Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Nurin Alert in the Making

A group of concerned citizens met for the first time today to streamline and strategise for the promotion of Amber Alert (or proposed to be adopted as Nurin Alert)for possible implementation in the country.

Attended by Nuraina, Tembam, Rockybru, Nik Farez and me, the meeting had among others decided to work on the organising for a "general" meeting to form a Working Committee in pursuing the objective of getting the mechanics of Amber Alert be adopted by the Malaysian authorities.

The "general" meeting is scheduled to be held in the first week of November.

The organising comittee invites all parties interested to render their services to this cause to register their names and contact details by sending a note to

In the meantime, the website will continue to be under construction status until the formation of the Working Committee.


taurus girl said...

Saya dah tak percaya polis lagi.Minta tolong cari anak, apa dah jadi? Minta tolong cari pembunuh anak, gambar autopsi jadi sebaran am. Tak takut pada Tuhanke? Nama manusia tapi dah hilang perikemanusiaan

Syed Mohd. Aiman said...

Taurus.. u not the only one nak org jahat tu di tangkap.. saya pun.. pasal trust police.. aku tak letak 100%.. in everything dont put 100%.. anwyay baik kita berdoa pada yg maha esa untuk org jahat ini di tahan..

faziana said...

En Jasni

Glad to hear that the matter on the circulation of autopsy pictures has received the attention of the authority.

To everyone out there who has seen the photos, please erase the sight from your mind, not just from your inbox. It's not something that should be lingering in our minds right now.

Shaira Nadiah MJ said...

I agree with you Abg Jasni, we take other initiatives besides depend to only one association. Good luck!

taurus girl said...


joesniper said...

Mabruq walhamdulillah, mudah2an AMARAN NURIN menjadi kenyataan.

Marilah berusaha dan berdoa bersama-sama.

Sedikit panduan dan nasihat, jika kamu tidak suka dengan sesuatu/seseorang janganlah kamu keterlaluan MEMBENCI dan jika kamu amat suka kepada sesuatu/seseorang janganlah kamu keterlaluan MEMUJA.

Ada rahsia disebalik setiap kejadian. Kejadian yang berlaku adalah berpunca SIKAP manusia bukan organisasi yang menjadi masalah. Berdoa dan berusaha agar individu yang bermasalah itu berubah menjadi manusia yang beriman
adalah lebih baik daripada menyalak bukit.

Ewahhhh... !! Berfalsampah plakkk ....

Apa-apa pun salam 'alaikum wa maasalama illaliqa' fi hazihil muzaakarah. Ahsantum.

TaxConsultant said...

betul tu joe.. aku pun jadi teremosional disebabkan kes ini. dengan baca dan tulis komen di blog ni, kesedihan dan kemarahan sedikit dapat dikurangkan. Ada hikmahnya disebalik sesuatu kejadian. Tapi joe.. walaupun dia berubah menjadi orang beriman sekalipun, kesalahan tetap kesalahan, dan kesalahan itu akan dihukum sewajarnya, iaitu hukuman mati.

benharperbenladen said...

mr jasni aj will be the president of NA...!
u all baru tau ke pasal polis ni...mmg cannot be trusted at ada yg bagus...

corruption index kat mesia ni no. 42...last yr no.43...paham2 je la..

p/s: after what happen to DSI in 1998 aku mmg dah slow down sket tabik kat mr.policeman ni...

benharperbenladen said...

err....dun be so emotioanl....

nanti blog ni kena pantau dgn SB lak...:)))

Meed said...

Semalam, selepas mendengar berita berkenaan dgn gambar2 itu.. termenung saya seketika memikirkan perkara ni.... Mengapa tergamak sungguh orang yang menyiarkan gambar2 itu kepada orang ramai...Tidak adakah perasaan simpati dalam diri beliau apabila melihat gambar2 ini :(

Sedangkan melihat pada sekeping gambar yang mulanya tidak dikenali itupun ( yang disiarkan didalam akhbar untuk mendapatkan maklumat anak siapa yang dijumpai didlm beg ), kita akan mengalirkan airmata berhari-hari dan teramat pilu memikirkan kesakitan yang dihadapi oleh kanak2 malang itu..

Dan akhirnya setelah telah disahkan ianya adalah Nurin.. maka itu lebih memilukan dan ribuan rakyat malaysia bersama-sama merasai kepedihan ini..

Inikan pulak gambar2 yang sungguh mengaibkan ini...Ya Allah.... berikanlah kami sedikit kekuatan diatas dugaanmu ini Ya Allah.. Kau permudahkan segala urusan-urusan kami ini Ya Allah...

P/S : Masih didalam kesedihan :(

bungacahaya said...

Saya ada terima gambar2 autopsi tu dari org yang tidak dikenali. So, saya nak wat ape?Delete je ke atau perlu any drastic action? Forward to mimos ke...etc.and how to do that?


Saya pun dapat gambar tu dari unknown senders. Tak tau nak cakap apa...sepanjang malam terfikir kenapa diedarkan gambar tu. Apa motifnya? Dapat untung ke?

Cuba kalau anak dia yg kena autopsi, dia nak ke edarkan gambar tu? Memang betul takde otak..lain kali otak letak kat kepala, bukan kat lutut.

Unknown said...

