THE home of Sharlinie Mohd Nashar was filled with relatives, neighbours and well-wishers who attended the kenduri doa selamat yesterday.
The ceremony after Isyak prayers saw the guests reciting the Yaasin and other prayers.
Also present was Batang Kali State assemblyman Datuk Zainal Abidin Sakom. Amidst the sombre mood, numerous theories were bandied about her disappearance.
A neighbour, who only wished to be known as Che Ani, believed that black magic could be involved.
“Just look at the case of Nurin Jazlin. Until today, police still can’t find the identity of the man carrying the bag in the CCTV footage. I believe the man who kidnapped Nurin is the same culprit who has Sharlinie now.
“He’s practising some sort of black magic and that’s why Sharlinie can’t be found.”
Another neighbour, Saiton Bidin, 53, said that before the child was reported missing, the girl always came to her house to buy ice-cream.
“Sharlinie and her sister always came over to buy ice-cream. But on the day she went missing, she didn’t show up at all. I miss her. She is just a little child, she doesn’t know anything.
“It’s hard to believe that she has been gone for 22 days,” she said.
- The Malay Mail
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Kes Sharlinie: Lapor kepada polis jika jiran berpindah mengejut
30/01/2008 5:16pm
PETALING JAYA 30 Jan. – Lapor kepada polis jika jiran anda berkelakuan mencurigakan atau berpindah dengan tergesa-gesa ketika pihak berkuasa menjalankan pemeriksaan dari rumah ke rumah dalam gerakan mencari Sharlinie Mohd. Nashar.
Itu pesanan Ketua Polis Selangor, Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar yang mengharapkan keprihatinan dan kerjasama orang ramai dalam membantu polis mencari kanak-kanak perempuan berusia lima tahun itu yang hilang sejak tiga minggu lepas.
Beliau berkata, masyarakat perlu mengambil tahu perkembangan jiran masing-masing dan saling mengenalinya.
“Saya mohon masyarakat melaporkan sekiranya ada jiran yang berpindah secara tiba-tiba dalam tempoh dua minggu kebelakangan ini supaya kami boleh menyiasat sama ada ia ada kaitan dengan kes kehilangan Sharlinie,” katanya kepada pemberita di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Petaling Jaya hari ini.
– Bernama
PETALING JAYA 30 Jan. – Lapor kepada polis jika jiran anda berkelakuan mencurigakan atau berpindah dengan tergesa-gesa ketika pihak berkuasa menjalankan pemeriksaan dari rumah ke rumah dalam gerakan mencari Sharlinie Mohd. Nashar.
Itu pesanan Ketua Polis Selangor, Datuk Khalid Abu Bakar yang mengharapkan keprihatinan dan kerjasama orang ramai dalam membantu polis mencari kanak-kanak perempuan berusia lima tahun itu yang hilang sejak tiga minggu lepas.
Beliau berkata, masyarakat perlu mengambil tahu perkembangan jiran masing-masing dan saling mengenalinya.
“Saya mohon masyarakat melaporkan sekiranya ada jiran yang berpindah secara tiba-tiba dalam tempoh dua minggu kebelakangan ini supaya kami boleh menyiasat sama ada ia ada kaitan dengan kes kehilangan Sharlinie,” katanya kepada pemberita di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Petaling Jaya hari ini.
– Bernama
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Bomoh proved wrong
PETALING JAYA: Yesterday was the day a group of bomoh had "divined" that Sharlinie Mohd Nashar would be reunited with her family. The day came and went without any sign of the missing 5-year-old.
What is worse is that police still have no clue as to her whereabouts. They have no photofit of the suspect, nor do they even know how she disappeared three weeks ago.
This is because their only witness, Sharlinie's elder sister Sharliena, is unable to give an accurate account of what happened that day nor can she give a proper description of the perpetrator.
Still, police are trying their best to locate the girl, with daily search operations not merely in the district, but in surrounding areas and the rest of the Klang Valley and neighbouring states.
Even border checkpoints have been on high alert for the past three weeks for anyone even remotely resembling Sharlinie, as her kidnapper could have somehow altered her looks so that no one would recognise her, especially with posters of her having been put up all over the country.
Police had not pinned their hopes on the bomoh's predictions.
"They are only voicing out their opinions which will be investigated by the police," said district police chief Assistant Commissioner Arjunaidi Mohamed.
Until today, however, not a single bomoh has come forward to help police in their search.
Arjunaidi said the search plan changed from day to day depending on information received from the public.
Most of these bits of information included suspected sightings of Sharlinie. All were checked out and all have been proven untrue.
- New Straits Times
What is worse is that police still have no clue as to her whereabouts. They have no photofit of the suspect, nor do they even know how she disappeared three weeks ago.
This is because their only witness, Sharlinie's elder sister Sharliena, is unable to give an accurate account of what happened that day nor can she give a proper description of the perpetrator.
Still, police are trying their best to locate the girl, with daily search operations not merely in the district, but in surrounding areas and the rest of the Klang Valley and neighbouring states.
Even border checkpoints have been on high alert for the past three weeks for anyone even remotely resembling Sharlinie, as her kidnapper could have somehow altered her looks so that no one would recognise her, especially with posters of her having been put up all over the country.
Police had not pinned their hopes on the bomoh's predictions.
"They are only voicing out their opinions which will be investigated by the police," said district police chief Assistant Commissioner Arjunaidi Mohamed.
Until today, however, not a single bomoh has come forward to help police in their search.
Arjunaidi said the search plan changed from day to day depending on information received from the public.
Most of these bits of information included suspected sightings of Sharlinie. All were checked out and all have been proven untrue.
- New Straits Times
Monday, January 28, 2008
The Dialogue Box : Keep pranks tasteful, please
By Ayu Musa Kamal, Senior writer
I LOVE working with The Malay Mail — not just the paper but its staff — my co-workers, or more appro priately my friends, who al ways manage to turn a hec tic and stressful day into a fun day.
The jovial atmosphere, I was told by my seniors, has always been The Malay Mail culture and was what kept most of us going despite the rough times.
When I first joined the pa per, I was not prepared for the challenges ahead but I blen ded in and enjoyed every minute of it.
The office is filled with jokers and pranksters.
These jokes and pranks are normally harmless and keep all of us going, especially when we’re faced with deadlines and strict editors demanding stor ies.
The lively mood has always managed to lighten things.
Despite some of the jokes being slightly brash for some who are not used to such an environment, The Malay Mail residents have grown accustomed to this and it takes less than a month for a newbie to make a comeback after being teased relentlessly by their seniors.
It’s good to know that those who have joined The Malay Mail, men and women alike, have always been good sports and always know the differ ence between a good joke and a bad one.
A good joker knows when to stop and knows the difference between what’s funny and what’s not.
I’m glad though that nobody at our office is as heartless and irresponsible as those who have been sending false text messages and making prank calls to the parents of Sharlinie Mohd Nashar, who has been missing for almost three weeks.
Perhaps to these individuals, it cracks them up to give the parents the run around.
Maybe it is funny to them that her parents are trying so hard to find their little girl, hoping that the public would lend a hand instead of be coming a target to be picked on when they are already down.
Maybe it would be funny to them if their own child or loved one goes missing.
Surely, it wouldn’t be funny if something like this happens to them. There’s nothing hilarious about losing a child and you don’t need to be a parent to figure that out.
On Jan 15, a 16-year-old student was arrested and is out on bail for sending prank text messages to Sharlinie’s parents, while the next day, a 27-year-old maid was arrested for giving false information.
More recently, rumours have been circulating stating that Sharlinie was found in Ulu Yam, Selangor, and that a DNA sample had been sent for testing.
In response to these ru mours, Petaling Jaya police chief Assistant Commissioner Arjunaidi Mohamed pleaded to the public to stop such acts which are not just affecting Sharlinie’s family’s feelings but also disturbing police in vestigation.
Regardless of how the in formation is circulated, it is a waste of time for the police to be hunting down culprits who are giving out false inform ation.
A similar case that comes to mind is the case of Nurin Jazlin, where pictures of her post-mortem were widely circulated over the Internet.
I received the e-mail and it upset me terribly.
It does not take a genius to figure out what can be forwarded and what should not.
In this case, if you think you can help, contact the po lice and tell them what you know instead of sending false information and forwarding something you are unsure of.
To all those irresponsible pranksters, please think of something more original the next time you’re thinking of pulling a prank.
It’s never funny when you’re making fun of other people’s misery.
- The Malay Mail
I LOVE working with The Malay Mail — not just the paper but its staff — my co-workers, or more appro priately my friends, who al ways manage to turn a hec tic and stressful day into a fun day.
The jovial atmosphere, I was told by my seniors, has always been The Malay Mail culture and was what kept most of us going despite the rough times.
When I first joined the pa per, I was not prepared for the challenges ahead but I blen ded in and enjoyed every minute of it.
The office is filled with jokers and pranksters.
These jokes and pranks are normally harmless and keep all of us going, especially when we’re faced with deadlines and strict editors demanding stor ies.
The lively mood has always managed to lighten things.
Despite some of the jokes being slightly brash for some who are not used to such an environment, The Malay Mail residents have grown accustomed to this and it takes less than a month for a newbie to make a comeback after being teased relentlessly by their seniors.
It’s good to know that those who have joined The Malay Mail, men and women alike, have always been good sports and always know the differ ence between a good joke and a bad one.
A good joker knows when to stop and knows the difference between what’s funny and what’s not.
I’m glad though that nobody at our office is as heartless and irresponsible as those who have been sending false text messages and making prank calls to the parents of Sharlinie Mohd Nashar, who has been missing for almost three weeks.
Perhaps to these individuals, it cracks them up to give the parents the run around.
Maybe it is funny to them that her parents are trying so hard to find their little girl, hoping that the public would lend a hand instead of be coming a target to be picked on when they are already down.
Maybe it would be funny to them if their own child or loved one goes missing.
Surely, it wouldn’t be funny if something like this happens to them. There’s nothing hilarious about losing a child and you don’t need to be a parent to figure that out.
On Jan 15, a 16-year-old student was arrested and is out on bail for sending prank text messages to Sharlinie’s parents, while the next day, a 27-year-old maid was arrested for giving false information.
More recently, rumours have been circulating stating that Sharlinie was found in Ulu Yam, Selangor, and that a DNA sample had been sent for testing.
In response to these ru mours, Petaling Jaya police chief Assistant Commissioner Arjunaidi Mohamed pleaded to the public to stop such acts which are not just affecting Sharlinie’s family’s feelings but also disturbing police in vestigation.
Regardless of how the in formation is circulated, it is a waste of time for the police to be hunting down culprits who are giving out false inform ation.
A similar case that comes to mind is the case of Nurin Jazlin, where pictures of her post-mortem were widely circulated over the Internet.
I received the e-mail and it upset me terribly.
It does not take a genius to figure out what can be forwarded and what should not.
In this case, if you think you can help, contact the po lice and tell them what you know instead of sending false information and forwarding something you are unsure of.
To all those irresponsible pranksters, please think of something more original the next time you’re thinking of pulling a prank.
It’s never funny when you’re making fun of other people’s misery.
- The Malay Mail
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Stray Thoughts : It’s my daughter!
ANOTHER month, another missing child, and suddenly we’re all fired up again.
But this will probably wind down and we’ll go about our own business. Until the next missing child, that is.
Just before eight-year-old Nurin Jazlin Jazimin’s battered body was found stuffed into a sports bag last September, when she was merely another missing child, The Star ran a story pointing out that she was just one among 17 children under the age of nine on the police’s list of missing persons who had vanished between January and July last year.
More children continued to disappear, the most recent being five-year-old Sharlinie Mohd Nashar.
So now the Nurin Alert emergency response plan is fast becoming a reality. The Women, Family and Community Development Ministry has proposed a technical committee to come up with a Child Protection policy.
The Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation has recommended a “Child Watch” comprising government officials and representatives from non-govermental organisations that would work closely with law enforcement agencies to keep a closer watch on the safety of children.
But as an Interpol ( paper on missing children has noted, there is no specific law in Malaysia that governs the reporting and handling of cases of missing children. Malaysian police make inquiries on missing persons under Sections 3and 20 of the Police Act.
I think it’s past time for us to look at missing children as a national issue that requires a complete revamp and rethink of policy, people and processes, with a lot of emphasis on prevention. And I can probably make a good, reasoned argument for it too.
But to hell with reasoned arguments, because this time it’s personal.
It’s my daughter, you s.o.b.!
On a recent Sunday, my nine-year-old daughter received, on her handphone, an SMS which addressed her by name, and in a texting version of Bahasa Malaysia, asked her what she was doing, adding “abang rindu mu, bls yah,” or “I miss you, please reply.”
The kids were with their mother at the time, so she called up the number and asked the man who answered, who he was and why he was sending SMSes to our child.
It’s my daughter, you s.o.b.!
The man spoke in Malay, saying that it was probably just “the kids playing around.” Sure, could be. So my ex-wife asked, “What’s your name and what are your kids’ names? Do they go to school with my daughter?”
He hung up.
It’s my daughter, you s.o.b.!
She rang me and I immediately swung over, picked up the phone, told the kids to stay with their mother, and remembering stories of how child predators “groom” their prey by trying to engage them in conversation first, went to the nearest police station to lodge a report.
It’s my daughter, you s.o.b.!
I’m one of those lucky Malaysians, going by the number of complaints we receive in the press, who has had only good experiences with our men in blue. The ones I’ve met when lodging reports or being issued tickets have always been professional and polite.
A young corporal took down the details and helpfully wrote down the report for me. Then he asked, politely, what my purpose was in lodging this report.
The next morning, a sergeant contacted me and asked me to come over to the police station. He asked me for more information, briefed me on what they had done so far and what they were going to do next.
But he too, almost apologetically, asked me the purpose of my lodging this report.
With all the girl-children being abducted, you have to ask?
I want you to be as concerned as I am. I know you handle hundreds of cases a day, but I don’t care. When parents fear for their children, I want you to be just as concerned as they are.
Anyway, I told him, just as politely, that I wanted them to find out who this man was, how he got my daughter’s phone number, how he knew her name, and what his intention was in sending her that SMS message.
“And,” I added, no longer so polite, “I want you to warn him not to come anywhere near my children!”
What I really wanted to say was, I want you to find this s.o.b. and take him out of the gene pool.
I’m a single father of two very engaging girls. I don’t have to be reasonable. I don’t care about due process and the right of the individual and people being innocent until found guilty. Not when it comes to my little girls.
