So naturally, when Nini went missing, the thought of introducing the two more reliable practitioners crossed the mind. Encouraged by fellow visitors to the blog, I paid a visit to Nini's parents last Saturday enquiring whether they would like to engage the practitioner's assistance in their pursuit of finding Nini.
So there I was at about 5.00 p.m. Saturday. The minute I was there I can't help but reminiscing the chaotic situation at Jazimin's place during the height of the searching operations for Nurin.
There were scores of people there. Reporters and cameramen were everywhere. Policemen and Rela personnels were "almost" in full force - cordoning the area.
Wah, I thought - "this is something else, a real red alert!". But I wondered a while on why were so many Rela and Policemen there, have they found her? But no, she was still missing. Then shouldn't the Rela and Policemen and the scores of people be somewhere else looking for Nini? Then I realise the reality check, the scores of people, the swamp of reporters, the "platoons" of Policemen and Rela personnels were actually there because there were some VVIPs at Nini's grandparents house at that time. So that's the reason for the cordoning, diversion of traffic and the heavy presence of Rela and Policemen! Aargh! I really felt like a fool thinking something big was happening there.
But something big was happening indeed. Our PM's wife and the Selangor MB and his wife were there, at Nini's grandparents house. And judging by the quick disappearance of the scores of people soon after the VIPs left the place, I can safely say most of them (except for the Security forces and the reporters) were actually there to have to sneak "direct" view of the PM's wife. As for the Security forces and reporters, I guess they just had to "cover" the VVIP visit. Soon after the VIPs left the house, the crowd of people, the policemen and Rela personnels also disappeared.
I do hope that at least the Policemen and the Rela personnels went somewhere else to look for Nini after that!
Though most of the crowd left the place soon after the departure of the VIPs, there were still well wishers coming by to render their support and to console the "troubled" parents. There were still reporters there, but of course not as many as earlier in the day.
Until late night, the parents were still receiving visits from various quarters, from Gerakan 4B to members of a Motorcycle Rider Club committing their respective assistance.
Caring neighbours volunteered in the upkeeping of the place. Some provided refreshments, some tidying up the place etc etc.
The spirit of neighbourliness shown to Nini's parents was indeed a reassurance that the Malaysian caring society is very much a reality and not a myth.
I managed to meet Nini's parents and told them about the practitioners. They agreed to see them and so I called the Silat Master over.
I thought I had helped them but I'm not really sure whether I have done the correct thing. It never occurred to me what would be their reaction if the readings are negative. Do they have the strength to accept negative readings?
Jazimin was strong and confident when Nurin went missing, partly because he believed his child was safe. I don't think he would be that strong if someone were to tell him that his child was being cruelly abused during the time we were searching for her!
When Jazimin knew that I brought the Silat Master there, I got a scolding! And come to think about it, I think I really deserved it. Jazimin has a point. He said,"What is the point if all you get are vague clues that you can't do anything much with!". "What if the reading suggests that Nini was in the hands of Nurin's abductor cum murderer?". "You will drive the parents crazy!"
Though I'm not suggesting what the Silat Master actually told the parents, but perhaps we can just ponder on the points Jazimin made. Vague clues will indeed drive a person go nuts. Negative readings is as bad either.
I do try to be positive about it and I hope that both the Silat Master and Dr. Sazali whom I believe is already working with the Police could be able to substantially help in tracking Nini through their special and gifted skills.
From what I understand, the remote sensing methodology practiced by Dr. Sazali is not something that you inherit. It is a skill that can be learned. In fact, such skills are actually taught at his Academy called Akademi Simfoni Minda.
Jasni AJ
Terima kasih Encik Jasni kerana melalui blog ini dapat membantu kanak-kanak yang hilang dan memberi kesedaran kepada masyarakat Malaysia betapa pentingnya kerjasama dan saling bantu membantu. Saya berharap Nini dapat dijumpai selamat...amin
Nurin Jazlin pengorbanan mu walau pun amat pedih tapi tak sia-sia kerana kau pengerak kepada sesuatu kebaikan....