Lepas baca Berita Harian, saya harap sesiapa yang menghebahkan gamabar bedah siasat tersebut akan diambil tindakan mengikut undang-undang yang ditetapkan!

Mana nilai integriti sebagai penjawat awam. Mudahnya perkara yang sulit boleh keluar sewenang-sewenangnya.

Kepada polis - sesiapa yang melakukan kerja ini perlu dihukum! Encik Jasni jangan lepaskan mereka!!

Untuk mu adik Nurin Jazlin engakau tetap cantik difikiran ku...AL-FATIHAH....

steph said...

To me, the person or persons who was/were the primary distributors of these picture is/are as malicious as the person/persons commiting the crime against adik Nurin.

How dare he/she/they do this again to arwah and her family in the midst of their grievances? Where are the values of our society?

I am just as hurt when I know this as when the time when I heard of Nurin's murder.

mekyam said...

Syabas kpd En Jasni, Nuraina, Rocky dan Tembam atas langkah awal ini. InsyaAllah usaha murni ini akan berjaya.

Al-Fatihah kpd arwah Nurin Jazlin dan ucapan Selamat Hari Raya AidilFitri kpd semua kaum keluarganya.

Unknown said...

Kepada PDRM, jangan lupa tangkap penjenayah dan penyebar gambar bedah siasat. Kedua-duanya penting!

Pastikan budaya kerja yang gemilang, cemerlang dan terbilang sentiasa diamalkan.

Unknown said...

"Ya Allah Ya TuhanKu, sekiranya doa seorang ibu itu makbul, aku berdoa ya Allah, moga tertangkapnya penjenayah itu dan dihukum dengan seadil-adilnya. Dan sekiranya penjenayah tersebut gagal ditangkap, aku yakin dengan rancanganMu dimana Engkau sebenarnya telah merencanakan sesuatu yang lebih baik kerana sesungguhnya hanya Engkau yang lebih mengetahui apa yang terbaik untuk kami, hamba-hambaMu yang dhaif ini. Amin ya Rabbal Alamin"

Zulkifli said...

Saya tujukan apa yang saya akan nyatakan disini kepada pihak berkuasa di Malaysia. Kes ini sebenarnya diikuti oleh Masyarakat antarabangsa dan juga oleh rakyat Malaysia yang bekerja di luar negara. Kepincangan dari segi profesional pihak berkuasa jelas kelihatan dalam menangani kes ini iaitu bermula dari mula Nurin yang dikasihi hilang hinggalah ke hari ini. Bayangkan perasaan saudara Jazimin bila anaknya hilang dalam masa 27 hari dan kemudian hanya mayat sahaja di temui dalam keadaan yang menyedihkan dan meruntun hati semua rakyat Malaysia. Kepincangan siasatan terus kelihatan apabila hingga ke hari ini Polis masih tercari cari punca dan siapa sehingga ada kenyataan ibubapa Nurin akan di siasat dan dihukum jika didapati cuai dalam menjaga anak kesayangannya itu. Tapi adakah pihak berkuasa sendiri terfikir mengapa begitu banyak kes anak anak kecil dirogol dan di bunuh? kanak hilang? diculik dari rumah dan sebagainya ? adakah pihak berkuasa sendiri terfikir tahap keselamatan disekeliling kita? ini yang sebenarnya perlu dijawab dan dikaji. Bayangkan pada masa ini anak anak tidak dapat bermain di luar rumah lagi. Kes ini terus di perkatakan bila gambar post mortem Nurin yang di kasihi ini di edarkan . Itu bahan bukti di Mahkamah bagaimana boleh bocor? yang mengendalikan post mortem adalah golongan porfesional yang diberi kepercayaan untuk menyimpan rahsia simati dari pengetahuan umum. Ini kecuaian yang besar. Sekadar menghalan dari gambar yang terlepas itu tidak disiarkan lagi tidak mencukupi. Tidak kira jurugambar atau mana mana pegawai yang mengendalikan post mortem tersebut yang membocorkan perkara ini kepada umum perlu di bawa ke Mahkamah dan di pecat dari jawatannya kerana tidak bertanggungjawab . Mereka memikul amanah negara dan bangsa tetapi gagal menjalankan tugas dan sempurna dan ini TIDAK DAPAT DIMAAFKAN. Saya meminta pegawai terbabit mengaku atas kecuaiannya dan menerima hukuman yang setimpal. Siapa pun dia dia kena fikir bagaimana kalau perkara ini terjadi pada anak gadisnya? saya berharap pihak berkuasa perlu meningkatkan profesionalism mereka dan saya amat berharap pembunuh kejam itu di berkas segera dan tahap keselamatan rakyat Malaysia perlulah ditingkatkan yang mana perkara ini perlu di fikirkan oleh autoriti terbabit. Sekali lagi saya minta punca yang membocorkan gambar tersebut kepada orang awam perlu di bawa ke muka pengadilan. Kepada Jazimin dan Jasni Allah menguji kita kerana Allah sayangkan kita tetapi dalam masa yang sama kita berharap pihak berkuasa juga perlu mengurangkan penderitaan ini dengan bersikap lebih profesional. Kebocoran gambar post mortem ini adalah pada pandangan saya AMAT MEMALUKAN dan MEMILUKAN. Kita semua sayangkan Malaysia dan di harap kesemua teguran ini di telan juga dengan profesional oleh pihak terbabit.

unicorn said...