Find this s.o.b., and even if he was just trying to be funny and had no designs on my daughter, take him out of the gene pool for being stupid enough to try something like this.
Believe me, you’d be doing the human race a favour.
A. Asohan would have used an even stronger term than “s.o.b.”, but recognises this is a family paper after all. When he’s not worrying about his two daughters, he’s Editor, New Media, at The Star.
- Sunday Star
ANOTHER month, another missing child, and suddenly we’re all fired up again.
But this will probably wind down and we’ll go about our own business. Until the next missing child, that is.
Just before eight-year-old Nurin Jazlin Jazimin’s battered body was found stuffed into a sports bag last September, when she was merely another missing child, The Star ran a story pointing out that she was just one among 17 children under the age of nine on the police’s list of missing persons who had vanished between January and July last year.
More children continued to disappear, the most recent being five-year-old Sharlinie Mohd Nashar.
So now the Nurin Alert emergency response plan is fast becoming a reality. The Women, Family and Community Development Ministry has proposed a technical committee to come up with a Child Protection policy.
The Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation has recommended a “Child Watch” comprising government officials and representatives from non-govermental organisations that would work closely with law enforcement agencies to keep a closer watch on the safety of children.
But as an Interpol ( paper on missing children has noted, there is no specific law in Malaysia that governs the reporting and handling of cases of missing children. Malaysian police make inquiries on missing persons under Sections 3and 20 of the Police Act.
I think it’s past time for us to look at missing children as a national issue that requires a complete revamp and rethink of policy, people and processes, with a lot of emphasis on prevention. And I can probably make a good, reasoned argument for it too.
But to hell with reasoned arguments, because this time it’s personal.
It’s my daughter, you s.o.b.!
On a recent Sunday, my nine-year-old daughter received, on her handphone, an SMS which addressed her by name, and in a texting version of Bahasa Malaysia, asked her what she was doing, adding “abang rindu mu, bls yah,” or “I miss you, please reply.”
The kids were with their mother at the time, so she called up the number and asked the man who answered, who he was and why he was sending SMSes to our child.
It’s my daughter, you s.o.b.!
The man spoke in Malay, saying that it was probably just “the kids playing around.” Sure, could be. So my ex-wife asked, “What’s your name and what are your kids’ names? Do they go to school with my daughter?”
He hung up.
It’s my daughter, you s.o.b.!
She rang me and I immediately swung over, picked up the phone, told the kids to stay with their mother, and remembering stories of how child predators “groom” their prey by trying to engage them in conversation first, went to the nearest police station to lodge a report.
It’s my daughter, you s.o.b.!
I’m one of those lucky Malaysians, going by the number of complaints we receive in the press, who has had only good experiences with our men in blue. The ones I’ve met when lodging reports or being issued tickets have always been professional and polite.
A young corporal took down the details and helpfully wrote down the report for me. Then he asked, politely, what my purpose was in lodging this report.
The next morning, a sergeant contacted me and asked me to come over to the police station. He asked me for more information, briefed me on what they had done so far and what they were going to do next.
But he too, almost apologetically, asked me the purpose of my lodging this report.
With all the girl-children being abducted, you have to ask?
I want you to be as concerned as I am. I know you handle hundreds of cases a day, but I don’t care. When parents fear for their children, I want you to be just as concerned as they are.
Anyway, I told him, just as politely, that I wanted them to find out who this man was, how he got my daughter’s phone number, how he knew her name, and what his intention was in sending her that SMS message.
“And,” I added, no longer so polite, “I want you to warn him not to come anywhere near my children!”
What I really wanted to say was, I want you to find this s.o.b. and take him out of the gene pool.
I’m a single father of two very engaging girls. I don’t have to be reasonable. I don’t care about due process and the right of the individual and people being innocent until found guilty. Not when it comes to my little girls.
Find this s.o.b., and even if he was just trying to be funny and had no designs on my daughter, take him out of the gene pool for being stupid enough to try something like this.
Believe me, you’d be doing the human race a favour.
A. Asohan would have used an even stronger term than “s.o.b.”, but recognises this is a family paper after all. When he’s not worrying about his two daughters, he’s Editor, New Media, at The Star.
- Sunday Star
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Yusof Haslam Apologises
Harian Metro today published a report on Yusof Haslam apologising to any parties who felt offended with the two "Gerak Khas" episodes aired over RTM2 on 11th and 18th January 2008.
The two episodes carrying a storyline closely resembling the Nurin Jazlin tragedy was deemed to be have been produced in bad taste and had suggested among others, the character of the victim's father as being in heavy debts including those with an Along and the state of denial of the father for refusing to accept the DNA results of the body of a child that was found at a construction site.
The public knows that those facts were exactly what was reported to be the case with Jazimin initially. We took pains to clarify and provide an alternative version on the matter and alhamdullilah such incorrect impressions were sort of accepted.
What the family is so upset about is that all those efforts became useless as the initial impressions were re-emphasised in the drama slots making the public, especially those who are not accessible to internet to believe what they have read before.
Therefore, we view the airing of the drama as most damaging to the family's reputation as it is an act of character assasination and hence need to be corrected appropriately.
We also feel that the culture of slandering should not be allowed to flourish in the country. While it is gallant for Yusof Haslam to make that public apology, we also feel that the apology fell short of admitting his mistake as he maintained that the drama slots were in no way connected to the Nurin Jazlin tragedy albeit its overwhelming similarities in the storyline.
We are currently discussing with our attorney on the best course of action on not only the drama but on the slanderous press reporting that had made reference to the "imaginative" Along connection.
Of course, the distribution of the autopsy pictures is also very much in our mind. The fact of the matter is that we are actually getting very tired of waiting for the charge to be made on the culprit who had distributed the pictures. As the saying goes, "justice delayed is justice denied".
With the progress of finding Nurin's murderer is not producing the desired results so far, all these other secondary and unnecessary matters does not help in easing the pain endured by the family.
For those who missed the Harian Metro report, please read the full report as reproduced below :-
EKORAN pertikaian mengenai episod Gerak Khas di RTM2, dua minggu lalu yang dikatakan ada persamaan dengan kes mangsa pembunuhan ngeri, Nurin Jazlin Jazimin, 9, syarikat penerbitan drama bersiri kepolisan itu, Skop Productions Sdn Bhd (Skop) memohon maaf.
Penerbitnya, Datuk Yusof Haslam, berkata beliau mewakili dirinya, pengarah dan penulis skrip drama itu menyusun 10 jari memohon kemaafan kalau sekiranya ada pihak yang terasa selepas menonton siri itu.
Katanya, tiada sebarang niat untuk mempersenda mana-mana pihak dengan memaparkan kisah yang dikatakan ada persamaan dengan kes pembunuhan ngeri Nurin Jazlin yang mendapat perhatian seluruh rakyat Malaysia tidak lama dulu.
“Saya memang tiada niat perkecilkan mana-mana pihak. Ia cerita rekaan untuk memberi pengajaran pada masyarakat dalam menangani jenayah. Malah sebagai iktibar dan mendidik mereka untuk berhati-hati dengan keadaan sekeliling.
“Sekarang ini jenayah boleh berlaku di mana saja dan masyarakat perlu prihatin. Inilah mesej yang ingin disampaikan dalam Gerak Khas. Namun persamaan cerita kadang kala tidak dapat dielak.
“Justeru, atas insiden tidak disengajakan ini, saya memohon maaf jika ada yang tersinggung. Saya juga akan lebih peka dan berhati-hati pada masa akan datang,” k a t a nya ketika ditemui di pejabatnya di Setapak, semalam.
Yusof sudah menerbitkan drama kepolisan sejak 23 tahun lalu. Malah bagi siri Gerak Khas, lebih 400 episod dihasilkan dalam tempoh hampir sembilan tahun disiarkan di Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM).
“Memang tidak dinafikan ada antara isu diketengahkan isu baru.
Malah sebelum ini juga saya pernah memaparkan isu Black Metal dalam Gerak Khas.
“Apapun, saya tetap memohon maaf. Sebagai hamba Allah yang serba kurang dan tidak dapat lari daripada melakukan kesilapan, saya minta m a a f ,” t e ga s nya .
Sementara itu bapa Allahyarham Nurin Jazlin, Jazimin Abdul Jalil berkata, apa yang disiarkan dalam Gerak Khas itu mempunyai persamaan dengan kisah menimpa keluarganya.
“Ia memang cerita saya dan anak saya. Justeru, bagaimana pula boleh dikatakan cerita rekaan sedangkan ia kisah keluarga saya.
“Terus-terang, saya marah dan terkilan dengan penayangan drama itu.
Malah kebanyakan orang yang ditemui juga mengatakan ia cerita kami,” k a t a nya .
Jazimin berkata, perkara itu tidak sepatutnya berlaku kerana kes berkenaan belum selesai. Katanya, penjenayah terbabit pun masih bebas.
Harian Metro Khamis lalu melaporkan mengenai pertikaian terhadap drama Gerak Khas kerana menayangkan kisah Allahyarham Nurin Jazlin.
Lebih-lebih lagi apabila objek seperti timun, terung termasuk kes ceti haram (along) turut dipaparkan.
Meanwhile, yesterday was a busy day for me.
The Citizens for Nurin Alert Committee had their meeting yesterday reviewing all the progresses made so far as well as on all those still outstanding. Hopefully, the public would be hearing more positive and progressive news on the Nurin Alert movement within the next couple of weeks.
Later in the evening, I was at the Toh Puan Rahah Hall at Menara Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur for the live telecast of another RTM production, Fitrah Kasih over RTM1.
Jazimin and Yin's father were among the guests at yesterday's show and this time around, both fathers were given a better treatment (vis-a-vis the Gerak Khas Drama) where they were given the opportunity to express their respective feelings on what they faced.
Hopefully the public could understand what they had to go through and stop making unwarranted judgements on the two poor fathers.
Lastly, let's continue to pray for Nini's safe return. The wait is simply too torturous on the parents. And don't forget, please also take good care of your own children, never never let them become the next victim.
Jasni AJ
The two episodes carrying a storyline closely resembling the Nurin Jazlin tragedy was deemed to be have been produced in bad taste and had suggested among others, the character of the victim's father as being in heavy debts including those with an Along and the state of denial of the father for refusing to accept the DNA results of the body of a child that was found at a construction site.
The public knows that those facts were exactly what was reported to be the case with Jazimin initially. We took pains to clarify and provide an alternative version on the matter and alhamdullilah such incorrect impressions were sort of accepted.
What the family is so upset about is that all those efforts became useless as the initial impressions were re-emphasised in the drama slots making the public, especially those who are not accessible to internet to believe what they have read before.
Therefore, we view the airing of the drama as most damaging to the family's reputation as it is an act of character assasination and hence need to be corrected appropriately.
We also feel that the culture of slandering should not be allowed to flourish in the country. While it is gallant for Yusof Haslam to make that public apology, we also feel that the apology fell short of admitting his mistake as he maintained that the drama slots were in no way connected to the Nurin Jazlin tragedy albeit its overwhelming similarities in the storyline.
We are currently discussing with our attorney on the best course of action on not only the drama but on the slanderous press reporting that had made reference to the "imaginative" Along connection.
Of course, the distribution of the autopsy pictures is also very much in our mind. The fact of the matter is that we are actually getting very tired of waiting for the charge to be made on the culprit who had distributed the pictures. As the saying goes, "justice delayed is justice denied".
With the progress of finding Nurin's murderer is not producing the desired results so far, all these other secondary and unnecessary matters does not help in easing the pain endured by the family.
For those who missed the Harian Metro report, please read the full report as reproduced below :-
EKORAN pertikaian mengenai episod Gerak Khas di RTM2, dua minggu lalu yang dikatakan ada persamaan dengan kes mangsa pembunuhan ngeri, Nurin Jazlin Jazimin, 9, syarikat penerbitan drama bersiri kepolisan itu, Skop Productions Sdn Bhd (Skop) memohon maaf.
Penerbitnya, Datuk Yusof Haslam, berkata beliau mewakili dirinya, pengarah dan penulis skrip drama itu menyusun 10 jari memohon kemaafan kalau sekiranya ada pihak yang terasa selepas menonton siri itu.
Katanya, tiada sebarang niat untuk mempersenda mana-mana pihak dengan memaparkan kisah yang dikatakan ada persamaan dengan kes pembunuhan ngeri Nurin Jazlin yang mendapat perhatian seluruh rakyat Malaysia tidak lama dulu.
“Saya memang tiada niat perkecilkan mana-mana pihak. Ia cerita rekaan untuk memberi pengajaran pada masyarakat dalam menangani jenayah. Malah sebagai iktibar dan mendidik mereka untuk berhati-hati dengan keadaan sekeliling.
“Sekarang ini jenayah boleh berlaku di mana saja dan masyarakat perlu prihatin. Inilah mesej yang ingin disampaikan dalam Gerak Khas. Namun persamaan cerita kadang kala tidak dapat dielak.
“Justeru, atas insiden tidak disengajakan ini, saya memohon maaf jika ada yang tersinggung. Saya juga akan lebih peka dan berhati-hati pada masa akan datang,” k a t a nya ketika ditemui di pejabatnya di Setapak, semalam.
Yusof sudah menerbitkan drama kepolisan sejak 23 tahun lalu. Malah bagi siri Gerak Khas, lebih 400 episod dihasilkan dalam tempoh hampir sembilan tahun disiarkan di Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM).
“Memang tidak dinafikan ada antara isu diketengahkan isu baru.
Malah sebelum ini juga saya pernah memaparkan isu Black Metal dalam Gerak Khas.
“Apapun, saya tetap memohon maaf. Sebagai hamba Allah yang serba kurang dan tidak dapat lari daripada melakukan kesilapan, saya minta m a a f ,” t e ga s nya .
Sementara itu bapa Allahyarham Nurin Jazlin, Jazimin Abdul Jalil berkata, apa yang disiarkan dalam Gerak Khas itu mempunyai persamaan dengan kisah menimpa keluarganya.
“Ia memang cerita saya dan anak saya. Justeru, bagaimana pula boleh dikatakan cerita rekaan sedangkan ia kisah keluarga saya.
“Terus-terang, saya marah dan terkilan dengan penayangan drama itu.
Malah kebanyakan orang yang ditemui juga mengatakan ia cerita kami,” k a t a nya .
Jazimin berkata, perkara itu tidak sepatutnya berlaku kerana kes berkenaan belum selesai. Katanya, penjenayah terbabit pun masih bebas.
Harian Metro Khamis lalu melaporkan mengenai pertikaian terhadap drama Gerak Khas kerana menayangkan kisah Allahyarham Nurin Jazlin.
Lebih-lebih lagi apabila objek seperti timun, terung termasuk kes ceti haram (along) turut dipaparkan.
Meanwhile, yesterday was a busy day for me.
The Citizens for Nurin Alert Committee had their meeting yesterday reviewing all the progresses made so far as well as on all those still outstanding. Hopefully, the public would be hearing more positive and progressive news on the Nurin Alert movement within the next couple of weeks.
Later in the evening, I was at the Toh Puan Rahah Hall at Menara Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur for the live telecast of another RTM production, Fitrah Kasih over RTM1.
Jazimin and Yin's father were among the guests at yesterday's show and this time around, both fathers were given a better treatment (vis-a-vis the Gerak Khas Drama) where they were given the opportunity to express their respective feelings on what they faced.
Hopefully the public could understand what they had to go through and stop making unwarranted judgements on the two poor fathers.
Lastly, let's continue to pray for Nini's safe return. The wait is simply too torturous on the parents. And don't forget, please also take good care of your own children, never never let them become the next victim.
Jasni AJ
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Nini's Straight Face

