Saturday, January 26, 2008

Yusof Haslam Apologises

Harian Metro today published a report on Yusof Haslam apologising to any parties who felt offended with the two "Gerak Khas" episodes aired over RTM2 on 11th and 18th January 2008.

The two episodes carrying a storyline closely resembling the Nurin Jazlin tragedy was deemed to be have been produced in bad taste and had suggested among others, the character of the victim's father as being in heavy debts including those with an Along and the state of denial of the father for refusing to accept the DNA results of the body of a child that was found at a construction site.

The public knows that those facts were exactly what was reported to be the case with Jazimin initially. We took pains to clarify and provide an alternative version on the matter and alhamdullilah such incorrect impressions were sort of accepted.

What the family is so upset about is that all those efforts became useless as the initial impressions were re-emphasised in the drama slots making the public, especially those who are not accessible to internet to believe what they have read before.

Therefore, we view the airing of the drama as most damaging to the family's reputation as it is an act of character assasination and hence need to be corrected appropriately.

We also feel that the culture of slandering should not be allowed to flourish in the country. While it is gallant for Yusof Haslam to make that public apology, we also feel that the apology fell short of admitting his mistake as he maintained that the drama slots were in no way connected to the Nurin Jazlin tragedy albeit its overwhelming similarities in the storyline.

We are currently discussing with our attorney on the best course of action on not only the drama but on the slanderous press reporting that had made reference to the "imaginative" Along connection.

Of course, the distribution of the autopsy pictures is also very much in our mind. The fact of the matter is that we are actually getting very tired of waiting for the charge to be made on the culprit who had distributed the pictures. As the saying goes, "justice delayed is justice denied".

With the progress of finding Nurin's murderer is not producing the desired results so far, all these other secondary and unnecessary matters does not help in easing the pain endured by the family.

For those who missed the Harian Metro report, please read the full report as reproduced below :-

EKORAN pertikaian mengenai episod Gerak Khas di RTM2, dua minggu lalu yang dikatakan ada persamaan dengan kes mangsa pembunuhan ngeri, Nurin Jazlin Jazimin, 9, syarikat penerbitan drama bersiri kepolisan itu, Skop Productions Sdn Bhd (Skop) memohon maaf.

Penerbitnya, Datuk Yusof Haslam, berkata beliau mewakili dirinya, pengarah dan penulis skrip drama itu menyusun 10 jari memohon kemaafan kalau sekiranya ada pihak yang terasa selepas menonton siri itu.

Katanya, tiada sebarang niat untuk mempersenda mana-mana pihak dengan memaparkan kisah yang dikatakan ada persamaan dengan kes pembunuhan ngeri Nurin Jazlin yang mendapat perhatian seluruh rakyat Malaysia tidak lama dulu.

“Saya memang tiada niat perkecilkan mana-mana pihak. Ia cerita rekaan untuk memberi pengajaran pada masyarakat dalam menangani jenayah. Malah sebagai iktibar dan mendidik mereka untuk berhati-hati dengan keadaan sekeliling.

“Sekarang ini jenayah boleh berlaku di mana saja dan masyarakat perlu prihatin. Inilah mesej yang ingin disampaikan dalam Gerak Khas. Namun persamaan cerita kadang kala tidak dapat dielak.

“Justeru, atas insiden tidak disengajakan ini, saya memohon maaf jika ada yang tersinggung. Saya juga akan lebih peka dan berhati-hati pada masa akan datang,” k a t a nya ketika ditemui di pejabatnya di Setapak, semalam.

Yusof sudah menerbitkan drama kepolisan sejak 23 tahun lalu. Malah bagi siri Gerak Khas, lebih 400 episod dihasilkan dalam tempoh hampir sembilan tahun disiarkan di Radio Televisyen Malaysia (RTM).

“Memang tidak dinafikan ada antara isu diketengahkan isu baru.

Malah sebelum ini juga saya pernah memaparkan isu Black Metal dalam Gerak Khas.