agree with en zulkifi,

yes, polis kita pincang, polis kita cuai,polis kita lemba..polis kita pilih kasih.

adakah kerana anak kepada pemandu teksi,maka ianya jadi begitu slow begini..? dua penyiasat yg dihantar ke US tu pergi 'vacation' ke buat kerja?atau bercuti sambil kerja? yg mana 'priority' nya?

bukankah gambar arwah yg dipost mortem dalam simpanan polis? adakah kerana tidak dapat tkp pembunuh and all of us bn diverted to this?

personally, nurin should have bn found ALIVE if prompt & intelligence measures taken in the FIRST 48 hrs..?

use yr special trained dogs to trail nurin or killers!The police shld use dog when the white van was found abandoned..!

dadah, mat rempits, vcds cetak rompak lagi penting?

i can feel this case is getting cold...

ya Allah, Tunjukkan keWUJUDan MU ,kekuasaanMU, kebijaksaan MU ..kami amat memerlukan MU di saat ini ,kasihanilah nurin & kanak2 yg tidak dibela sebelum ini kerana kelalaian kami..!

tehsin mukhtar said...

Saya setuju 100 peratus dengan Zulkifli. Orang yang diamanahkan itu telah menunjukkan sikap yang tidak bertanggungjawab dan MESTI dibawa ke muka pengadilan dan dipecat!!!!

Tiada yang bertanggungjawab melainkan orang2 dalam polis dan bahagian forensik serta jurugambar di lokasi ketika beg itu dijumpai.

But then, I don't hold any hopes. They are more interested in the negligence of grieving parents than their own.

Shahrizat, IGP? SAPA YANG SHOULD BE HELD NEGLIGENT SINI?????? Tengok cermin dulu...

tehsin mukhtar said...

I'm glad to hear Nurin Alert is slowly becoming a reality. It will. It must. Don't give up.

cikpuansue said...

1.gerakan mencari nurin dalam keadaan masih bernyawa....?GAGAL..
2.gerakan mencari pembunuh nurin...?MASIH MENCARI....
3.gerakan mencari penyebar gambar2 allahyarhamah Nurin...?SEDANG DALAM TINDAKAN...


unicorn said...

u r right tehsin..

i'm afraid if we r not able to carry the legacy of arwah..


Admin said...

It saddened me to see a sweet spirit like Nurin die in the hands of a beast. Pls don't mistake animals to the sadists, murderer of Nurin, simple because animals, such as lions and tigers DO NOT do this to their own young and their neighbour's young! It never happened in the history of the animal kingdom since God created the world, for God made them pure, not like this beast outside!!!...

I said a prayer for Nurin as my only hope is Almighty God to punish ever so severely the culprit who beastly, sadistly murdered this sweet angel, Nurin. I know the whole Malaysia is aggressive to know who the murderer is. I pray the forces involved will get to the culprit asap.

To the murderer - I guess your mother just spat you out for you are such a beast, not human, not even an animal! You sadist! Cause animals don't treat their young or their neighbours young like you! You will face judgement ever so severely on earth and the hereafter! AMEN AMEN AMEN!

cikpuansue said...

kenapa senang sangat gambar2 tu BOLOS? tak paham betol saya....

cikpuansue said...

Quote from

"Dalam perkembangan sama, Pengarah Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) Datuk Dr Zaininah Mohd Zain ketika dihubungi Bernama berkata selepas disiasat gambar-gambar itu disahkan bukan daripada sumber hospital itu.

Katanya gambar-gambar yang diedarkan itu didapati mempunyai tanda kod-kod tertentu yang bukan digunakan atau menjadi rujukan kepada HKL."

tak tau la angkara sape lah nie...but i still remember..last time...i pnh dapat email video kes ketuk ketampi dalam keadaan bogel kat lokap dulu tu...n email gambar mayat allahyarhamah norita samsudin..
hmmm....angkara sapa lah sebenarnya ek..kalau dipikirkan?

tapi i still believe polis kat malaysia nie...

tehsin mukhtar said...


If I may add further:

When (not if) this Nurin Alert materializes, we will realize that we have the power to make changes and to help make Malaysia a better and safer place.

While the Alert is more of a reflex action, it is NECESSARY, because no matter how much we educate our kids on safety measures, things can happen. Perverts will find a way to satisfy their evil desires.

On the education and prevention side, its great what the Women's Centre for Change is doing up north, educating kids/teens on safety, etc. It would be good if the Education/Women's Ministry could start up a nationwide educational program for kids on safety/sex abuse issues in school based on what the WCC is doing.

The laws must also be reviewed (with public pressure maybe?) to be more deterrent in nature, with public whipping, chemical castration for heinous abuses and death by hanging. A jail sentence is nothing compared to what these babies suffer at the hands of the perverts.

A SUITABLY deterrent sentence will make potential abusers think twice.

I hope the Nurin Alert will be the first step towards the success of citizens pressing for many more necessary changes to our system in order for Malaysia get her priorities in order!!!!

Ok, I may be jumping the gun here...but so many important issues are not being looked into by those in power...issues that will affects the very core of the nation, the safety and security of its people and the preservation and sanctity of the family unit.


Unknown said...