It has 15 days now since Nini went missing. While the Police has been conducting search and rescue operations on a rather massive mode, no good news has been forthcoming.
It has also been 15 days now that we have been seeing Nini's "official" photo with her head tilting and no fault of the press or the authorities, it seems that tilted photo is the only recent picture of Nini that the family has.
A fellow blogger has "rectified" the photo and what you're seeing now on this page is how Nini would look like with her head straight.
According to his blog, he will also be coming up with probable images of Nini taking into account of the possibility of her changing features as anticipated by the Police as reported here.
In the Nurin Alert paper submitted to the authorities last year, one of the recommendation is for parents to have a clear and recent photograph (together with basic details of their child like height, weight, skin colour etc) so that it would become handy when lodging a police report if at all the child goes missing.
I guess it would be in the interest of all parents to note and to act on this small but practical recommendation.
Jasni AJ
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Dangers prey on sweet innocence

By : Zainul Arifin

The search for 5-year-old Sharlinie Mohd Nashar now involves not only the police, but also efforts of although caring Malaysians, including posters on the back of vehicles
MY 6-year-old daughter, Zuleika, is worried about the bad men who could break into our house to get her. It began when Nurin Jazlin Jazimin went missing and was later found murdered; it is now back in earnest with the disappearance of 5-year-old Sharlinie Mohd Nashar.
She is also concerned that the guards who are supposed to patrol the neighbourhood may not be as diligent as they should be, or that bad men could eventually evade the security guards who would need to go to the bathroom at some point.
If I were to be home in the late evening and she was awake, she would ask a series of questions before letting me into the house.
"What is your number?" That would be my mobile telephone number that she now knows by heart. "What is your name?" would be the follow-up question.
I asked her why was she asking me those questions and she said, if there were a bad man who looked like me and pretended to be me, he would be found out rather easily since he would not be able to answer the questions correctly.
This rather cute sensibility, and I am not saying that just because she is my daughter, is nevertheless a manifestation of the influence of our not-so-innocent times on a child's logic.
But it is also an illustration on the manner of a 6-year-old's thought process. Hence we should not be too surprised if they were lured away by bad men and women.
It is thus our primary responsibility to educate them of the dangers that could befall them.
Zuleika's worries, which sometimes border on paranoia -- at night she glances often at the window near the stairs' landing -- is a result of my wife and I telling her often to be extra careful, especially with strangers. We told her of missing young girls who have yet to be found, lured by toys, sweets and promises of kittens.
She saw the images of Sharlinie in the newspapers, on TV, at the back of a lorry and on walls and pillars. She asked who the girl was and why her pictures were plastered everywhere.
We told her that if someone came to her school and said her parents were involved in an accident, do not follow him or her, unless they were her uncles or aunts. Go to her teacher instead was my instruction.
When stories of missing children became a common feature in the newspapers, we decided not to hide from her details of the dangers that are lurking out there.
My wife and I told her of bad men and women who would take away children and do nasty things to them. We exaggerated a little, of course, but we believed we were entitled to do so.
It is of course important to be vigilant, and all parents would have stories of near misses and fortunate turn of events.
We know that luck, or divine intervention for those so inclined, have thus far made it possible for many of us to have our children unscathed and unharmed despite misadventures in the kitchen, bathroom, park and the mall, when a simple twist of fate would have brought about unthinkable horror.
Thus, as much as some of us would be quick to judge the unfortunate guardians, we should all remember that safety is a kind of a "best effort compromise".
We must resist the temptation to judge, and instead work towards something positive.
The citizen-initiated Nurin (Nationwide Urgent Response Information Network) to alert the media and public in the event of missing kids is one such example.
I believe as much as we are vigilant as we can be, we are but a step away from making headlines, since bad luck can likely descend on some even as it lets the rest to fortunately escape.
- New Straits Times
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
The Batu Caves Story

Talking about Thaipusam, Batu Caves would certainly be the focal point for its celebration in the Central region. And talking about Batu Caves, I have my own story to tell about it.
Not really a story about Batu Caves, but rather a story that has Batu Caves in it.
Well, here the story goes.
How many of you have climbed the stairs of Batu Caves? I for one have never done that and I'm pretty sure not many of you have done that either.
But out of love to his child, Jazimin had on one night before last Ramadan climbed the 272 stairs of Batu Caves in the middle of the night.
No, he's not there to fulfill a vow or anything like that but simply in responding to a call he received saying that his then missing child was there!
We were at his home that night when he got that call. He asked me to follow him along but I refused and told him that the call was probably a prank just like a number of other prank calls he had been receiving before.
But I guess he just could not take any chances, he was just desperate to find his little sweet child, so off he went to Batu Caves (with someone else) climbing all the 272 stairs all the way to the top.
But it was a prank call indeed. The child was not there, no one was there except for the guards guarding the place. I guess the caller must be jumping up and down in joy seeing this desperate father looking for his child high and low without knowing the meaning of the word "tired".
How cruel man can be. And the same specie is having fun with Nini's father now, giving him with all the false information on Nini.
That's why when the Indonesian lady was caught, Jazimin's first reaction was "Serves her right!" as he had endured the pain of being fallen victim to all these prankters.
Prank calls were abundant. Besides the call tipping Jazimin that his child was at Batu Caves, there were also other calls tipping some other locations like at some unused mine (lombong terbiar) etc etc.
Therefore, lets make it a standing procedure not to publish the personal number(s) of the victim's parents from now on any longer. Let the Toll Free No. or the Police's 999 do the job. The "monkeys" would be extra careful when dealing with the police, I think.
In the meantime, let's pray for Nini's safe return.
Jasni AJ
No new leads on Nurin
PETALING JAYA: Four months after the brutal rape and murder of 8-year-old Nurin Jazlin Jazimin, police are no closer to catching the perpetrator of the crime.
The last two people -- a security guard and a drug addict -- picked up for questioning earlier this month, have been released.
The two were arrested because they resembled the photofit released by the police of the man believed to have abducted Nurin and four other girls.
Police said there were no links between the security guard as well as the drug addict and Nurin.
Nurin was abducted on Aug 20, last year. She went missing at a night market near her home in Section 1, Wangsa Maju.
- New Straits Times
The last two people -- a security guard and a drug addict -- picked up for questioning earlier this month, have been released.
The two were arrested because they resembled the photofit released by the police of the man believed to have abducted Nurin and four other girls.
Police said there were no links between the security guard as well as the drug addict and Nurin.
Nurin was abducted on Aug 20, last year. She went missing at a night market near her home in Section 1, Wangsa Maju.
- New Straits Times
Monday, January 21, 2008
Pranksters not welcomed

Dear Editor, READING reports about unscrupulous individuals feeding police with false inform ation on the kidnapping of Sharlinie Mohd Nashar makes me sick.
How is it some people find pleasure in such acts?
Are they not aware of the trauma they are causing the family and that police will be wasting valuable time chasing false leads?
I’m glad police have arrested such people. It’s about time we came down hard on them.
Every time there’s a kidnap ping or murder which makes the news, we have some strange people who find pleasure in putting obstacles in the path of the police.
What’s worse is when such people contact the distraught family members to make de mands, threaten them or scold them for being bad parents.
The parents of Nurin Jazlin Jazimin faced the same problem as did the parents of Mohd Nazrin Shamsul or Yin, who went missing at a department store.
We need people who keep their eyes and ears alert to any sign of the missing children. Instead, we have pranksters and those who are downright malicious.
It saddens me that there are such people in Malaysia. Aren’t we supposed to be a caring society?
If only we could put ourselves in the shoes of the parents who have lost a child, we would never do such mind less acts.
Every time a kidnapping occurs, society has to play a role, not just in ensuring that the child is found and returned to his or her family, but in making sure that such events do not take place.
Rita Kandiah
Petaling Jaya
- The Malay Mail
Cari rumah ke rumah -- Ketua Polis Negara gerakkan strategi baru kesan Sharlinie