“Apapun, saya tetap memohon maaf. Sebagai hamba Allah yang serba kurang dan tidak dapat lari daripada melakukan kesilapan, saya minta m a a f ,” t e ga s nya .

Sementara itu bapa Allahyarham Nurin Jazlin, Jazimin Abdul Jalil berkata, apa yang disiarkan dalam Gerak Khas itu mempunyai persamaan dengan kisah menimpa keluarganya.

“Ia memang cerita saya dan anak saya. Justeru, bagaimana pula boleh dikatakan cerita rekaan sedangkan ia kisah keluarga saya.

“Terus-terang, saya marah dan terkilan dengan penayangan drama itu.

Malah kebanyakan orang yang ditemui juga mengatakan ia cerita kami,” k a t a nya .

Jazimin berkata, perkara itu tidak sepatutnya berlaku kerana kes berkenaan belum selesai. Katanya, penjenayah terbabit pun masih bebas.

Harian Metro Khamis lalu melaporkan mengenai pertikaian terhadap drama Gerak Khas kerana menayangkan kisah Allahyarham Nurin Jazlin.

Lebih-lebih lagi apabila objek seperti timun, terung termasuk kes ceti haram (along) turut dipaparkan.

Meanwhile, yesterday was a busy day for me.

The Citizens for Nurin Alert Committee had their meeting yesterday reviewing all the progresses made so far as well as on all those still outstanding. Hopefully, the public would be hearing more positive and progressive news on the Nurin Alert movement within the next couple of weeks.

Later in the evening, I was at the Toh Puan Rahah Hall at Menara Tun Razak, Kuala Lumpur for the live telecast of another RTM production, Fitrah Kasih over RTM1.

Jazimin and Yin's father were among the guests at yesterday's show and this time around, both fathers were given a better treatment (vis-a-vis the Gerak Khas Drama) where they were given the opportunity to express their respective feelings on what they faced.

Hopefully the public could understand what they had to go through and stop making unwarranted judgements on the two poor fathers.

Lastly, let's continue to pray for Nini's safe return. The wait is simply too torturous on the parents. And don't forget, please also take good care of your own children, never never let them become the next victim.

Jasni AJ


tehsin mukhtar said...

Yusof Haslam..bla2 bla2...nak cover his own sorry ass...jgn terpedaya Jasni et al...sue the damn fellas...he knew EXACTLY what he was doing...dah la gambar autopsy pun tak dapat justice, jgn kasi chance...these people will continue to make money riding on people's misery UNLESS YOU TEACH THEM A LESSON . Nak maafkan ada masa dan tempat dan situasi sesuai...this is NOT one of those.

Munira Mustaffa said...

Apology is policy, eh?

“Sekarang ini jenayah boleh berlaku di mana saja dan masyarakat perlu prihatin. Inilah mesej yang ingin disampaikan dalam Gerak Khas. Namun persamaan cerita kadang kala tidak dapat dielak."


Izleen said...

En. Jasni,

Your move to proceed with legal action is the best course of action. This way, you will remind Yusof Haslam and other people in the future that they are not talking to a 3-year-old on their offensive actions then apologize to show their so-called innocence.

"Namun persamaan cerita kadang kala tidak dapat dielak."...yeah right.

unicorn said...

apologise is divine act but the degree of humiliation he had made is undivine.

nilah manusia yg memohon maaf tapi still you feel like u want to punch his face.

zulkifli, sy maksudkan ialah adakah bdk vietnam tu mangsa pertama yg dibunuh oleh kumpulan sihir ini?kalau polis dpt review balik the post mortem result(tortuted with brinjals & cucumbers),kalau sama cara yg dibuat kpd nurin maka sy rasa samalah geng nya.

sy mmg dr dulu rasa ini geng asing(warga seberang) sbb degree of cruelty.sorilah, pd sy ,criminals tanah seberang lebih zalim dan suka pd sihir2 untuk tujuan merompak,ilmu penunduk & pukau ,hilang diri(dr pihak berkuasa) & kebal.(err,mona fendy pun menuntut ilmu kat seberang!)