Parents - they are not only producers of children but also the care takers of their children. They are supposed to be around their kids all time, If cruel things can happen to adults these are innocent kids. Imagine? its better to be safe then sorry. Nurins dad is like the next big M'sian artist he is given so much attention the latest news i heard is, he is going to become a singer???????? Where are Msians heading? drain?

Police - What were they doing when she went missing for a month? What are they doing now that she died a cruel death and there are images on the cctv which can help find the culprit and yet they arent acting fast on this case? The judiciary case gets more coverage then this murderer???

Government - They should just stop taking in more migrant workers coz they are cheap , they maybe cheap but they are also major causes of crimes in Malaysia, Indonesians, Bangladeshi, Pakistanis,Nigerians, Myanmarian,Filipinos, Thais and the list goes on these are not tourist and sometimes we feel we are the tourists and they are Malaysians tsk tsk tsk. It will break my heart if the murderers are Indonesians.

So Called Caring Malaysians - Someone saw her get pulled into a van they suspected, but why werent they even a least bothered to inform police about this incident? Were they afraid they would miss to buy the last few sticks of sate????? or curry laksa??? If they were a lil bit concerned about the van and the lil gal and the incident????? All this could have been stopped.

Its like a big twister hit our country when something happens the whole country talks about it and tears are shed, people show anger and react but finally after a while its just a BLAH Without A BITE.. we all go home sleep on it...... And wait for the next upcoming crime so that papers sell faster and News gets more viewers. Just my 2 cents, it breaks my heart to see innocent deaths rising in our country and in the world... and everyone can only talk about the HOT issue before we sleep on it again. Sad but true!!!!!!

Im gald the pics became public alert. At least now the parenst knows that there are sadistic perverts in the midst of our kids and our nearby pasar malam and all the neighbourhood places even ur normal playgrounds arent safe anymore so be careful be Very Very CAREFUL....

Admin said...

I specially dedicate this song from Adibah Noor - Terlalu Istimewa to Our Sweel Angel, Nurin Jazlin Jazimin...

Ku tatap gambar wajahmu
Sinar mata itu
Lirik senyumanmu
Pesona yang membelai

Wajahmu bercahaya
Memberi bahagia
Tiap yang memandang
Hati jadi salju

Kau terlalu istimewa
Kasih dan sayangmu terpancar
Tiada batasan terus membara
Terkilan rasa jiwa
Inginku lihatmu dewasa
Apa daya Tuhan lebih menyayangimu

Ku pasti kau berbahagia
Duduk di sampingNya
Mendengar cerita Segala rahsia

Tak tertanggung rindu
Mendengar suaramu
Tawa mengusik jiwa

The whole Malaysia prays for your soul, Dear Nurin. We love you and you are in the Almighty Father's arms right now, listening to Him, and laughing with Him, and hearing Him say all the secrets of heaven to your ears. And you are ever so safe there in His arms!

danny said...

EMMMMM...ape punya TUrrrr la POLIS.

To abdullah,
Tu pun jangan nak naik ke angkasa lagi, tak tau yang dok berlaku dkt malaysia nie semua tak habis2 lagi masalah mcm2. Masih ada lagi rakyat yang kebuluran paklah oi.....tengok la bersamamu tu jangan dok tengok gen hang saja. Aku tak paham apa rasional hantor rakyat ke ISS. NASA Website says that sheik muzafar tu sebagai spaceflight participant saja.Bagi aku la lain la kalau US or Rusia yang dah kaya raya. EMmmmmm. (maaf kalau ada yang tersinggung nie pendapat iklas aku)

Zulkifli said...

Kami sebenarnya makin risau dengan cara polis menangani kes Nurin dari hari pertama lagi....harap kritikan ini menjadi semangat kepada pihak polis untuk mengembalikan kegemilangan mereka seperti yang pernah dibanggakan...pada tahap ini ianya amat amat menyedihkan...kes gambar post mortem di edarkan kepada orang awam adalah pada saya satu SKANDAL yang jijik dan harap polis tangkap penjenayah itu segera....Kembalikanlah kepercayaan rakyat Malaysia kepada kecekapan kamu semua

.. said...

Let's reflect, when Nurin went missing:

after the Police report, what did the police do?

Why no sniffer dogs at the white van?

If we traced this current Indonesion who sent sms to Rakan Cop and Nurin's father, while Nurin was alive, how come she was not traced then?

A body in a bag holds lots of information about the killer too, apart from a few hairs found on the body. Were there finger prints?

The Diadora bag was new according to the Police, have they gone round interviewing shops around the area and see if the seller remembers anyone purchasing this new Diadora bag?

Did they do a thorough investigation around the area Nurin was abducted? The sellers must have noticed something, or maybe even someone who's familiar in that area.

Do dont go out an abduct any child at whim and fancies, it takes a lot of observation and planning to do this, so he/she must know that area quite well.

Fortunately, there was a video footage about the bag,unfortunately, it was blurred and will remain blurr in the future, like all of us about this case.

There wasnt anything similar to Amber Alert when Nurin was missing, its only right we have NURIN ALERT NOW, press on and legalise it from many aspect for a safer tomorow.

Only the POLICE and the HOSPITAL have the post-mortem materials, its not so hard to find out who is the culprit if the Police pursue this.


The Lingam tape, and now Nurin's photos circulating widely, what does it says about our country.

With the Police's warning, the public must stop circulating the photos on the net, its our moral duty to do so.

We want:




and we want:



tehsin mukhtar said...