KUALA LUMPUR 20 Jan. – Selepas lebih 10 hari Sharlinie Mohd. Nashar, 5, hilang dipercayai diculik, polis menggerakkan strategi baru untuk mengesan kanak-kanak itu dengan melancarkan operasi mencarinya dari rumah ke rumah di seluruh negara.
Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Musa Hassan telah mengarahkan semua ketua polis daerah (KPD) melaksanakan gerakan itu serta-merta.
Bercakap kepada Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini, beliau memberitahu, strategi tersebut telah mula dilaksanakan oleh semua KPD di sekitar Lembah Klang sejak beberapa hari lalu.
“Bagi KPD di luar Lembah Klang termasuk Sabah dan Sarawak, arahan telah diberikan supaya mereka menjalankan operasi sama di kawasan masing-masing secepat mungkin,” katanya.
Musa menambah, operasi mencari itu juga akan meliputi semua kawasan yang disyaki menjadi tempat Sharlinie disimpan atau lokasi persembunyian penjenayah.
“Dalam hal ini, kalau kami dapat sebarang maklumat daripada orang awam, walaupun belum dipastikan kesahihannya, kami akan gerakkan operasi mencari besar-besaran dari rumah ke rumah di lokasi yang dinyatakan.
“Selain itu, semua KPD juga perlu melancarkan operasi di lokasi-lokasi yang berpotensi memberi petunjuk seperti di kawasan-kawasan setinggan dan rumah tinggal,” ujar beliau.
Musa yakin arahan itu dapat dilaksanakan di seluruh negara tanpa sebarang masalah.
Sharlinie yang akan genap berusia enam tahun pada 30 Januari ini hilang dipercayai diculik pada kira-kira pukul 11.30 pagi 9 Januari lalu. Ketika itu kanak-kanak berkenaan dalam perjalanan pulang bersama kakaknya, Sharliena, 8, dari taman permainan yang terletak kira-kira 200 meter dari rumah mereka di Taman Medan, Petaling Jaya.
Ekoran itu, polis melancarkan gerakan mencari kanak-kanak malang tersebut berdasarkan petunjuk-petunjuk termasuk kaitan kehilangannya dengan satu kes culik lain di taman yang sama sehari sebelumnya melibatkan kanak-kanak berusia enam tahun, Nur Fatiha Zaidi.
Berjuta-juta poster Sharlinie termasuk yang dicetak akhbar Utusan Malaysia diedarkan di seluruh negara dan ditampal di pintu-pintu masuk di sempadan dan lapangan terbang.
Pelbagai pihak mengambil inisiatif mengedarkan poster-poster Sharlinie. Ada bank menampal gambar Sharlinie pada mesin pengeluaran automatik (ATM) bagi membolehkan para pelanggan bank itu membantu mencari kanak-kanak berkenaan.
Kes kehilangan Sharlinie turut mendapat perhatian Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi yang merayu penculik kanak-kanak itu supaya memulangkannya kepada keluarga secepat mungkin.
Atas arahan Musa sendiri, pihak polis menubuhkan sebuah pasukan khas sehari selepas kehilangan Sharlinie melibatkan pasukan dari Ibu Pejabat Polis Bukit Aman dan Polis Kontinjen Selangor.
Sehingga hari ini, polis Petaling Jaya sahaja telah melakukan pemeriksaan ke atas 10,000 rumah di daerah itu bagi mencari Sharlinie namun belum ada petunjuk yang dapat menemukan pihak berkuasa dengan kanak-kanak itu.
Penyelesaian kes Sharlinie diharapkan turut dapat menyelesaikan beberapa kes lain yang belum diselesaikan oleh polis termasuk penculikan empat kanak-kanak di Kampung Baru di sini pada tahun lalu dan juga kes culik dan bunuh Allahyarham Nurin Jazlin Jazimin.
Kes-kes itu dikaitkan dengan lelaki dipanggil ‘Abang Kucing’ yang menggunakan modus operandi memujuk mangsa-mangsa membantunya mencari kucing atau burung yang hilang.
Dalam pada itu, Musa memberitahu, beliau juga telah mengarahkan supaya kawalan di sempadan diperketatkan bagi menghalang cubaan melarikan Sharlinie ke luar negara dan menyekat penjenayah yang menculiknya daripada lolos.
Pada masa yang sama, katanya, beliau sendiri telah menghubungi polis Thailand dan Singapura memaklumkan kehilangan Sharlinie dan meminta kerjasama pasukan keselamatan negara-negara jiran itu membantu mengesan kanak- kanak itu.
“Saya juga puas hati dengan penglibatan banyak pihak dalam kes Sharlinie. Ia usaha yang baik dan kalau ada maklumat betul sila lapor kepada polis... pastikan ia bukan maklumat palsu,” katanya.
Mengenai pandangan sinikal sesetengah pihak dan masyarakat terhadap kredibiliti polis dalam menangani kes Sharlinie berikutan kegagalan pasukan polis menyelesaikan jenayah culik lain termasuk kes Allahyarham Nurin Jazlin, Musa berharap orang ramai terus menaruh kepercayaan kepada polis.
Katanya: “Polis harap orang ramai bantu salurkan maklumat sahih kepada polis. Selagi maklumat tidak ada, susah untuk kita menyelesaikan kes ini dan juga kes lain kerana tiada siapa nampak kejadian culik itu berlaku.
“Setakat ini banyak maklumat yang diberi tidak betul. Jika kita ada maklumat yang telus seperti nombor kenderaan yang digunakan atau maklumat mengenai suspek, sudah pasti ia memudahkan siasatan.”
Sementara itu, beliau berharap keluarga Sharlinie banyak bersabar dan berdoa kepada Allah supaya diberi petunjuk di mana kanak-kanak itu sekarang atau semoga hati penculiknya dilembutkan untuk memulangkan semula Sharlinie.
“Saya sendiri rasa geram selagi tidak dapat tahan penjenayah itu.
“Sharlinie bukan saja anak kepada ibu bapanya tetapi dia sudah seperti anak saya sendiri. Begitu jugalah perasaan pegawai-pegawai polis lain yang terlibat mencarinya,’’ kata Musa.
- Utusan Malaysia
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Spotlight: NURIN (Nationwide Urgent Response Information Network) to protect our children