kalau fidofail mereka rogol,liwat dan tgk nasib ada yg lepas & ada yg dibunuh.

tgk lah apa yg mrk lakukan pd arwah nurin. pd kanak2 yg dilepas itu sgt bernasib baik krn mungkin sesuatu yg ada pd victims tidak menepati tuntutan ilmu pemujaan yg di tuntut mrk.

adik nini kita perlu bersatu untuk menyelamatkannya bersama pihak berkuasa (yg kini semakin buka mata!).polis perlu sedar mrk x berdepan dengan geng biasa tapi geng sihir .kalau menjadi ilmu mrk ,sy rasa tak sebuah rumah pun selamat untuk dirompaknya !skrg ni pun, licik sakan tak boleh ditangkap!

melihatkan keadaan mangsa2 yg selamat,mrk tidak ingat dan meracau2 pd mulanya,mungkin di'kasi makan ' supaya tidak ingat ibubapa & Allah.

Sy rasa IGP pun kena buat solat hajat byk..!nini perlu diselamatkan
SEGERA! kereta2 yg di check mesti dicheck boot @ rumah2 kena check juga siling dan ruang2 rahsia @ mungkin semak2! bdk2 yg nampak lain macam (daze @ blank) then u have to feel suspicious(sbb rupa maybe diubah)

bila lah akan akhirnya episod iblis2 laknat ini..?! said...

Semua warganegara dan warga asing diwajibkan menjalani ujian DNA. Maklumat DNA tersebut disimpan dalam Cip Mycard/Mykid ataupun barcode dalam pas lawatan masing-masing. Satu database DNA perlu diwujudkan didalam Server JPN. Polis pula perlu dibekalkan dengan Card/Barcode reader yang dihubungkan secara wireless ke server JPN untuk mengesan penjenayah.Ini akan dapat mengelakkan jenayah berlaku dengan sewenangnya.

Adline Writes said...

Mohon maaf konon... sekadar cerita rekaan untuk tauladan masyarakat konon...ada ke patut nak samakan kes adik Nurin dengan isu Black Metal? Please la Yusuf Haslam and team.. get a brain! Unfortunately, for you.. earning a Datukship, does not ensure good judgment. They should know better, this is an extremely sensitive issue, not only for Nurin's family, but for the entire Malaysian public who are still shocked and outraged by this tragedy. I suggest Datuk Yusuf Haslam and team mohon ampun dan maaf kepada Allah S.W.T. sebab mereka bukan sekadar menyinggung perasaan ramai pihak, malahan menyusahkan orang lagi! I support your decision to sue them!

Munira Mustaffa said...

Tidak semestinya orang asing lebih kejam daripada orang kita. Dengan menyatakan begitu, kita seolah-olah menolak realiti. Semua orang lebih-kurang sama sahaja, tak kira kaum atau bangsa atau negara. Perlakuan dan tatatertib sebenarnya bergantung kepada individu tersebut dan masa silamnya.

Awwa said...

sayapun menonotn siri gerak khas yg memaparkan kisah seorang gadis kecil yg bernama natasya, memang ada persamaannya..cuma dalam siri tu penculik dapat di tangkap...sedangkan ianya tidak semudah itu..ermm kalau macam tu mudahnya kerja kepolisan dlm siri gerak khas tu...ada adengan terambil gambar van putih, kes along dan pasar malam...itu secara kebetulan ke? atau hanya menangguk di air keruh? sepatutnya mereka2 ini faham situasi keluarga yang kehilangan anak tercinta dengan cara begitu.....bukan hanya untuk mengaut keuntungan dgn mengambil kisah penderitaan orang lain....

.. said...

Yusuf Haslam is just another opportunist trying making bucks under the expense of others misery, simple as that. It's very easy, make the drama, get the big bucks, public angry, apologise - end of story, wont die one.

