their kids. It is a pitiful mindset...anak2 itu tidak ada apa2 untuk dimalukan...yang perlu malu binatang2 yang memperlakukan anak2 itu...sumbat terung, timun macam orang gila...orang gila pun tak terpikir benda2 mcm ni...these men are just evil, pure and simple.

The extent of child pornography in the West is so horrifying...we haven't done any study on the extent and pervasiveness of this in Malaysia/our society in general. If so many kids are being abused macam Nurin and the other kids,it is obvious there is a big problem here and some study must be done on the perpetrators and what motivates them to such heinous crimes and what can be done to prevent/reduce such crimes.

Izleen said...

En Jasni & En Jazimin,

Usaha kalian tidak sia-sia walaupun menemui jalan buntu. Kita hanya mampu berikhtiar namun Allah Maha Kaya yang menentukan. Every cloud has a silver lining.

Rasulullah SAW bersabda yang maksudnya: "Jika seorang hamba Allah kematian anak, Allah bertanya kepada Malaikat: 'Adakah kamu mengambil nyawa anak hamba-Ku? Malaikat menjawab:'Ya.' Allah bertanya lagi: "Kamu sudah mengambil nyawa buah hatinya?" Malaikat menjawab: "Ya". Allah bertanya kali ketiga: "Apakah kata hamba-Ku? "Malaikat menjawab: "Dia bersyukur pada-Mu serta mengucapkan 'Dari Allah kita datang dan kepada-Nya kita kembali'. Allah Taala memerintahkan malaikat-Nya: 'Binalah baginya sebuah rumah di syurga dan namakan rumah itu 'Rumah Kesyukuran'. (Hadis riwayat at-Tirmidzi dan Ibnu Hibban.


.. said...

In the west, the use of psychics are well known and they have solved many cases for the Police. These are no bomohs, just normal people with a gift. We just didnt do enough for Nurin. I know many send words of condolences to the family, but losing someone we love, having had her for 9 years, nurtured, placed hopes and cherised, it is not an easy thing.
Let's not have another Nurin case again. Let's work together and be united to push Nurin Alert, the next child we save could be someone we know and love.

unicorn said...

i agree with you marykate,no more victim,no more..!

as zulkifli said last time,we have to have more visitors and bloggers in the blog.the pepretrators have not yet caught.Dont forget nurin.justice must prevail.

yes, moving on but fact is;things are not the same anymore..

Zulkifli said...

you are right unicorn, this blog must remain until the criminal son of whatever he is is in jail...
waiting for the death penalty...
this blog can act as a reminder that all of us did not forget Nurin even one second....

we know and hope that the police trying their best but in this situation ...it is not enough...may be should give Ust. Harun Din and Ust. Ismail Kamus to give a go in this case....why not?

.. said...

dear all
this is just the beginning, we still have a long way to have NURIN ALERT to be in motion, but with the great effort put in by Jasni and many fellow bloggers, it is coming to reality soon.

Even after implementation of NurinAlert, there are also so many things that can be done. For online, support CODE AMBER, have this tiker on your blog, its FREE and serves a reminer to all of us about NurinAlert. It's cool too. Get your AmberAlert ticker from www.codeamber.org. In US, the ticker will change to yellow whenever there is a missing child, giving important information of the missing child. I am looking forward to our own ticker, code NURIN.

unicorn said...

by Jaimie D. Travis

Image of you in a cloud rolls by
The sky opens up, somewhere in my mind
A vision of you in a pale blue dress
Tears falling down, you took my breath
Memories of you . . .

Rain always hides these tears in my eyes
Thunder laughs and my soul dies
Will I hear your voice
Will I touch your skin
Will the ocean waves let me in

Epitaph read like a warning sign
Lightning strikes, I close my eyes
A vision of you in a torn red dress
Tears in your eyes, your hair a mess
Memories of you . . .

Rain always hides these tears in my eyes
Thunder laughs and my soul dies
Will I hear your voice
Will I touch your skin
Will the ocean waves let me in

The time is near, the time is nigh
To answer the call, to answer the cry
My head still spins, my body aches
Cold wind stings my eyes, my face
Look around, no one there
Will anybody notice, anyone care . . .

Will I hear you laugh
Will I see you cry
Will this world just end and let me die

my dear nurin jazlin,u r always in my mind n heart.God loves u so much .ur death will be 'avenged'.

Jasni AJ said...

Thanks Mary Kate for the information on the "ticker". Will check it out on how it works.

Jasni AJ

Ahmad said...

Segalanya Allah dah tentukan.. Macam mana hebat pn seseorang itu, macam mana benar pon cara die, kalau Dia tak izinkan, then there is nothing we can do..

Ada hikmah disebalik insiden ni.. Cume kita tatau sbb kita hamba.. At least Nurin selamat kat sana, she's waiting for her parents there.. sabarlah.. sabar ker,tak sabar ke, Nurin dah pergi.. lebih baik sabar dan redha..

Dan pemergian beliau adalah satu amaran daripada langit, bahawa Allah itu Wujud, Allah itu Maha berkuasa, sehebat mana pun usaha, kalau Allah tak izinkan, tiada hasil.. kalau dikumpulkan semesta alam, segala yang Allah penah cipta, and go against Him, nescaya Allah tidak rugi walau sedikit pon..

sabarlah.. Semoga Allah melembutkan hati penjenayah tu untuk serah diri before it's too late..

mawar said...

semalam sy ada jumpa seorang kanak-kanak yg mirip adik nurin. sy tenung budak tu lama2.secara x sengaja,sy sebak dan hampir menitis air mata sy bila terkenangkan arwah. ape pun...diharapkan semua berdoa semoga Allah makbulkan doa kita semua supaya penjenayah tu dpt ditangkap.
kepada pihak berkuasa...dimanakah ANDA? klu hal org VIP cepat je kes berjalan...!!! tapi kes NURIN JAZLIN ne dimanakah ANDA?...