Christine Shobana,

Where the hell did you hear that Nurin's dad is going to be a singer???

For god's sake, kalau nak membebel woman, at least get your stupid facts right.

Zulkifli said...

Yup danny is right, lagipun Jazimin ada Peguam penasihatnya ...harap harap lepas kena dakwa, Jazimin dan keluarga saman sahaja orang yang tidak bertanggungjawab tu....ada ker gambar sulit macam tu boleh di edarkan? sakit ke apa? Penjenayah kat luar tu masih bebas..di my metro ada gambar 9 perogol bersiri masih belum kena tangkap termasuk la muka jerangkung dalam almari dalam kes Nurin yang dikasihi ini...tension tension...macam ni kalau dah terlampau banyak perogol semua perempuan termasuk kanak kanak kena pakai cawat besi yang siap ada mangga...nak harapkan polis pun dah payah dah sebab penjenayah sekarang dah makin terer...dah tu pagar makan padi pun ada...gambar autopsi pun kena edar..nasib nasib....dulu kat e-mail saya ada orang boleh edar gambar-gambar mangsa rogol bunuh..mana dia orang dapat ntah...saya terus delete sebab kerenah orang sakit otak ni mana boleh di layan...dalam orang kita nak keangkasa...masalah di bumi pun belum gak setel ...makin buruk ada...

Unknown said...

My stupid facts are always right? Havent u been reading papers I mean ehem your so called Malay papers.. Isnt it Bulan Puasa can u even say hell??????? are we here to help get a murderer or getting facts right... tsk tsk tsk

steph said...

Initially, I have high respects for the authorities and the polis with them resolving cases like YIN (i.e. the mother and the boyfriend) on a prompt pace. But, the respects diminish and now totally go down the drain with the following events;

1. Nurin went missing for 1 month, not a single clue of her whereabout;
2. Her body was left in a public place and in a bag, what an act by the criminal to challenge the polis;
3. Her parents were always not the first to be informed of any happenings, even the DNA result;
4. Caught the wrong persons, our morale were really damn low upon their release;
5. Even after nearly 1 month since she found dead, still no clue as to the culprits,only photofits, 1 woman who swallowed SMS Card in front of the polis, and a blurr video, nothing concrete as to where and who had committed the horrandeous crime;
6. now, the most hideous of all and the lowest of the low: the autopsy pic leaked to the public, where only 2 authorities , one of them is the polis who are allowed the possession and access to the file!

WE are losing patience. Get your act together, we cannot wait for Nurin's perpetrator to be caught!

Admin said...

Tehsin Mukhtar, I think you misunderstood Christine.

The phrase "Nurins dad is like the next big M'sian artist he is given so much attention the latest news i heard is, he is going to become a singer???????? Where are Msians heading? drain?" as said by Christine is a venting out that it is a rumour by her kindself. Notice that she said where are the Malaysian people's gossips getting into? drain? She referred to the gossip, not some facts to prove her words here on Jazimin. She did not. She is grieving the public for spreading rumours if you read carefully her statement made in here. Her English is pretty simple!

Please leave Jazimin out of this rumour and let him have peace, for heaven's sake. He has suffered such a lost of his baby that we need not say anything to shake him. Please have mercy on the Jazimin family and stop misunderstanding phrases in here, or spreading rumours.

Sorry if you misunderstood, but her words were pretty clear out there on ppl spreading gossips. Can you handle gossips? No one can.

Now the issue is about just praying for Nurin's soul and not argue about anyone's comment in here. I guess those commenting here are just as much hurt to see the lovely Nurin die tragically. No one can bear these, so let's be reasonable.

Its the fasting month for you, and I believe you are supposed to be more calm, not angry, and try not to misunderstand ppl's words just so directly. It hurts others too.

tehsin mukhtar said...

Nope, she was pretty clear on what she meant. and it wasn't abt the gossip. And I'm glad you read "OUR (as u put it) tabloid Malay" papers too for the filthy gossip and trash. I don't.

Enough, it's all our kids we are talking abt here, transcending race and religion. Ang May Hong, Melissa, Nurin and etc. All Malaysians bukan "Melayu" sahaja.

Fasting or not, I'm human, not an angel. It is a hellish world nowadays and I am permitted to a lapse of judgment in my choice of words.

End of story. End your racist attitude too.

Esha said...

tehsin, I m a muslim and i think you got it all wrong. I agree with Christine and marcia. maybe you have not been reading the news paper regularly that's all i can say. Can anyone tell me what's happening with the Indonesian women in the hospital? Its been few days now they (police) have managed to get the SIM card.

Ammi said...

Yes I too here in Singapore have been following dear Nurin's case. I am full of anxiety each time I check for some update. But sadly I don't see much. I fancy the police are very slow in their investigation. Whatever happened to the CCTV images, the SIM card and that Indon woman? Didn't the police question her as to why she send the many sms to the police dept?? I am sure they can get some info from this woman.

Dear Nurin,
I am so sad at the turn of events. I pray that the police will step up their investigation and nab the beast in no time.

Admin said...

Wow! Tehsin Mukhtar, you displayed a caring muslim in here:) We are not racist at all, I guess you are.

By the way, for the record, I am muslim and I did not behave racist in here either. I am respecting other's views and I strongly do not see Christine's phrase being racist towards any race.