Anak Perelih said...

actually... i complained about this 'similarities' to Shahriza Mahmud.. who acted as the missing girl mother... she told me that the script was approved by Bukit Aman... soo much for our PRDM - POlis Raja Di Malaysia....

Zulkifli said...

Unicorn,mungkin juga budak vietnam itu mangsa pertama...tapi macam saya kes ini macam sama dengan kes 20 tahun dulu saya tak pasti penjenayah dapat ditangkap atau tidak..polis memang kena bukak balik file-file ni terutama kes budak vietnam tu....

if not kita semua hidup dalam ketakutan...zaman kanak kanak patut gembira ini terkurung macam dalam negara yang dalam perperangan...

sekarang ni dah macam macam masalah..phidophile dan etc..belum campur lagi culik kanak kanak untuk jadikan peminta sedekah...

bab Yusof Haslam, cerita tu terlalu sama... Tuan Jasni, Jazimin the ball is in your court...up to you guys...but for me...

dulu masa NoorSuzalily Mokthar dibunuh ada produser yang hendak buat filem tapi orang ramai bantah tak jadi buat atleast dia bagi hint...ini terus buat....itu yang orang marah tu...

rone said...

Damn to the brainless yusof haslam & the gang n RTM 2.

well yusof haslam,you can say sorry but that is not the point, the point is you guys got NO brain, making money from others people misery.

To RTM 2-Sensor Board, Zam especially where is yr humanity values-makan gaji buta or buta hati perut!!

To the can you guys approved this kind of idiot script & act fast when people gather opposed umno/bn.

Sue them in court.

Adlan said...

An open letter to Yusof Haslam

Adlan said...

Sorry link tak lengkap. Here's the main blog site. I've written something.

An open letter to Yusof Haslam :

Syed Mohd. Aiman said...

Uncle Jasni, I agreed if you sue Yusoff Haslam even if he already forgives you. We may not know maybe he did this press conference bcoz he want to get fame and respect from us that it was his fault. Also he wants the publicity. No mercy just give him the good mafia style (Not killing him but if you watch mafia movies like the godfather or read the book you know what i mean) . Thats why police, politians and people are affraid of them.

We should teach him a lesson not to do this to other poeple again. Yes, i know he made a few episodes base on REAL SITUATIONS !!

“Sekarang ini jenayah boleh berlaku di mana saja dan masyarakat perlu prihatin. Inilah mesej yang ingin disampaikan dalam Gerak Khas. Namun persamaan cerita kadang kala tidak dapat dielak."

Yeah rite!? dont tell me u dont have RESEARCHERS in ur PRODUCTION??

whats the use of the director if he didnt research and ask permission ??? American directors if they want to put real people or real inspored stories they ask the real person's permission or not they will feel offended. He should research 1st. What The HELL.. he wont listen all he cares is $$$.. wait i forgot to ask u all ?? did he put ??

TRIBUTE TO NURIN ??? or Sharlinie Missing please call ???

Well he supose to bcoz it is a police movie also another way to get credit from fans of the movie.

Yusoff Haslam thanx for ur stupidity, I feel that i may not support ur drift movie bcoz i feel it is just the same 100% copy ungenuine work. Unlicence copyright what-so-ever.

Sorry for being harsh here

About the black magic part i cant deny it. I remembered my parents used to tell me stories about it and what happen to the victims. I should tell you all about this it is scarry. This kidnapings and all makes me feel Malaysia is something like Mexico.. police didnt care.. and innocent lives and children get kidnapped.

Anak Perelih said...

well Syed Aiman...
yes, Malaysian Police didn't care much about these children kidnapping cases, ragut case, rompak case and other crimes...
hey.. even our KPN was accused of taking bribe from underworld chinese gangsters.. and it was the Kem. Keselamatan Dalam Negeri who made the report... but was cleared by that Ghani 4tahil...

Our police is only intrested on controlling opposition leaders, ceramah and gatherings... all political activities.... for the safety of UMNO/BN... not for the safety of the ordinary citizens like Nurin, Nini, you , me and ordinary joes... U can see this during last saturday's Protest gathering...