The NURIN Alert system for missing children has yet to be implemented but authorities say the efforts undertaken to find Sharlinie over the last few weeks demonstrate how the early alert system would work, write TAN CHOE CHOE and AUDREY VIJAINDREN.
OVER 120 days have passed since the brutal murder of little Nurin Jazlin Jazimin but the early alert system for missing children mooted in the aftermath of the tragedy is yet to be implemented.
The Women, Family and Community Development Ministry thinks implementation of the alert system is just a matter of formality; that the system is in place and working.
“Actually, I can see the alert system in place, judging by the nationwide efforts to find Sharlinie.
“The response is faster because everyone has learnt the (cost of) delay (in Nur in’s case). Even though there’s no official endorsement of the NURIN Alert yet, I could see the difference — the police acted faster and the NGOs, the public and the media also quickly offered to help,” says its minister, Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil.
Ministry parliamentary secretary Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun says the efforts put into the search of 5-year-old Sharlinie Mohd Nashar in the last few weeks had demonstrated how the early alert system would be like.
Sharlinie went missing on Jan 9 while walking in front of her elder sister, who was on bicycle. The duo were on their way home after spending time at a playground near their home in Petaling Jaya.
They had just turned into a deserted lane near their house when Sharlinie disappeared and the elder sister, Sharliena, only realised her sister was missing when she looked up from her bicycle.
“Once the alert’s fully implemented, it (the emergency response) will be even better and more comprehensive,” says Chew.
The early alert system is named after Nurin Jazlin Jazimin, who was found dead on Oct 25 last year after she was abducted in August. Her body was found stuffed into a sports bag a month later.
NURIN stands for “Nationwide Urgent Response Information Network ” and it was first proposed by her uncle, Jasni Abdul Jalil, who drafted a proposal with some friends and submitted it to Shahrizat’s ministry late last year. (See Footnote). It was modelled after the United States’ AMBER alert — an emergency response system that galvanises the authority and the community via a comprehensive network to locate missing children.
After receiving the proposal, there have been many rounds of meetings with non-governmental organisations, government agencies and media representatives to get their take.
“It’s part of our administrative procedure before we present something formally to the cabinet. We’ve decided to park the alert system under the Child Protection Policy as one of its components — it’ll be the last module because we’re first looking at more preventive measures,” says Shahrizat.
Once finalised, the alert system would involve several key ministries like Internal Security, Information, Education as well as her own ministry, just to name a few, says Shahrizat.
“Now we’re circulating the policy with the NURIN Alert addition to all the ministries for final inputs.”
The policy will be focusing on making public places safe for children — be it open spaces, at schools or even in the home of the child.
It will also look at the training of officers to be entrusted in implementing the policy.
Sharizat was hoping to have the policy finalised by December but had to postpone it as more and more people wanted to give their views.
But human rights body Suhakam thinks the alert should have been implemented immediately after the Nurin tragedy.
“It’s too slow. I think we tend to react to difficult situations by getting all excited and coming up with beautiful suggestions but after that, there’s no follow-up and things die down,” says Commissioner Dr Chiam Heng Keng.
“It’s like after they found the body, all the excitement died down and they’re not doing anything any more, as if there’s no need to react any more - end of story.”
Chiam believes that if the NURIN Alert had been in place at the time of Sharlinie’s disappearance, the probability of recovering the child would have been much higher.
“Although it’s no guarantee that Sharlinie would be found immediately, the chances would have been much higher.
“We can’t wait for another child to be abducted before they (the authorities) take concrete action.”
Dr Farah Nini Dusuki of the Malaysian Association for the Protection of Children said three or four months were hardly enough time for the government to put such a sophisticated system like the NURIN Alert in place.
“But then again, we are not expecting a perfect system here,” she says.
“I am sure people would be happy just to hear that serious efforts are underway to protect our children.
“When it comes to the issue of child safety, I don’t think any of us can afford to wait any longer.”
- New Sunday Times
Note :
Credits to the Nurin Alert initiatives should be as follows :-
Farina (of USA) - for first to suggest Malaysia to adopt USA's Amber Alert in Nuraina's Blog
Nuraina Samad - for blogging about Amber Alert and together with Tell Magazine arranged a Roundatable Meeting with Datuk Shahrizat to talk about the proposed Nurin Alert.
Tembam - for aggressively promoting Amber Alert to all other bloggers including me
Rockybru - for giving a new name for the proposed Malaysian Amber Alert as Nurin Alert
Kamal Efendi - for giving meaning to the acronym N.U.R.I.N in Nurin Alert and for agreing to head CFNA
Jasni - for grouping the bloggers for Amber/Nurin Alert and to publicly publicise Nurin Alert in the mainstream press
Members of CFNA - for putting up a formal proposal to the Ministry of Women, Family & Community Development
Friday, January 18, 2008
Case Solved : Gerak Khas
It's the work of his closest friend. The victim's father doesn't know as the culprit has a split personality, normal when in public but a sex maniac when left alone.
Not only he kidnaps little girls from the Pasar Malam but he sodomise little boys too.
The victim is a lovely girl, staying in a flat at Setapak. The father operates a Nasi Lemak stall and are heavily in debts, with Ah Long included.
One fine day, his daughter went missing after visiting the Pasar Malam. Searches were made everywhere but without avail.
Then a gunny sack with a body of a girl was found near a construction site. The body was said to the missing girl "Natasha".
The parents were asked to identify the body but despite DNA results, the father denied that the dead body was his child.
The Police then made several theories on why the father refuses to accept that the body was of his daughter's. He must be hiding something, exclaimed one of the Police officer.
After much coaxing and after the mother had a dream at 3.00 a.m., the father relented and agreed to claim the body for burial.
At the cemetery, a reporter asked whether he was convinced that the girl they just buried was his. He told the reporter that he was just doing everyone a favour by burying the child as everyone thinks that the child was his. As far as he's concerned, his child was still missing and expects the Police to continue with the searching operations.
Back tracking a bit, the post-mortem results showed that the child was dead due to infections resulting from injuries at her private parts. It was discovered that the child was sexually abused using foreign objects, and the foreign objects were cucumber and brinjal.
Fast forward, the Police came to know that the Ah Long (whom the father was heavily in debt with) issued a threat to the child's father saying that he would be facing the same consequence as his daughter's if he failed to pay up his dues.
The Ah Long was hauled in and questioned but they (the Police) could not find any evidence that could relate the Ah Long with the abduction cum murder of "Natasha". He was then released.
In the meantime, "Natasha's" abductor cum murderer went prowling again. The public became panicky!
Then a video clip was discovered showing someone carrying a gunny sack at the place where the child's body was found.
The Police reviewed the video clip and detected a van captured in the video clip.
The van (with its registration number clearly visible) was traced to - guess who -the child's father!
Immediately the father became the suspect and brought for questioning. He denied any involvement but when shown a picture with his van captured, he told the police that besides him, his close friend also uses his van from time to time.
The police showed a photofit, and he immediately recognised the photofit to be his close friend.
The Police and the father straight away ambushed the friends house - only to discover that he has several pictures of naked "Natasha" and other kids together with the drees Natasha last worn.
Case solved .
After reading the above story, whose story would you relate it to?
Nobody would have to think real hard but to recognise it to be a story which resembles the Nurin (and Jazimin) story!
And that's tonight's episode of Gerak Khas aired over RTM2 at 9.00 p.m. today!
Just what is Yusof Haslam and RTM trying to do here? Adding more speculation, the "no-no" that the Police had been advising the public from doing!
The only thing missing from tonight's episode is the distribution of "Natasha's" autopsy pictures. Maybe it's next week's episode, and I wonder whose the culprit this time.
Though the ending part does not incriminate the parents, but the parents were pictured as heavily in debt and at a certain stage, was in a state of denial. And this suggestion would have a great impact to the parents of Nurin Jazlin. (As if they haven't had enough!)
What should we do then? Let them make money and more money on the sufferings of other people and the same time taint the reputation of the victim's family?
I think both Yusof Haslam and RTM is just inviting suits to come their way. While we have not proceeded with any legal action on the slandering news reports and the distribution of autopsy pictures, this latest straw is making my blood boiling urging us to see our lawyer on the best action to take on all the now "three" matters. Are we wrong? Let us know!
Jasni AJ
Not only he kidnaps little girls from the Pasar Malam but he sodomise little boys too.
The victim is a lovely girl, staying in a flat at Setapak. The father operates a Nasi Lemak stall and are heavily in debts, with Ah Long included.
One fine day, his daughter went missing after visiting the Pasar Malam. Searches were made everywhere but without avail.
Then a gunny sack with a body of a girl was found near a construction site. The body was said to the missing girl "Natasha".
The parents were asked to identify the body but despite DNA results, the father denied that the dead body was his child.
The Police then made several theories on why the father refuses to accept that the body was of his daughter's. He must be hiding something, exclaimed one of the Police officer.
After much coaxing and after the mother had a dream at 3.00 a.m., the father relented and agreed to claim the body for burial.
At the cemetery, a reporter asked whether he was convinced that the girl they just buried was his. He told the reporter that he was just doing everyone a favour by burying the child as everyone thinks that the child was his. As far as he's concerned, his child was still missing and expects the Police to continue with the searching operations.
Back tracking a bit, the post-mortem results showed that the child was dead due to infections resulting from injuries at her private parts. It was discovered that the child was sexually abused using foreign objects, and the foreign objects were cucumber and brinjal.
Fast forward, the Police came to know that the Ah Long (whom the father was heavily in debt with) issued a threat to the child's father saying that he would be facing the same consequence as his daughter's if he failed to pay up his dues.
The Ah Long was hauled in and questioned but they (the Police) could not find any evidence that could relate the Ah Long with the abduction cum murder of "Natasha". He was then released.
In the meantime, "Natasha's" abductor cum murderer went prowling again. The public became panicky!
Then a video clip was discovered showing someone carrying a gunny sack at the place where the child's body was found.
The Police reviewed the video clip and detected a van captured in the video clip.
The van (with its registration number clearly visible) was traced to - guess who -the child's father!
Immediately the father became the suspect and brought for questioning. He denied any involvement but when shown a picture with his van captured, he told the police that besides him, his close friend also uses his van from time to time.
The police showed a photofit, and he immediately recognised the photofit to be his close friend.
The Police and the father straight away ambushed the friends house - only to discover that he has several pictures of naked "Natasha" and other kids together with the drees Natasha last worn.
Case solved .
After reading the above story, whose story would you relate it to?
Nobody would have to think real hard but to recognise it to be a story which resembles the Nurin (and Jazimin) story!
And that's tonight's episode of Gerak Khas aired over RTM2 at 9.00 p.m. today!
Just what is Yusof Haslam and RTM trying to do here? Adding more speculation, the "no-no" that the Police had been advising the public from doing!
The only thing missing from tonight's episode is the distribution of "Natasha's" autopsy pictures. Maybe it's next week's episode, and I wonder whose the culprit this time.
Though the ending part does not incriminate the parents, but the parents were pictured as heavily in debt and at a certain stage, was in a state of denial. And this suggestion would have a great impact to the parents of Nurin Jazlin. (As if they haven't had enough!)
What should we do then? Let them make money and more money on the sufferings of other people and the same time taint the reputation of the victim's family?
I think both Yusof Haslam and RTM is just inviting suits to come their way. While we have not proceeded with any legal action on the slandering news reports and the distribution of autopsy pictures, this latest straw is making my blood boiling urging us to see our lawyer on the best action to take on all the now "three" matters. Are we wrong? Let us know!
Jasni AJ
Thursday, January 17, 2008
It's Back to Square One
Well, what can I say. It's just like playing "Snake & Ladder", one minute you're in square 70, then suddenly after getting swallowed by the giant snake, you're back to square 1.
After having had our hopes dashed in the earlier two episodes, first the 4 Malay chaps, then the famous Sim-card swallowing Indonesian lady, you might have noticed that we didn't get too excited when the Police hauled, remanded and eventually released the latest two "suspects" in relation to the Nurin's abduction cum murder case.
Though we might not be too excited about it publicly but deep inside, I (at least) had this small hope that perhaps, this time around would be a different story, the breakthrough and the end to the painful months of waiting. I thought that this time around, maybe someone had accidentally talked about something that he knew about the case, or even the culprit itself unrealisingly boasted his top rated skills that had made our police force groping in the dark for months, or maybe, the police had been targeting these two guys for months and thought that they had collected enough evidence to nab the culprit and whatever evidences they had were strong and solid enough that could successfully nail the culprit in court. I was also pretty sure that the Police won't let anyone to continue belittling them with the "catch, release, catch, release" melodrama that had become the talk of the town.
But (sigh), the renewed hope was dashed yet again when the suspects were eventually released as the Police were satisfied that the "suspects" were not involved in the case at all. I wonder what kind of information that reached the Police that had led them to believe that they were suspects in the first place.
But I'm no Police and I don't really know how they work but based on the few conversations I had with several policemen at various levels from the No.2 to don't know what number, I am given the impression that until the Nurin's case is resolved, until then their minds would be unsettled as just like anyone else, it is in their greater interest to nab this "super elusive" culprit that had dented their image as an effective force in solving crimes, no matter how "complicated".
And now, when the chase for Nurin's perpetrator is still being "aimlessly" conducted (I hope not!), come along the Nini's abduction case. Oh what a timing?
Just who could Nurin's abductor/murderer be? Is Nini his latest victim? Just who is this "Catman"? Too many questions have remained a mystery. And the mystery is a mystery that no one can live with!
Oh God, please guide us, please protect us, please please please. Show us the light, allow us to live with a peaceful mind. Help us rid all the devilish characters among us in the community. In You we trust, O my dear God. Amin
Jasni AJ
After having had our hopes dashed in the earlier two episodes, first the 4 Malay chaps, then the famous Sim-card swallowing Indonesian lady, you might have noticed that we didn't get too excited when the Police hauled, remanded and eventually released the latest two "suspects" in relation to the Nurin's abduction cum murder case.
Though we might not be too excited about it publicly but deep inside, I (at least) had this small hope that perhaps, this time around would be a different story, the breakthrough and the end to the painful months of waiting. I thought that this time around, maybe someone had accidentally talked about something that he knew about the case, or even the culprit itself unrealisingly boasted his top rated skills that had made our police force groping in the dark for months, or maybe, the police had been targeting these two guys for months and thought that they had collected enough evidence to nab the culprit and whatever evidences they had were strong and solid enough that could successfully nail the culprit in court. I was also pretty sure that the Police won't let anyone to continue belittling them with the "catch, release, catch, release" melodrama that had become the talk of the town.
But (sigh), the renewed hope was dashed yet again when the suspects were eventually released as the Police were satisfied that the "suspects" were not involved in the case at all. I wonder what kind of information that reached the Police that had led them to believe that they were suspects in the first place.
But I'm no Police and I don't really know how they work but based on the few conversations I had with several policemen at various levels from the No.2 to don't know what number, I am given the impression that until the Nurin's case is resolved, until then their minds would be unsettled as just like anyone else, it is in their greater interest to nab this "super elusive" culprit that had dented their image as an effective force in solving crimes, no matter how "complicated".
And now, when the chase for Nurin's perpetrator is still being "aimlessly" conducted (I hope not!), come along the Nini's abduction case. Oh what a timing?
Just who could Nurin's abductor/murderer be? Is Nini his latest victim? Just who is this "Catman"? Too many questions have remained a mystery. And the mystery is a mystery that no one can live with!
Oh God, please guide us, please protect us, please please please. Show us the light, allow us to live with a peaceful mind. Help us rid all the devilish characters among us in the community. In You we trust, O my dear God. Amin
Jasni AJ
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Pre-Nurin Alert for Nini, the real Nurin Alert hopefully Coming Soon
First, the immediate public notification of "Missing Sharlinie" made by the PJ Police.
Then, an immediate Press Conference by Datuk Shahrizat activating a Nationwide Alert for "Missing Sharlinie".
Next, Radio & TV broadcast interrupted their programmes announcing the news on "Missing Sharlinie" and continued with regular updating on news on "Missing Sharlinie" round the clock.
The next day, all press media prominently published news and information, plus online posters at their respective publications and websites.
Posters on Missing Sharlinie printed and distributed by various organisations hit every corner of the country.
Then CELCOM transmits MMS and SMS to all its subscribers informing them of "Missing Sharlinie" and the number to call if they have any information.
RHB Bank flashes picture of Sharlinie at their ATM Machines comes next.
And now, a dedicated Toll Free No. 1-800-88-LINI launched by the police to receive information from the public on "Missing Sharlinie".
Wow, it's a dream come true for the Nurin Alert advocators to see all these happening.
Thank you all for making this Pre-Nurin Alert possible and this shows that Nurin Alert is indeed workable.
All that need to do next is to formalise the Nurin Alert mechanism so that every quarter would have an exact role to play once a Nurin Alert is triggered.
All of the above actions taken so far would not be on the discretion of someone but rather a standard operating procedure.
When Nurin Alert is in place, ALL telco companies would be carrying the Nurin Alert message, not only Celcom.
When Nurin Alert is in place, ALL police officers from wherever their posts are - no matter how remote, would exactly know what to do with a report of a missing child, not only those proactive policemen like the ones at PJ.
When Nurin Alert is in place, all TV stations will air Nurin Alert messages without the need of the parent of the missing child to approach them.
When Nurin Alert is in place, all newspapers will carry the Nurin Alert messages prominently and not at the back pages.
When Nurin Alert is in place, there will ONE TOLL FREE No. for the public to relay information on any missing child.
When Nurin Alert is in place, billboards along the highway will flash Nurin Alert messages.
When Nurin Alert is in place, Nurin Alert will be triggered without the need to wait for a caring and influential Minister like Datuk Shahrizat.
My next wish is for 1-800-88-LINI will always be there for future missing children so that parents of missing children would no longer need to publish their own personal numbers that has proven time and time again of being a favourite number for pranksters to have their "sick" fun.
I can clearly see now that the real Nurin Alert is just about to be born. When it is born, everyone will then be very comfortable with it as all of us have been introduced to the pre-Nurin Alert triggered by Datuk Shahrizat for finding Nini.
Thank you Datuk Shahrizat, Thank you ACP Arjunaidi. The country needs more people like you around.
Viva Nurin Alert, Viva Innocent Children of Malaysia.
The Pre-Nurin Alert will only be complete with the finding of Nini. Please let it be soon. Let Nurin Alert be formalised with Nini's success story preambling it.
Jasni AJ
Then, an immediate Press Conference by Datuk Shahrizat activating a Nationwide Alert for "Missing Sharlinie".
Next, Radio & TV broadcast interrupted their programmes announcing the news on "Missing Sharlinie" and continued with regular updating on news on "Missing Sharlinie" round the clock.
The next day, all press media prominently published news and information, plus online posters at their respective publications and websites.
Posters on Missing Sharlinie printed and distributed by various organisations hit every corner of the country.
Then CELCOM transmits MMS and SMS to all its subscribers informing them of "Missing Sharlinie" and the number to call if they have any information.
RHB Bank flashes picture of Sharlinie at their ATM Machines comes next.
And now, a dedicated Toll Free No. 1-800-88-LINI launched by the police to receive information from the public on "Missing Sharlinie".
Wow, it's a dream come true for the Nurin Alert advocators to see all these happening.
Thank you all for making this Pre-Nurin Alert possible and this shows that Nurin Alert is indeed workable.
All that need to do next is to formalise the Nurin Alert mechanism so that every quarter would have an exact role to play once a Nurin Alert is triggered.
All of the above actions taken so far would not be on the discretion of someone but rather a standard operating procedure.
When Nurin Alert is in place, ALL telco companies would be carrying the Nurin Alert message, not only Celcom.
When Nurin Alert is in place, ALL police officers from wherever their posts are - no matter how remote, would exactly know what to do with a report of a missing child, not only those proactive policemen like the ones at PJ.
When Nurin Alert is in place, all TV stations will air Nurin Alert messages without the need of the parent of the missing child to approach them.
When Nurin Alert is in place, all newspapers will carry the Nurin Alert messages prominently and not at the back pages.
When Nurin Alert is in place, there will ONE TOLL FREE No. for the public to relay information on any missing child.
When Nurin Alert is in place, billboards along the highway will flash Nurin Alert messages.
When Nurin Alert is in place, Nurin Alert will be triggered without the need to wait for a caring and influential Minister like Datuk Shahrizat.
My next wish is for 1-800-88-LINI will always be there for future missing children so that parents of missing children would no longer need to publish their own personal numbers that has proven time and time again of being a favourite number for pranksters to have their "sick" fun.
I can clearly see now that the real Nurin Alert is just about to be born. When it is born, everyone will then be very comfortable with it as all of us have been introduced to the pre-Nurin Alert triggered by Datuk Shahrizat for finding Nini.
Thank you Datuk Shahrizat, Thank you ACP Arjunaidi. The country needs more people like you around.
Viva Nurin Alert, Viva Innocent Children of Malaysia.
The Pre-Nurin Alert will only be complete with the finding of Nini. Please let it be soon. Let Nurin Alert be formalised with Nini's success story preambling it.
Jasni AJ
Despite Abduction Cases, Parents Still Lax On Children's Safety

By Normawati Muhamad Nor
KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 14 (Bernama) -- Despite the wide media publicity on the spate of child abduction-molestation cases of late, many parents still seem to take their children's safety for granted as observed at the city's shopping complexes.
Checks by Bernama at some hypermarkets and a departmental store showed that some parents allowed their children to run about in the premises while they were busy choosing the merchandise or talking on their mobile phones.
"It's not easy to watch over them...being children, they naturally like to run about," said a mother whose six-year-old child was playing away from her in a hypermarket.
When reminded of the well-publicised case of Muhammad Nazrin Shamsul Ghazali, 5, better known as Yin, who went missing from the Sogo departmental store here on March 31, last year, the woman who declined to be identified admitted that such cases could be due to parents' negligence.
Another shopper, Norbaiyah Mohamad, 33, said parents should be conscious about their children's safety at all times, especially outside the home, as an untoward incident could happen within a split second.
"It's better to leave them at home under the care of family members than to bring them to the hypermarket and allow them to run about. When something bad happens to them, we will be blamed," said Norbaiyah who held tight her child's hand while doing her shopping.
Jamilah Ahmad, 54, said many people did not realise the danger of bringing their children, especially the hyperactive ones, to the hypermarkets or supermarkets.
"Such children are difficult to control, so parents take the easy way out by letting them loose."
She said parents should learn some lessons from the child abduction cases including the latest involving five-year-old Sharlinie Mohd Nashar, and the brutal sexual assault-murder case of Nurin Jazlin Jazimin, 8, last September.
"I hope Sharlinie's case will be the last as a result of parents not being aware of their children's movements at the time.
"It's better that we change by being more responsible and cautious from now on, because we never know when an evil person will strike," added the retiree.
Meanwhile, Jusco Wangsa Maju branch Customer Services supervisor, Maziani Mat Sidi, said cases of missing children at the departmental store always happened on weekends, public holidays and festive seasons as it would be packed with shoppers.
"The children would cry after being separated from their parents who would come and get them, usually within 30 minutes, after hearing our public announcements," she said.
Telcos should get involved in Nurin Alert