Read thoroughly and you will find she was argumentative on the gossips that is spoken amongst common people.

You are not God to stop anything or change anything. You are a humble slave to Allah as well, and we ought to show respect to every races in Malaysia. Isn't that what Islam taught you?

Being judgemental for the right reason is wise. You ain't God to judge at all even if you are right, cause in the hereafter, there is One to judge you above all. Why don't you think about that before you pass statements on others?

I think you are the only one with such a view on these.

Christine, Esha, and everyone who agrees with me, kindly ignore this whole topic misunderstood by Tehsin Mukhtar.

Read each of our statements and judge for yourselves if you saw anything wrong with our words.

I spoke of prayer and submittance to the Almighty for Darling Nurin Jazlin. And this is my end of story here.

Unknown said...

Thanks Marcia Esha for thinking otherwise

no one is a racist here - we are all Malaysians . please check Berita Harian dated Oct 9th 2007 B1 - with the title APABILA JAZIMIN JADI PERHATIAN.

perhatian sepatutnya diberi lebih kepada pembunuh dan cara-cara menangkapnya supaya tragedi2 sebegini boleh dihentikan kelak .. bukan cari kesalahan kat blog nie .. im not a racist I never have been and never will and most of my friends are Muslims FYI.. I rest my case....

banyakkan bersabar, ni adalah dugaan untuk bulan ramadhan ini. tak yah nak tension apa dapat? kalau tension & dapat tangkap pembunuh kejam tu takperrrr gakkk.. tsk tsk tsk

Zulkifli said...

entah ler tehsin dan kawan kawan...polis semakin slow menjadikan kita semua tension....tak tau kenapa ...nak kata tactic...? tak mungkin...? strategy? tak akan strategy cam ni...sebab strategy tak akan kot sampai dah orang tu mati baru nak take action ..tu pun slow melow lagi...entahler...pasukan bolasepak malaysia pakai tektik slow cam ni la sebab tu asik kalah...

tak pun garis panduan kerja dia orang kot yang jadikan slow macam ni....tapi seriously...mendatangkan marah sebenarnya...ambilla kritikan semua ni untuk tingkat kan mutu kerja....Pak Lah tolonglah tegur sikit dia orang ni...PLEASSE...tidak kering airmata dengan pemergian Nurin ditambah pula dengan penyebaran gambar autopsi....FRUST betul cam ni

Unknown said...

polis sume sibuk beli baju raya..buat kuih raya..dengan duit apa?...sendiri jawab

kes ni tak penting bagi mereka sebab ini kes "orang biasa"..cuba anak sedara menteri ke orang politik ke..

Sempena Hari Raya ni...usahakanlah khabar gembira utk keluarga En Jazimin..

Buat la amal sket...nak dapatkan SIM kad - seminggu. Nak dapat maklumat dari SIM card - ? minggu. Nak trace the killer - ? minggu, bulan, tahun? Hilang sabar dibuatnye

bila ade Nurin Alert nanti, masyarakat yg akan tolong settlekan kes. So rasanya elok POLIS diturunkan gaji...!!

Al Fatihah utk arwah...

Scruffy said...

Kalau dalam US movies, photos of the wanted criminals/suspects are placed everywhere - train stations, bus stations, shopping malls etc, toll plazas, schools, gas stations, 7-11s etc in the whole country. Kalau Malaysia serious nak cari these culprits, we should do the same or better. Car drivers can see these photos at toll house or gas stations, bus drivers could help by checking their passengers and those yang naik or kerja kat LRT boleh tolong tengok-tengok if the suspects are there etc. Airport and immigrations check points pun kita should make sure tampal poster of the suspect's faces. Tak payah rely 100% kat polis - we put matters in rakyat's own hands. Kita semua educated and baca buku punya orang - i.e. we can think. Sometimes, I think orang biasa lagi banyak baca buku murder mystery/detective novels drp the whole police force. Come on Malaysia, lets put our heads together and find these "animals". Geram when I think they are still out there "alive"!

Zulkifli said...

cuba kita puji lak polis ni...mungkin dia boleh cepatkan siasatan...Polis best...polis eden cayolah sama ekau...boleh tak ekau tangkap penjenayah tu copek sikit..Selamat hari raya....maaf zahir batin...

harap harap esok dapek la tu...esok pancing ikang makang ikang kat tepi longkang...

Shimi Lara said...

Hi all! Tembam here pleading for a little calm among commentors here. Please bear with each other for we are all in great pain. I agree this is not a racial issue because I would be just as upset if any child were to be subjected to such inhuman acts. We need to focus on honouring Nurin's memory. My heart still aches and my eyes still tear when I think of her. Just imagine the feelings of her family.

Tehsin, Marcia and Christina, thank you so much for caring about little Nurin. Forget those rubbish tabloids. Whoever reads them anyway, only those looking in the gutter for news. If you ask me, Jazimin is in no shape or position to be sinnging anything. I can feel his pain so intently that I cannot understand how people can be so heartless and callous.

Let's channel our anger towards setting up the Nurin Alert. I cannot bear to imagine what the family must be feeling right now. Let us honour Nurin's memory. Join us please in the effort to get the authorities to adopt the Amber Alert system. If they decide to name it Nurin Alert, we will rejoice together. My heart is with you and wish you all of you the very best life has to offer. May we remain united one and all for the Nurin Alert.