Sorry Jasni... just to express my anger to the way the police put their effort to solve Nurin, Nini and other children kidnapping that police role in that gerak khas episodes... u can delete this post if u feel it should not be published....

Syed Mohd. Aiman said...

About the black magic part i cant deny it. I remembered my parents used to tell me stories about it and what happen to the victims. I should tell you all about this it is scarry. This kidnapings and all makes me feel Malaysia is something like Mexico.. police didnt care.. and innocent lives and children get kidnapped.

Sorry wrong spelling it is Shouldn't. I was too angry yesterday.

Anak Perelih, sorry if i want to say this. I know we all are not happy with that Politic party for not doing a good job (cant write the name here but we know who rite??). If can we try dont talk or bring politic matters here. It is too dangerous and there were some people using Nurin as a politic propoganda. Also if too much politic, i am worried also that this forum will be block by we-know -who.

Yes, I agree with u cops love to do that. I remembered they (police) were so serious in stalking the opposition party until tapping their phones.

No offence i want to say this but most malaysian movies love to show off instead of putting a sincere effort or pengajaran like the Arwawh P.Ramlee movies. The Show Off attitute is famous in malaysians today even myself sometimes.

I think, the criminal himself is also a show off. Look all the things he done... he wants to show, he is the best...

anyway no matter how good the criminal is he will fall.

Sepandai-pandai tupai melompat jatuh ke tanah jugak !!

Syed Mohd. Aiman said...

Another no offence i said this bit based on my experience also looking at some of our malaysian profiles in freindster especially medical stundets, they love to show them with the dead bodies pulling their heart, choping off arms, showing off results after being dissect. *sorry for the perosn of that dead body

I can say bcoz of this bad attitute they have inside them causing them in the future to think it is good. Example like the post mortem pics that are circulating. I hope institutes like IPTA n IPTS on medic students should be strict on this matter.

A fren who studied medic in RSCI, he told me is ILLEGAL to do that (catch pics like showing off the dead body n u not the pics you doing research on them or anything similar) and also he told me, u must have respect to the dead. *he still regrets for doing one big mistake during post mortem

I did also ask his RCSI frens if they did.. all of them said "NO, they are trained not to,"

Sorry Mr. Jasni, if u think this is impropriate plz delete this.

sufiahyusof said...

'Another no offence i said this bit based on my experience also looking at some of our malaysian profiles in freindster especially medical stundets, they love to show them with the dead bodies pulling their heart, choping off arms, showing off results after being dissect. *sorry for the perosn of that dead body'
dont just feel sorry, send those picture to the press/public or minister of education, report those stupid student, that is the right thing to do. even myspace got report link right?

Yusof Haslam,
-saman sekali pihak rtm, ape tak gune punya pihak penapis tayangan. kalu yusof haslam nk minta maaf, patut dia sanggup kene saman sekali.

Munira Mustaffa said...


Your comment regarding the med students is so true. As a matter of fact, it is actually very wrong to take pictures of their patients or the cadavers they work on and then publish them on the Internet just for the sake of showing off. It goes against the whole doctor-patient confidentiality policy. If you look carefully, you'll notice that this trend is very popular among students from particular med-schools from a certain country. This kind of behaviour is actually frowned upon by the med-schools in UK and US. I think some med-schools in Malaysia also are rather strict on this policy as well.

But apa nak buat. Dah mentality orang suka menunjuk-nujuk macam tu.

Sesat said...

That episode is a case of IRRESPONSIBLE writing. Writers and producers must be responsible for what they put on air. They do not seem to comprehend nor realise what they write/ show have consequences to their audiences. This idea is beyond their grasps.

Unfortunately the idea of responsible writing and sensitivity appears never to enter their heads, only poor and bad taste in sensationalism.

It is time Malaysian TV writers and producers, directors and channels bear some responsibility and not hide behind apologies after such deed is done.