Wednesday January 16, 2008
WE are now looking at the introduction of an alert system known as Nurin (Nationwide Urgent Response Information Network) Alert to combat kidnapping and assist in locating missing children.
I would like to suggest telcos get more actively involved in this system by sending out images of kidnap victims or even photofits of perpetrators via MMS. If all the telcos are part of the system, the alert will go out to potentially 20 million Malaysians; which may also include the perpetrators and their cohorts.
There are several advantages to using mobile phones, as they are now so personal that no one leaves home without it. Furthermore, it doesn’t cost telcos much, and it definitely is cheaper than printing posters.
The other obvious advantage is speed, as we all are aware that the faster we act, the better the chances of recovery.
It would be a refreshing change for subscribers to receive something of value from their telcos instead of the messages they are sending out now!
Kuala Lumpur.
- The Star

THIS was Jazimin Abdul Jalil’s reaction to the arrest of an Indonesian maid in Johor Baru early yesterday.
The 27-year-old woman had been sending text messages to Sharlinie’s parents, saying the girl was abducted out of revenge.
She also said Sharlinie wouldbe released in a few days.
“This is not funny. These are human lives we are talking about and crank calls and SMSes only add to the misery of Sharlinie’s family.”
Jazimin was a target of pranksters when his daughter, Nurin Jazlin, went missing for nearly a month before her body was found stuffed in a sports bag in Petaling Jaya last year.
“I know the agony and ordeal of Sharlinie’s parents. Why send them on a wild goose chase with information like where she was.
“If you spot the girl, act or call the police. Why bother sending such SMSes to the parents when the girl could have been taken far away by then,” said Jazimin.
TIRED of running around on a wild goose chase, police showed they meant business when they arrested an Indonesian maid at her employer’s house in Johor Baru at midnight yesterday.
The 27-year-old woman had been sending text messages to missing girl Sharlinie Mohd Nashar’s parents, saying the girl was abducted out of revenge.
She also said Nini (Sharlinie’s nickname) would be released in a few days.
Selangor Criminal Investigation Department chief Senior Assistant Commissioner II Mazlan Mansor, who announced the arrest yesterday, said the woman was playing around but the real motive has yet to be known.
The woman has been remanded for three days until tomorrow at Petaling Jaya police station.
The prank calls have hampered investigations as many hours and manpower are spent on checking information received from the public.
This upset Mazlan who vowed to get tough with the pranksters. He said he would not hesitate to charge them in court.
Mazlan declined to reveal details of pranksters who have would be rounded up soon.
Pranksters can be charged under Section 193 of the Penal Code for giving false information.
On the missing girl, Mazlan said: “The task force, comprising officers from Bukit Aman and the Selangor contingent, are working hard to find Sharlinie with support from other divisions and contingents.”
Asked if the two security guards, who were nabbed recently, are connected with Sharlinie’s abduction, he said: “We are still investigating. Give us time as we do not want to jump to conclusions.”
Sharlinie’s family has received many prank calls and text messages.
Sharlinie’s uncle, Shahrizal Satirin, 34, speaking on behalf of the visibly tired parents, said there were also messages that wrongfully accused the children’s parents of borrowing money from people.
“The father earns enough to feed the family and they have never borrowed money from anyone. They also never had any quarrel with anyone,” he said.
“I have advised the parents to ignore the calls and SMSes or they might just become crazy.”
Shahrizal said among the pranksters were schoolchildren.
“They have nothing better to do. But we are suffering here. Nini, who is suffering from asthma, is still missing and there are people who taunt us daily,” he said.
Nini was reportedly abducted about 11.30am on Wednesday, while walking home with her sister, Sharliena, eight, from a nearby playground in Taman Medan, Petaling Jaya.
The case is being investigated under Section 363 of the Penal Code for abduction, which carries a sentence of up to seven years’ jail upon conviction.
- The Malay Mail
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Finding Sharlinie is most important

LAST year in September, we were determined never to forget Nurin Jazlin Jazimin as we laid the battered and murdered child to rest.
We vowed to keep our children safe and never let another suffer the horrible nightmare Nurin went through.
But just 100 days on, the nation is again reliving the anguish of looking for another abducted child.
This time, we are praying, searching and hoping for the safe return of Sharlinie Mohd Nashar, the five-year-old who went missing about 200m near her house in Taman Medan last week.

Be strong: Jazimin (right) giving words of encouragement to Mohd Nashar at the latter’s house in Taman Medan last Friday.
One father knows exactly how wrenching the waiting can be. Nurin’s dad, Jazimin Abdul Jalil, has been a pillar of support to Mohd Nashar Mat Hussain. Jazimin has made at least two trips to Mohd Nashar’s double-storey link house in Taman Medan.
The first time last Friday, he spent nearly four hours huddled with Mohd Nashar, his wife and other relatives in the kitchen, offering words of encouragement and, more importantly, advising the worried parents on ways to deal with the painful situation.
“Pray, pray hard. God will give you the strength. Keep strong, don’t crumble under pressure and ignore the vicious talk, focus on the effort to find Sharlinie,” Jazimin told the family.
The part about ignoring vicious words was particularly personal to Jazimin. He and the wife faced all sorts of unkind allegations while the search for Nurin went on.
Some people actually called and verbally abused them, accusing them of being unfit parents for letting their child roam unattended. (The fact is: it was the first time Nurin had ever gone to the night market alone. The mother had assumed Nurin was with her sister.)
Some media also dug into Jazimin’s past, alleging he owed money to Ah Longs, when in reality, he had taken a legitimate loan of a few thousand ringgit to settle an accident involving his taxi. He had fully repaid the loan.
When the press met up with Jazimin at Mohd Nashar’s home, he was obviously wary of reporters. He only relented and agreed to speak to the press after much persuasion.
Even then, he kept reminding the media to be fair to Mohd Nashar, not print unfounded allegations or keep harping on the fact that Sharlinie’s parents had been negligent.
Jazimin had a point when he said “the focus should be on finding Sharlinie”.
“All other angles can be pursued once she is found. If the media keep insisting the parents were negligent, or print untrue allegations, kind-hearted Samaritans might be put off from helping,” he said.
Mohd Nashar seemed to have taken Jazimin’s advice. Right after Jazimin left his house at about 4pm on Friday, Mohd Nashar held an impromptu press conference denying his other daughter’s account of a woman with shoulder-length hair luring Sharlinie away.
“This is a matter of life and death for Sharlinie. I urge the media not to publish misleading facts about my daughter,” said Mohd Nashar, adding his police report never mentioned such a woman.
Just as Jazimin was trying to rise above the pain of losing his daughter, his elder brother, Jasni, was working tirelessly since the death of his niece to set up a national response system to help look for abducted children.
Working with a group of concerned citizens, Jasni was determined to implement Nurin Alert, an emergency response system galvanising the authorities, the press, the community and the nation to help save abducted children.
The system is modelled after the successful Amber Alert in America. Amber is the acronym for “America’s Missing: Broadcasting Emergency System”. Amber Alert was set up in memory of Amber Hagerman, a nine-year-old who was abducted and murdered in Arlington, Texas, in 1996.
“Some mechanism in the Nurin Alert has been acted upon. For instance, it was three days before the media publicised Nurin’s disappearance.
“In Sharlinie’s case, she was mentioned on television the day she went missing. Newspapers swung into action the very next day.
“Speed is crucial because it has been proven that the first 48 hours are the most critical in getting back abducted children,” he said.
Jasni said Nurin Alert advocators were also pleased with the swift and serious action taken by Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Jalil in appealing to the mass media to flash and print news about Sharlinie as often as possible.
Jasni and other Nurin Alert members have blogged about Sharlinie and put up the photofit of the alleged abductor in their respective blogs as well.
He has also set up a blog in memory of Nurin. It is nurinjazlin. It has since become an information centre in cyberspace dedicated to find abducted children.
“It is comforting to know we have learnt from our past mistakes. Action by the authorities, the community, the media and other concerned parties has been swift,” said Jasni.
Hopefully, it is swift enough to help save Sharlinie.
- The Star
Monday, January 14, 2008
An evening at Taman Sri Medan
So naturally, when Nini went missing, the thought of introducing the two more reliable practitioners crossed the mind. Encouraged by fellow visitors to the blog, I paid a visit to Nini's parents last Saturday enquiring whether they would like to engage the practitioner's assistance in their pursuit of finding Nini.
So there I was at about 5.00 p.m. Saturday. The minute I was there I can't help but reminiscing the chaotic situation at Jazimin's place during the height of the searching operations for Nurin.
There were scores of people there. Reporters and cameramen were everywhere. Policemen and Rela personnels were "almost" in full force - cordoning the area.
Wah, I thought - "this is something else, a real red alert!". But I wondered a while on why were so many Rela and Policemen there, have they found her? But no, she was still missing. Then shouldn't the Rela and Policemen and the scores of people be somewhere else looking for Nini? Then I realise the reality check, the scores of people, the swamp of reporters, the "platoons" of Policemen and Rela personnels were actually there because there were some VVIPs at Nini's grandparents house at that time. So that's the reason for the cordoning, diversion of traffic and the heavy presence of Rela and Policemen! Aargh! I really felt like a fool thinking something big was happening there.
But something big was happening indeed. Our PM's wife and the Selangor MB and his wife were there, at Nini's grandparents house. And judging by the quick disappearance of the scores of people soon after the VIPs left the place, I can safely say most of them (except for the Security forces and the reporters) were actually there to have to sneak "direct" view of the PM's wife. As for the Security forces and reporters, I guess they just had to "cover" the VVIP visit. Soon after the VIPs left the house, the crowd of people, the policemen and Rela personnels also disappeared.
I do hope that at least the Policemen and the Rela personnels went somewhere else to look for Nini after that!
Though most of the crowd left the place soon after the departure of the VIPs, there were still well wishers coming by to render their support and to console the "troubled" parents. There were still reporters there, but of course not as many as earlier in the day.
Until late night, the parents were still receiving visits from various quarters, from Gerakan 4B to members of a Motorcycle Rider Club committing their respective assistance.
Caring neighbours volunteered in the upkeeping of the place. Some provided refreshments, some tidying up the place etc etc.
The spirit of neighbourliness shown to Nini's parents was indeed a reassurance that the Malaysian caring society is very much a reality and not a myth.
I managed to meet Nini's parents and told them about the practitioners. They agreed to see them and so I called the Silat Master over.
I thought I had helped them but I'm not really sure whether I have done the correct thing. It never occurred to me what would be their reaction if the readings are negative. Do they have the strength to accept negative readings?
Jazimin was strong and confident when Nurin went missing, partly because he believed his child was safe. I don't think he would be that strong if someone were to tell him that his child was being cruelly abused during the time we were searching for her!
When Jazimin knew that I brought the Silat Master there, I got a scolding! And come to think about it, I think I really deserved it. Jazimin has a point. He said,"What is the point if all you get are vague clues that you can't do anything much with!". "What if the reading suggests that Nini was in the hands of Nurin's abductor cum murderer?". "You will drive the parents crazy!"
Though I'm not suggesting what the Silat Master actually told the parents, but perhaps we can just ponder on the points Jazimin made. Vague clues will indeed drive a person go nuts. Negative readings is as bad either.
I do try to be positive about it and I hope that both the Silat Master and Dr. Sazali whom I believe is already working with the Police could be able to substantially help in tracking Nini through their special and gifted skills.
From what I understand, the remote sensing methodology practiced by Dr. Sazali is not something that you inherit. It is a skill that can be learned. In fact, such skills are actually taught at his Academy called Akademi Simfoni Minda.
Jasni AJ
Cops sparing nothing