Thank you for this frank and sensitive sharing, En. Jasni.
After the anguish of hoping that Nurin Jazlin would be found safe, who would have thought the same situation could repeat itself in just a few months.
Dear God, please keep Nini safe and let her be found soon...
I came across this blog from thestar.
Let's just pray that this won't happen again and the police manage to find the missing girls.
ada tgk tak rancangan gerak khas last week cerita kes budak hilang...lebih kurang mcm kes nurin...disambung minggu nie..tak sbr nak tgk cemana it end....
Harap cerite gerak khas je yang menarik..
same2 kite renungkan.
merujuk gambar diatas (poster di koyak)
Soalan yang perlu bermain dikepala kite semue...
Kalau pun budak sekolah yang gatal tangan yang lakukan.. adakah ini yang diajarkan disekolah?
Inikah petanda, "barah" telah lama menular dalam masyarakat kite?
thats why i cakap tak sabar nak tgk camne kes culik + bunuh tu ditangani oleh polis2 m'sia dalam cerita gerak khas tu...
sekurang-kurangnya ada tangkapan untuk kes Nurin dan kes Linie...
adala harapan...
lang aku dah beratus liun kali dah try nak masuk hang punya blog...mula aku ingat computer aku pesen lama tak leh trace...aku try computer member cam tu gak....
memang tak ada jodoh tul...
the funfare at the house - typical. Jasni, you did the right thing though others may think otherwise and often we help others with good intentions and many times it backfires. N'less, it's our niat that is important. I can fully understand why Jazimin is against it, he went through turmoil and hell during Nurin's days. we do what we can, and we pray hard for Nini, at the moment, she needs all our prayers.
Unit Amal gerak operasi kesan Sharlinie
Saidah Hairan
KUALA LUMPUR, 15 Jan (Harakah) - Jabatan Amal Malaysia mengarahkan ahli Unit Amal setiap negeri membantu mengesan Sharlinie Mohd Nashar yang didapati hilang selepas bermain di taman permainan Taman Medan, Petaling Jaya.
Setiausahanya, M. S Abu Sahid berkata, Jabatan Amal tidak mahu tragedi ngeri yang berlaku ke atas Allahyarham Nurin Jazlin berulang kepada Sharlinie.
Beliau berharap orang ramai peka dengan memberikan bantuan serta kerjasama bagi mengesan kehilangan Sharlinie.
Sehubungan itu, Unit Amal Dewan Pemuda PAS Wilayah Persekutuan turut berusaha mencari Syarlinie dengan mengedarkan posternya selepas menunaikan solat Jumaat di masjid Kampung Baru, Jumaat, 11 Januari lalu.
Sharlinie didapati hilang selepas bermain di taman permainan kira-kira 200 meter dari rumahnya kira-kira jam 11.30 pagi.
Ketika kejadian, Sharlinie dikatakan dalam perjalanan pulang bersama kakaknya Sharliena melalui sebuah lorong.
Unit Amal akan meneruskan operasi mengesan Sharlinie di kawasan tumpuan ramai seperti di Jalan Masjid India dan Jalan Chow Kit.
Menurut M. S Abu Sahid, walaupun Syarlinie dilaporkan hilang di Petaling Jaya, tetapi tidak mustahil mangsa dibawa keluar dari tempat itu.- tajdid
alhamdulillah, skrg pihak polis dh tangkap sekali penyebar,pemakihamun, pengugut melalui hp/sms ke keluarga sharlinie... dulu aku slalu bising psl bender ni, tgkap je diorg, tkyah beri amaran lagi, undang2 dh ader, sebab ni libatkn hidup dan mati nyawa seseorang..
adeke patut dibuat main2...