(PS Shimi Lara is my other blog name)

Izleen said...

tehsin, you're very jumpy.

calm down, will ya

Anonymous said...

Saya sedih sangat la dengan hal ni. Dengan Pembunuh tak tertangkap, dengan orang sebar gambar lagi.... hmmm... kenapa stengah manusia tak de sifat kemanusiaan. Tolonglah... kepada siapa la nak kita refer kalau ada perkara buruk terjadi. Saya tahu yang keluarga En. Jazimin pasti tertekan dengan keadaan ini. (tak tahu nak kata apa dah...)

Zulkifli said...

kes ini memang menyedihkan kami semua...harap kat sini jangan la ada yang bergaduh....harap KPN baca keluhan keluhan kami dan lakukan sesuatu yang drastik untuk menangkap penjenayah terkutuk itu...

kita mahu kes ini berakhir dengan terhukumnya pembunuh kejam itu dan bukan berakhir dengan kes ini "sejuk" begitu sahaja sepertimana kes kes lain...harapan kita adalah pada pihak polis ...siapa lagi nak di harapkan...?

Izleen said...

I am so looking forward to the first general meeting for Nurin Alert!

To all Muslims in this blog, including En. Jasni, En. Jazimin & Pn. Norazian, keep on reciting Surah Al-Ikhlas and pray that the truth (in this case, the BASTARD/S who hurt and "sent" Nurin to heaven) will be revealed before 1 Syawal.

For all non-Muslims in this blog, you can do your part too with your prayers for the same goal.

Umi Sufi said...

Berapa banyak kes pembunuhan tak selesai2 lagi? tak kirala kes bunuh, mati dlm lokap, kes rogol dan dibunuh.. berapa banyak kes BPR tak selesai?.. berapa byk aduan yg polis terima tiap hari? tu belum lagi dibuang/diperap kalau konco2/kroni2 suruh jangan terima..berapa byk kes2 kat mahkamah tertunggak?.. berapa byk lagi ??????

banyak yg tak selesai..
kat tv penuh dgn cerita CSI,Bone,FBI..blablabla...tapi tak boleh langsung dipakai kat Msia ni.. sumenya terbengkalai.. lembab.. sakit hati..
tu belum lagi kes anggota polis buat hal lagi yg diperam disimpan bermacam masalah..tapi digaji juga..
kes Nurin ni. berapa lama lagi nak ambil masa?.. polis yg pi USA tu buat apa?..makan angin?..berapa lama lagi nak buat analisa kat gambar cctv tu..

tengok lakaran gambar suspek/pembunuh sume orang kata macam kenal.. takut silap orang ajee sebab main potong kerat muka, hidung, mulut sumenya lain2 dan dicantumkan..hasilnyaa muka2 orang yg tak bersalah.. silap2 kena dakwa

ish..tak logik langsungg
kata lelaki bermotosikal bawa beg.. apa yg polis buat?.. ada anjing pengesan tak boleh pulak diguna.. asyik serkap dadah, vcd cetak rompak...apa cerita ni semua?.. yg press pulak bukan mainseronok pamer muka2 orang yang disyaki konon pembunuh.. akhirnya dilepaskan..padahal tak buat benda2 alah tak reti2 ke nak tolong cover.. periuk nasik orang2 tak bermasalah sekrg terusik..yg kes Altantuya tu boleh pulak polis atasan tutp2 muka..bungkus mcm nak seludup dadah..sampai nak bernapaspon agaknya payah.. double standard betul...

memang sakit hati betul dgn polis...pemimpin kerajaan..sebab mereka mewah dan tak susah.. kalau depa tu keje tukang sapu silap haribulan kes bunuh ni takmo diterima.. tapi kalau depa yg kena bukan main cepat ajee nak dicepatkan siasatan... sebab kita ni rakyat bawahan ke?.. sebab kitani miskin dan tak berdaya... Msia tak bebas dn tak selamat lagi.. Orang2 atas ni bolehla cakap nak dakwa itu ini sebabnya depa ada guard..ada driver nak kesana sini..pi keje gaji beribu2 lemon bengis dgn rakyat..tak mcm orang lain kais pagi makan pagi...bini tk keje pon dok goyang kaki mekap cantik2 pi makan sana sini..pi rombongan itu ini.. tak perlu nak susah2 cari duit .tak perlu risau anak tinggal kat rumah sbb ada maid.. tak perlu risau bayar itu ini sbb duit sentiasa masuk poket..minyak ..tol..drebar.. sumenya atas duit gomen.. duit hasil negara

maaflah..geram sangat2 sebab kes ni makin sejuk..aku tak taulah depa2 ni buka mata ke tak..sedar ke tak yg kes ni makin lama
disiasat mcm2 kes lain timbul..hari2 citer pasal indon telan sms..nk kutip taik ada simkad pon kena tunggu berhari2..
gertak jelah kat dia..kalau takmo makan..kena bedah..

aku takut betul.. lepas pengebumian Allahyarhamah Nurin.. semua berita siasatan makin kelam, sedikit dan langsung takde susulan.. asyik2 bulan, bulan ..bulan..takde pekdahnyaa.. abiskan duit rakyat yg semakin nazak sempit nafas kira duit kocek tinggal berapa sen nak makan, minum bayar itu ini...hanya suruh bebudak berangan2 aje jadik saintis naik ke bulan.. bukannya angkasawan yg bekerja..setakat pelancong yg dipilih naik kesana...