PETALING JAYA: Police will deploy all methods at its disposal to trace Sharlinie Mohd Nashar and her abductor while the reward for information on her whereabouts has increased to over RM20,000.
Petaling Jaya Police Chief ACP Arjunaidi Mohamad said police would use all the methods available including hypnoteraphy and psychology.
"We welcome cooperation from the public to help find Sharlinie.
Whatever the methods, we have to try them," he said.
Hypnotheraphy was used by police when invesitgating the abductions of Nurin Jazlin Jazimin, 8, and Mohd Nazrin Shamsul, 5, last year.
Mohd Nazrin or Yin was found safe after missing for two weeks while Nurin Jazlin was found murdered a month after her abduction.
Arjunaidi said police believed Sharlinie was being hidden as members of the public had reported sighting her in several districts.
Police have mounted a massive search for Sharlinie, distributing her posters and photofits of the suspect all over the country, including at the border.
He said police did not rule out the possibility that Sharlinie was abducted by the same suspect responsible for abducting and murdering Nurin Jazlin in September last year.
Nurin Jazlin's father Jazimin Abdul Jalil, 35, claimed that the photofit of the suspect was about 70 per cent similar to the suspect wanted for her daughter's murder.
Meanwhile the rewards keep on pouring, including from GMH Property (RM5,000), MCA Public Complaints Bureau chief Datuk Michael Chong (RM2,000) and an anonymous businessman (RM5,000).
The rewards offered have increased to more than RM20,000.
- The Daily Express
2 lelaki diberkas -- Pengawal ditahan bantu siasatan kes Nurin dan culik lain
Oleh Umavathi Ramayah
KUALA LUMPUR 13 Jan. – Dua lelaki termasuk seorang pengawal keselamatan ditahan di ibu negara malam tadi dan pagi ini bagi membantu siasatan polis dalam kes pembunuhan Allahyarham Nurin Jazlin Jazimin serta beberapa penculikan dan deraan seksual melibatkan sekurang-kurangnya enam kanak-kanak lain.
Penahanan kedua-dua lelaki itu memecah kebuntuan polis dan orang ramai yang menantikan perkembangan terbaru siasatan kes culik kanak-kanak perempuan yang kerap berlaku di Lembah Klang kebelakangan ini.
Kedua-dua lelaki berkenaan termasuk pengawal keselamatan berusia 32 tahun ditahan menerusi ‘Ops Sunti’ untuk menjejaki pembunuh Nurin Jazlin.
Dalam sidang akhbar di Johor Bahru hari ini, Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Musa Hassan ketika diminta mengulas mengenai kaitan penahanan tersebut dengan kes Nurin Jazlin berkata:
“Saya telah dimaklumkan (mengenainya). Siasatan masih lagi dijalankan.”
Nurin Jazlin, 8, hilang pada 20 Ogos lalu di Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumpur dan mayatnya ditemui 27 hari kemudian di PJS2, Petaling Jaya.
Ketua Siasatan Jenayah Kuala Lumpur, Senior Asisten Komisioner II Ku Chin Wah pula memberitahu, pengawal keselamatan itu ditahan oleh sepasukan anggota dari Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontinjen Kuala Lumpur (IPKKL).
Menurutnya, seorang lagi lelaki ditahan di Chow Kit di sini malam tadi oleh pasukan polis Bukit Aman dan butiran mengenainya belum diperoleh.
“Pengawal itu diberkas selepas polis menerima maklumat daripada orang ramai yang mendakwa wajah lelaki itu mirip fotofit penculik Nurin Jazlin yang disiarkan media sebelum ini.
“Dia ditahan untuk membantu siasatan. Penahanan itu tidak bermakna dia suspek utama kes ini kerana siasatan sedang dijalankan.
Kenyataan rasmi akan dikeluarkan selepas siasatan selesai,” katanya ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia petang ini.
Difahamkan, pengawal keselamatan itu telah berkahwin dan mempunyai tiga orang anak.
Pada pukul 3 petang ini, polis dilihat membawa lima orang kanak-kanak perempuan mangsa culik dari sekitar Lembah Klang ke sebuah bangunan kosong terbiar di Jalan Tun Razak di sini yang terletak bersebelahan Menara Marinara.
Bangunan kosong terbiar itu ialah lokasi sama tempat pengawal keselamatan itu ditahan pada pukul 10 pagi ini.
Para penyiasat cuba mendapatkan pengesahan daripada lima mangsa terbabit sama ada bangunan itu tempat mereka ditahan dan menjadi lokasi persembunyian penculik.
Chin Wah meminta orang ramai terutama media supaya tidak membuat spekulasi dan menyebarkan khabar angin kerana siasatan ke atas lelaki-lelaki itu masih di peringkat awal.
Penahanan kedua-dua lelaki itu sangat signifikan bukan saja kepada siasatan kes Nurin Jazlin malah juga mungkin dapat membantu menyelesaikan kes-kes culik kanak-kanak perempuan lain.
Ini termasuk kehilangan Sharlinie Mohd. Nashar, 5, dan Nur Fatiha Zaidi, 6, kedua-duanya dari Taman Medan, Petaling Jaya yang diculik dalam tempoh enam hari lalu.
Sharlinie diculik Rabu lalu dan sehingga lewat malam ini belum ditemui, manakala Nur Fatiha ditinggalkan oleh penculiknya di Wangsa Maju di sini kira-kira tiga jam selepas diculik pada hari Selasa lalu.
Tahun lalu, empat kanak-kanak perempuan dilaporkan menjadi mangsa culik lelaki yang menggunakan modus operandi ‘Abang Kucing’ di Kampung Baru di sini, tetapi mereka dilepaskan penculik selepas didera secara seksual.
Polis tidak menolak kemungkinan penculik adalah orang yang sama berdasarkan keterangan saksi-saksi dan juga modus operandi penjenayah itu yang berpura-pura mencari kucing untuk memujuk kanak-kanak mengikutnya.
Dalam perkembangan terbaru, kira-kira dua jam selepas ditahan dan disoal siasat di IPKKL hari ini, pengawal keselamatan berkenaan dibawa semula ke bangunan kosong di Jalan Tun Razak untuk tujuan pemeriksaan oleh Unit Forensik Polis Bukit Aman.
Lelaki terbabit kemudian dilihat dibawa keluar dari bangunan kosong itu dengan menaiki sebuah kereta Proton Waja kelabu oleh sepasukan polis IPKKL kira-kira pukul 1.30 petang ini.
Lelaki itu dikatakan bekerja sebagai pengawal keselamatan di bangunan tersebut sejak setahun lalu.
Dia dilihat memakai kemeja-T berwarna hitam dengan tangannya digari ke belakang manakala mukanya ditutup dengan kain.
Setelah berada di situ selama satu jam setengah, polis membawa keluar lelaki tersebut dari bangunan itu.
Wartawan Utusan Malaysia yang turut berada di lokasi itu kemudian menyaksikan lima kanak-kanak perempuan mangsa culik dibawa masuk ke dalam bangunan kosong yang sama.
Selepas kira-kira 10 minit membuat pengecaman, mereka keluar dari bangunan tersebut sebelum di bawa oleh polis dipercayai ke IPKKL untuk diambil keterangan lanjut.
Tinjauan mendapati kawasan di sekitar bangunan yang terletak kira-kira 200 meter dari ibu pejabat Pertubuhan Berita Nasional Malaysia (Bernama) itu dipenuhi semak-samun.
Terdapat sebuah pondok pengawal di pintu masuk bangunan. Sepucuk senapang mainan plastik dilihat berada dalam pondok itu.
Utusan Malaysia difahamkan, pengawal yang ditahan itu mempunyai sebuah motosikal jenis Modenas Kriss berwarna hitam.
Sebelum ini, polis memperoleh rakaman kamera litar tertutup (CCTV) yang mengandungi imej seorang lelaki bermotosikal Modenas Kriss yang meninggalkan beg berisi mayat Nurin Jazlin di sebuah pusat perniagaan di PJS2, Petaling Jaya pada 17 September lalu.
Bagaimanapun, sehingga kini polis tidak dapat mengesan dan memberkas lelaki di dalam rakaman CCTV itu.
Nombor pendaftaran motosikal Modenas Kriss tersebut juga tidak dapat dikesan walaupun kualiti imej rakaman itu telah ditingkatkan menerusi bantuan Biro Siasatan Persekutuan (FBI) Amerika Syarikat.
Pada Ogos tahun lalu, polis menahan enam orang termasuk dua wanita dalam beberapa serbuan di Shah Alam dan Seremban bagi membantu siasatan kes Nurin Jazlin.
Bagaimanapun, kesemuanya dibebaskan selepas polis mengambil keterangan mereka.
Sementara itu, bapa Nurin Jazlin, Jazimin Abd. Jalil memberitahu, beliau teringin berjumpa lelaki yang ditahan berhubung kes pembunuhan anaknya itu.
“Saya nak sangat jumpa mereka. Walaupun mereka belum tentu suspek sebenar tetapi sebagai bapa saya nak tengok sendiri sesiapa saja yang ada kaitan dengan kes pembunuhan Nurin Jazlin,” ujarnya.
Bagaimanapun, setakat ini, polis belum memaklumkan kepada Jazimin mengenai sebarang penahanan mahupun perkembangan kes anaknya itu.
- Utusan Malaysia
KUALA LUMPUR 13 Jan. – Dua lelaki termasuk seorang pengawal keselamatan ditahan di ibu negara malam tadi dan pagi ini bagi membantu siasatan polis dalam kes pembunuhan Allahyarham Nurin Jazlin Jazimin serta beberapa penculikan dan deraan seksual melibatkan sekurang-kurangnya enam kanak-kanak lain.
Penahanan kedua-dua lelaki itu memecah kebuntuan polis dan orang ramai yang menantikan perkembangan terbaru siasatan kes culik kanak-kanak perempuan yang kerap berlaku di Lembah Klang kebelakangan ini.
Kedua-dua lelaki berkenaan termasuk pengawal keselamatan berusia 32 tahun ditahan menerusi ‘Ops Sunti’ untuk menjejaki pembunuh Nurin Jazlin.
Dalam sidang akhbar di Johor Bahru hari ini, Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Musa Hassan ketika diminta mengulas mengenai kaitan penahanan tersebut dengan kes Nurin Jazlin berkata:
“Saya telah dimaklumkan (mengenainya). Siasatan masih lagi dijalankan.”
Nurin Jazlin, 8, hilang pada 20 Ogos lalu di Wangsa Maju, Kuala Lumpur dan mayatnya ditemui 27 hari kemudian di PJS2, Petaling Jaya.
Ketua Siasatan Jenayah Kuala Lumpur, Senior Asisten Komisioner II Ku Chin Wah pula memberitahu, pengawal keselamatan itu ditahan oleh sepasukan anggota dari Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontinjen Kuala Lumpur (IPKKL).
Menurutnya, seorang lagi lelaki ditahan di Chow Kit di sini malam tadi oleh pasukan polis Bukit Aman dan butiran mengenainya belum diperoleh.
“Pengawal itu diberkas selepas polis menerima maklumat daripada orang ramai yang mendakwa wajah lelaki itu mirip fotofit penculik Nurin Jazlin yang disiarkan media sebelum ini.
“Dia ditahan untuk membantu siasatan. Penahanan itu tidak bermakna dia suspek utama kes ini kerana siasatan sedang dijalankan.
Kenyataan rasmi akan dikeluarkan selepas siasatan selesai,” katanya ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia petang ini.
Difahamkan, pengawal keselamatan itu telah berkahwin dan mempunyai tiga orang anak.
Pada pukul 3 petang ini, polis dilihat membawa lima orang kanak-kanak perempuan mangsa culik dari sekitar Lembah Klang ke sebuah bangunan kosong terbiar di Jalan Tun Razak di sini yang terletak bersebelahan Menara Marinara.
Bangunan kosong terbiar itu ialah lokasi sama tempat pengawal keselamatan itu ditahan pada pukul 10 pagi ini.
Para penyiasat cuba mendapatkan pengesahan daripada lima mangsa terbabit sama ada bangunan itu tempat mereka ditahan dan menjadi lokasi persembunyian penculik.
Chin Wah meminta orang ramai terutama media supaya tidak membuat spekulasi dan menyebarkan khabar angin kerana siasatan ke atas lelaki-lelaki itu masih di peringkat awal.
Penahanan kedua-dua lelaki itu sangat signifikan bukan saja kepada siasatan kes Nurin Jazlin malah juga mungkin dapat membantu menyelesaikan kes-kes culik kanak-kanak perempuan lain.
Ini termasuk kehilangan Sharlinie Mohd. Nashar, 5, dan Nur Fatiha Zaidi, 6, kedua-duanya dari Taman Medan, Petaling Jaya yang diculik dalam tempoh enam hari lalu.
Sharlinie diculik Rabu lalu dan sehingga lewat malam ini belum ditemui, manakala Nur Fatiha ditinggalkan oleh penculiknya di Wangsa Maju di sini kira-kira tiga jam selepas diculik pada hari Selasa lalu.
Tahun lalu, empat kanak-kanak perempuan dilaporkan menjadi mangsa culik lelaki yang menggunakan modus operandi ‘Abang Kucing’ di Kampung Baru di sini, tetapi mereka dilepaskan penculik selepas didera secara seksual.
Polis tidak menolak kemungkinan penculik adalah orang yang sama berdasarkan keterangan saksi-saksi dan juga modus operandi penjenayah itu yang berpura-pura mencari kucing untuk memujuk kanak-kanak mengikutnya.
Dalam perkembangan terbaru, kira-kira dua jam selepas ditahan dan disoal siasat di IPKKL hari ini, pengawal keselamatan berkenaan dibawa semula ke bangunan kosong di Jalan Tun Razak untuk tujuan pemeriksaan oleh Unit Forensik Polis Bukit Aman.
Lelaki terbabit kemudian dilihat dibawa keluar dari bangunan kosong itu dengan menaiki sebuah kereta Proton Waja kelabu oleh sepasukan polis IPKKL kira-kira pukul 1.30 petang ini.
Lelaki itu dikatakan bekerja sebagai pengawal keselamatan di bangunan tersebut sejak setahun lalu.
Dia dilihat memakai kemeja-T berwarna hitam dengan tangannya digari ke belakang manakala mukanya ditutup dengan kain.
Setelah berada di situ selama satu jam setengah, polis membawa keluar lelaki tersebut dari bangunan itu.
Wartawan Utusan Malaysia yang turut berada di lokasi itu kemudian menyaksikan lima kanak-kanak perempuan mangsa culik dibawa masuk ke dalam bangunan kosong yang sama.
Selepas kira-kira 10 minit membuat pengecaman, mereka keluar dari bangunan tersebut sebelum di bawa oleh polis dipercayai ke IPKKL untuk diambil keterangan lanjut.
Tinjauan mendapati kawasan di sekitar bangunan yang terletak kira-kira 200 meter dari ibu pejabat Pertubuhan Berita Nasional Malaysia (Bernama) itu dipenuhi semak-samun.
Terdapat sebuah pondok pengawal di pintu masuk bangunan. Sepucuk senapang mainan plastik dilihat berada dalam pondok itu.
Utusan Malaysia difahamkan, pengawal yang ditahan itu mempunyai sebuah motosikal jenis Modenas Kriss berwarna hitam.
Sebelum ini, polis memperoleh rakaman kamera litar tertutup (CCTV) yang mengandungi imej seorang lelaki bermotosikal Modenas Kriss yang meninggalkan beg berisi mayat Nurin Jazlin di sebuah pusat perniagaan di PJS2, Petaling Jaya pada 17 September lalu.
Bagaimanapun, sehingga kini polis tidak dapat mengesan dan memberkas lelaki di dalam rakaman CCTV itu.
Nombor pendaftaran motosikal Modenas Kriss tersebut juga tidak dapat dikesan walaupun kualiti imej rakaman itu telah ditingkatkan menerusi bantuan Biro Siasatan Persekutuan (FBI) Amerika Syarikat.
Pada Ogos tahun lalu, polis menahan enam orang termasuk dua wanita dalam beberapa serbuan di Shah Alam dan Seremban bagi membantu siasatan kes Nurin Jazlin.
Bagaimanapun, kesemuanya dibebaskan selepas polis mengambil keterangan mereka.
Sementara itu, bapa Nurin Jazlin, Jazimin Abd. Jalil memberitahu, beliau teringin berjumpa lelaki yang ditahan berhubung kes pembunuhan anaknya itu.
“Saya nak sangat jumpa mereka. Walaupun mereka belum tentu suspek sebenar tetapi sebagai bapa saya nak tengok sendiri sesiapa saja yang ada kaitan dengan kes pembunuhan Nurin Jazlin,” ujarnya.
Bagaimanapun, setakat ini, polis belum memaklumkan kepada Jazimin mengenai sebarang penahanan mahupun perkembangan kes anaknya itu.
- Utusan Malaysia
Missing child alert system in place
KUALA LUMPUR: A system to immediately alert everyone when a missing child case is reported is already in place, said Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil.
She said this could be seen in the case of Sharlinie Mohd Nashar where various groups, including the media and the community, were coming together quickly to locate her.
“We are awaiting the Cabinet’s approval before formally implementing the system,” she said yesterday after launching a Nur Sejahtera health event at Desa Pantai flats in Pantai Dalam.
She was asked to comment on when a system such as the Nationwide Urgent Response Information Network (Nurin) Alert would be implemented to help locate missing children without delay.
The Nurin Alert was first suggested following the murder of eight-year-old Nurin Jazlin Jazimin who was abducted and her body was found stuffed into a sports bag a month later last September.
Nurin’s uncle Jasni Abdul Jalil and several bloggers drafted a proposal on the Nurin Alert and submitted it to Shahrizat’s ministry late last year.
In the United States, the Amber (America’s Missing: Broadcasting Emergency Response) Alert is a warning system implemented to immediately trace missing children via a comprehensive network involving authorities and the community.
It was named after Amber Hagerman, nine, who was abducted and murdered in Texas in 1996.
Shahrizat said lessons were learnt from Nurin’s case and efforts to locate Sharlinie started earlier, including the immediate distribution of posters.
“Police have also taken quicker action and there is more involvement from the community and non-governmental organisations.”
- The Star
She said this could be seen in the case of Sharlinie Mohd Nashar where various groups, including the media and the community, were coming together quickly to locate her.
“We are awaiting the Cabinet’s approval before formally implementing the system,” she said yesterday after launching a Nur Sejahtera health event at Desa Pantai flats in Pantai Dalam.
She was asked to comment on when a system such as the Nationwide Urgent Response Information Network (Nurin) Alert would be implemented to help locate missing children without delay.
The Nurin Alert was first suggested following the murder of eight-year-old Nurin Jazlin Jazimin who was abducted and her body was found stuffed into a sports bag a month later last September.
Nurin’s uncle Jasni Abdul Jalil and several bloggers drafted a proposal on the Nurin Alert and submitted it to Shahrizat’s ministry late last year.
In the United States, the Amber (America’s Missing: Broadcasting Emergency Response) Alert is a warning system implemented to immediately trace missing children via a comprehensive network involving authorities and the community.
It was named after Amber Hagerman, nine, who was abducted and murdered in Texas in 1996.
Shahrizat said lessons were learnt from Nurin’s case and efforts to locate Sharlinie started earlier, including the immediate distribution of posters.
“Police have also taken quicker action and there is more involvement from the community and non-governmental organisations.”
- The Star
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Activating (NURIN) Alert for Nini
Citizens For NURIN Alert - a group of concerned citizens advocating an alert system in finding, locating and saving missing children -- is pleased that Celcom, LiteFM (and its sister stations), television stations and the print media have taken prompt pro-active measures in complementing police efforts to find 5 year-old Nini (Sharlinie Mohd Nashar) who has been missing since she was abducted at a playground in Taman Dato Harun (PJS) on Wednesday (Jan 9).
CFNA Jasni Abdul Jalil said in advocating the introduction and implementation of NURIN Alert (modelled on AMBER Alert, the original US mechanism), Citizens For NURIN Alert hopes that these bodies continue unabated in volunteering to fortify efforts to save Nini in the shortest possible time.
The action by Celcom and the broadcasting and print media is key in activating a system like AMBER alert on which the proposed NURIN Alert is based.
This will go far in the search and rescue for Nini.
Citizens For NURIN Alert is pleased with the swift and serious action by Women, Family and Community Development Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil in appealing to TV stations to flash Nini's picture as often as possible and in warning her abductors not to harm her.
CFNA believes that time is key in the seach for Nini.
All that had taken place since Nini was reported missing on Wednesday has demonstrated the mechanism by which the proposed NURIN Alert works.
With new cases of missing children, CFNA feels that it is all the more compelling that an alert system such as the proposed Nurin Alert be swiftly put in place.
At this stage CFNA is working closely with the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry, a corporation and a unit of the Royal Malaysian Police as well as a group of professionals to make NURIN Alert a reality.
Citizens For NURIN Alert was formed following the death of 8 year-old Nurin Jazlin Jazimin in September last year.
Nurin was abducted on Aug 20 near her home in Wangsa Maju. Her brutalized body was found stuffed in a sports bag at a shoplot in PJ on September 17.
It was felt that not enough had been done to search for her and to save her in the 28days that she went missing.
CFNA felt that an alert mechanism modelled on AMBER Alert should be in place "to save the next child" as AMBER Alert had proven to be highly effective, and thus, successful in saving he lives of missing children.
Nurin's death should not be in vain. NURIN Alert is named (with her parents' blessings) after her and is in her memory.
CFNA's pro-tem committee comprise chairman Kamal Affandi, Jasni, and committee members Nik Farez, Nur Azrina Abdul Samad, Hanizah Hashim and Nuraina Abdul Samad.
For more on Citizens For Nurin Alert, click here, and here,.
Read also Tembam for an education.
CFNA Jasni Abdul Jalil said in advocating the introduction and implementation of NURIN Alert (modelled on AMBER Alert, the original US mechanism), Citizens For NURIN Alert hopes that these bodies continue unabated in volunteering to fortify efforts to save Nini in the shortest possible time.
The action by Celcom and the broadcasting and print media is key in activating a system like AMBER alert on which the proposed NURIN Alert is based.
This will go far in the search and rescue for Nini.
Citizens For NURIN Alert is pleased with the swift and serious action by Women, Family and Community Development Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil in appealing to TV stations to flash Nini's picture as often as possible and in warning her abductors not to harm her.
CFNA believes that time is key in the seach for Nini.
All that had taken place since Nini was reported missing on Wednesday has demonstrated the mechanism by which the proposed NURIN Alert works.
With new cases of missing children, CFNA feels that it is all the more compelling that an alert system such as the proposed Nurin Alert be swiftly put in place.
At this stage CFNA is working closely with the Women, Family and Community Development Ministry, a corporation and a unit of the Royal Malaysian Police as well as a group of professionals to make NURIN Alert a reality.
Citizens For NURIN Alert was formed following the death of 8 year-old Nurin Jazlin Jazimin in September last year.
Nurin was abducted on Aug 20 near her home in Wangsa Maju. Her brutalized body was found stuffed in a sports bag at a shoplot in PJ on September 17.
It was felt that not enough had been done to search for her and to save her in the 28days that she went missing.
CFNA felt that an alert mechanism modelled on AMBER Alert should be in place "to save the next child" as AMBER Alert had proven to be highly effective, and thus, successful in saving he lives of missing children.
Nurin's death should not be in vain. NURIN Alert is named (with her parents' blessings) after her and is in her memory.
CFNA's pro-tem committee comprise chairman Kamal Affandi, Jasni, and committee members Nik Farez, Nur Azrina Abdul Samad, Hanizah Hashim and Nuraina Abdul Samad.
For more on Citizens For Nurin Alert, click here, and here,.
Read also Tembam for an education.
Jazimin: Crank calls only add to the pain