Sharlinie: Remaja, 16, ditangkap kirim SMS palsu
15-01-2008 05:19:02 PM
KUALA LUMPUR: Polis menahan seorang remaja lelaki di Bagan Serai, Perak hari ini kerana dipercayai menyalurkan maklumat palsu berhubung kes kehilangan Sharlinie Mohd Nashar, 5, tangkapan kedua bagi perbuatan serupa.
Ketua Polis Daerah Petaling Jaya ACP Arjunaidi Mohamad berkata remaja berumur 16 tahun itu ditahan pukul 6.30 pagi di rumahnya.
"Remaja itu ditahan berdasarkan siasatan lanjut ke atas panggilan-panggilan telefon yang diterima oleh bapa mangsa. Polis percaya beliau cuba mengelirukan dan mempermainkan keluarga mangsa dan polis," katanya kepada pemberita di pejabatnya di sini hari ini. [Lihat: Polis Perak: Semua SMS kes Sharlinie palsu ]
Siasatan awal mendapati remaja terbabit menghubungi keluarga Sharlinie beberapa kali sejak kehilangannya dan turut membuat tuntutan ganjaran.
Arjunaidi berkata tangkapan remaja itu merupakan yang pertama membabitkan tuntutan wang ganjaran dan polis turut merampas bahan bukti daripada remaja itu.
Beliau berkata remaja itu dibawa ke Ibu pejabat Polis Daerah Petaling Jaya untuk siasatan lanjut.
"Kes ini diklasifikasikan di bawah Seksyen 363 (Kanun Keseksaan kerana menculik) kerana kita mahu pastikan sama ada beliau terlibat atau tidak dalam kes tersebut.
"Ini juga adalah ingatan dan amaran keras kepada orang ramai supaya tidak mempermainkan siasatan polis. Namun begitu, masyarakat tidak perlu takut untuk menyalurkan maklumat asalkan ianya benar," kata Arjunaidi.
Semalam, polis menahan seorang pembantu rumah warga asing berumur 27 tahun di Johor Baharu kerana menghantar khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS) palsu kepada keluarga Sharlinie sejak hari pertama kehilangannya.
Antara kandungan SMS itu ialah mengenai perasaan dendam, keadaan Sharlinie serta memberitahu akan memulangkan kanak-kanak itu dalam tempoh terdekat.
Sementara itu, kakak Sharlinie, Sharlina, 8, dilihat dibawa ke Bukit Aman oleh beberapa anggota polis pada pukul 10 pagi tadi bagi membantu siasatan. BERNAMA
aku rasa kes nini i mempunyai team yg bagus (as i can see it now...) ACP arjunaidi yg lead kes ni nampak proaktif sikit drp insp loh pei pei tu.
harap2 task force yg bagus & proaktif lead tu good results.
aku risau,2 suspek ditahan tapi mana kelibat adik nini..?
masa2 begini aku jadi sentimental ngan anak aku,selalu peluk cium sampai budak2 naik pelik.
sudah 7 hari ..!!!!
JAJ, u did nothing wrong,anada berniat baik.Jazimin mungkin trauma dgn apa yg dilaluinya.biarkanlah dia. Dia juga berusaha utk menolong keluarga nini dgn caranya.(applaud !!!!).In this short life,Juz be kind,it's the best thing to do.
Percayalah ,hidup ini akan lebih puas dan bermakna jika dapat menolong orang.W/pun ragu2 pd awalnya tapi bila keseorangan,you will feel relieve.
doing good in yr own way,Insaallah.
En Jasni,
Concerning the idea of bringing the Silat Master, our main intention is to bring Nini back to her family .That's why we suggested him the very moment Nini went missing ....with the hope that he can help trace her before anything cruel happen to Nini. There's nothing wrong with the idea . What we can do now is to pray that she's not harm in any way. Let's think positive, that's the only choice we have now.Neither her parents nor us can do anything .If possible, please tell the Silat Master to skip the 'description' and focus on where she is now.We are depending on him .
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