PETALING JAYA: It’s a vicious cycle. When Nurin Jazlin Jazimin and Mohd Nazrin Shamsul, or Yin, went missing last year, their parents received countless prank calls offering false leads and nasty text messages.
This time around, it is the parents of missing five-year-old Sharlinie Mohd Nashar who are on the receiving end. The girl’s uncle, Shahrizal Satirin, 34, told The Malay Mail that Sharlinie’s parents had received almost 200 calls and text messages since Friday.
He said most called to express their concern and offer words of encouragement. Those who weren’t abusive offered false leads.
“This is unnecessary. Although they could be youngsters, they do not realise the damage they are causing.
“The distressed parents are already bogged down with more important matters,” said Shahrizal, who has been keeping Sharlinie’s parents — Mohd Nashar Mat Hussain and Suraya Ahmad — company since the day she went missing. Shahrizal thanked members of the public who had expressed concern and offered help.
“It is comforting to know that many people care. We received calls and text messages from all over Malaysia.
“Even Indonesians had called to wish us luck. They said they are praying for Sharlinie’s safe return,” said Shahrizal. Suraya said she still believes that Nini (Sharlinie) is unharmed. She hasn’t given up hope.
“My instincts tell me that Nini is safe. I do not want to have any negative thoughts concerning my daughter’s condition at the moment. Suraya is praying to hear good news about her daughter.
“We’ve yet to receive any updates on the investigation,” she said, adding that she and her husband have been in a state of despair since their daughter’s disappearance.
On Friday, Nurin Jazlin’s father, Jazimin Abdul Jalil, paid them a visit at their home in Taman Medan.
Jazimin, who spent several hours with the couple, said he understood what they were going through.
“I lost my daughter for 27 days. I came to motivate and share my experiences with them,” he said.
“I pray for Nini’s safety and hope she does not end up like my daughter. I hope they get a happy ending.”
He also hopes that the public will stop tormenting the couple with prank calls and false information.
“The family is under tremendous pressure. Please don’t add to their pain. Just help them with the right information.”
- The Malay Mail
Laman blog Nurin lancar gerakan cari Sharlinie

KUALA LUMPUR 11 Jan. - Berita mengenai kehilangan kanak-kanak berusia lima tahun, Sharlinie Mohd. Nashar, di Taman Medan, kelmarin, terus mendapat perhatian pelbagai pihak.
Antara yang aktif memaparkan isu mengenai kehilangan dan melancarkan gerakan mencari Sharlinie adalah laman blog
Walaupun diwujudkan khusus mengenang Allahyarham Nurin Jazlin Jazimin, laman blog itu tidak ketinggalan menyeru rakyat Malaysia agar memberikan kerjasama dalam usaha mengesan kanak-kanak tersebut.
Pengendali laman blog berkenaan, Jasni Abdul Jalil, 44, berkata, selain membantu, penyiaran berita kehilangan Sharlinie dalam laman blog berkenaan adalah bagi menyatakan rasa simpatinya terhadap apa yang berlaku.
‘‘Pihak kami pernah merasakan apa yang kini dirasai oleh keluarga Sharlinie iaitu kehilangan Nurin.
‘‘Atas rasa simpati, saya selitkan sama berita kehilangan Sharlinie dalam laman blog agar dia dapat ditemui semula dengan selamat,’’ katanya ketika dihubungi Utusan Malaysia di sini hari ini.
Dalam kejadian kira-kira pukul 11.30 pagi kelmarin, Sharlinie dan kakaknya, Sharliena, 8, yang dalam perjalanan pulang dari bermain di taman permainan berdekatan rumahnya di Jalan PJS2C/11N, Taman Medan, Petaling Jaya, hilang ‘dalam sekelip mata’.
Lokasi kali terakhir Sharlinie dilihat kakaknya ialah kira-kira 150 meter dari rumah mereka iaitu di persimpangan lorong ke taman permainan itu dengan di kiri kanannya adalah rumah teres.
Jasni berkata, bagi membantu usaha mengesan, laman blog tersebut turut memaparkan gambar Sharlinie serta lakaran wajah suspek yang dikatakan menculik kanak-kanak itu.
‘‘Kita juga menyeru dan meminta sesiapa yang mempunyai maklumat mengenai Sharlinie supaya menghubungi Rakan Cop di talian 03-21159999,’’ katanya.
Ditanya mengenai maklum balas orang ramai terhadap berita kehilangan Sharlinie menerusi laman blog itu, beliau menjelaskan bahawa selain menyatakan rasa marah, masyarakat turut memberikan pelbagai cadangan dalam usaha mengesan Sharlinie.
- Utusan Malaysia
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