hanya doa dan harapan kepada Allah aje yg aku panjatkan setiap masa..setiap hari agar pembunuhnya cepat2lah ditangkap... PM pon belum tentu doakan untuk rakyatnya supaya hidup taksusah..masalah negara selesai.. rakyat makin beriman.. ini tak..asyik citer sambut raya dgn bini dan cucu baru... orang yg dlm lokap bertahun2 tanpa sebab pon ada gak anak bini tapi merana hidup kais pagi makan pagi... menyesal aku rasa ada pemimpin yg takde roh Islam..mcm omputeh lak..sedihhh

marilah kita berdoa apalagi di malam2 khatamul Quran.. malaikat ramai ..mudah2an doa kita diiring bersama ke hadrat Ilahi...

Sedih sangat2..sedih tak terhingga ada manusia tapi binatang bersifat iblis menyeksa anak kecil ini...

Nurin... kau bebas bahagia di Syurga Ilahiii.. ditemani bidadari dan kawan2 di sana...

-umi yang sedih-

Anonymous said...

I hope kita jangan ambil hati sangat dengan komen sesiapa. yang penting kita tahu...samada kita Cina, Melayu,India atau berlainan agama, sikap kita mengambil berat pada sesama insan itu yang penting.

Zulkifli said...

selagi penjenayah poyo berkarat tu tak kena tangkap selagi itu jiwa tak senang,tidur tak lena hati tak cenang...

entahlah kecewa amat dengan pihak berkuasa...PM tolong la look into this matter...bagi arahan dan tempoh masa pada mereka jika gagal pecat dan tukar dengan pegawai lain...

ini dah peringkat teruk dah tahap perkhidmatan yang diberikan...

1. Nurin hilang - tak dapat cari , cari pun sambil lewa

2. Nurin di temui pun dia diletakkan di hadapan awam...bukan polis jumpa...dari situ pun movement slow...nak tunggu minah indo tu kuarkan simkad sampai seminggu...

3. dah tu gambar autopsi diedarkan..

tahap teruk sangat....kepoyoannya terserlah hebat...kita marah sebab kita sayang...kita nak malaysia ni hebat dari segi keselamatan...kalau dah tahap keselamatan cam ni boleh parai la orang awam....belum campur rakyat asing yang begitu mudah masuk sini...segala penyamun tarbus pun boleh masuk...

Pelis la Pelis la dengar rintihan kami golongan marhain ini yang mengundi dan memilih kamu...jalankan tugas dengan betul ..bersih dan adil terhadap semua golongan....

Admin said...

I agree with Mary Kate on the explanation she gave precisely on investigation that could possibly have led the police to the suspect.

Why wasn't dogs used to search for Nurin when she went missing from Day 1? Why wait till we find a body?

The bag was said to be new. Hmmm, no checks done on retailers of bags on those specific dates whilst Nurin was missing? Unless the bag was an imitation of the real brand, then we understand it will be tough to prove.

Even after the body was found, i seriously believe Dogs have great senses to help the police get the murderer. There was definitely a human beast who put the child into the bag. The human smell of the murderer shall surely linger on in the bag for a dog to be able to sniff. They should start looking into more options of investigations more aggressively as they do in CSI, FBI Files...etc... We learn from watching these serials that investigation forces have ways to get those culprits in many ways, so why not use those methods?

I just can't imagine how slow it is becoming to get the culprit. Believe me, no one is gonna sleep till the culprit is caught and we see with our own eyes the beast's face!

I can't imagine how angry the nation will be but this must end our tragic, brutal, sadist murderers in malaysia!

I strongly agree to severe punishment/torture for the murderers who are of this sadists, brutal, beastly natured humans to be a lesson to any prospects of sexual violence to even think of it!

We must not allow death to these little babies or even adults anymore! The Govt, Police, Ministries should advance further into developing its strategies to search people and targeted suspects with more advanced technology or skills.

We cannot tolerate another missing child any further. What about those other missing children not found yet? I feel dreadly about their progress. Why can't our Police forces search them aggressively? Why do we need to wait for any body to fill the list of the missing people???

We should fill the list of more FOUND people to strike off the Missing list of people and no more cruel deaths please!

I am having faith in our Govt, Our Police, Our Ministers, although many might not agree on their efficiency. Faith is all I have to offer to see the Malaysian Police Forces work toughly and aggressively to secure our faith in them in getting the murderer(s)

We need this commitment from the Police, Govt who can make Malaysia a safe place through this strong faith many of us are putting.

I can't lose faith in our Govt or Police cause I live here in Malaysia, and this is our nation, our people and we have to love this country before we hope for miracles to happen.

Please... do something, Police!

thalia70 said...

Is someone trying to divert our attention from Nurin's case? Or is Nurin's case to divert our attention from other high profile case (Altantuya, remember?) I hope our dear arwah Nurin is not a victim of conspiracy. Govt is capable of anything. Why until now no latest dev on Nurin's case? Can't Bukit Aman 'torture' the Indon lady to talk? I have lots of question marks in my head.

We miss u, Nurin...

tehsin mukhtar said...

Ok, Tembam, I should be more diplomatic like you...Zulkifli..kita tak boleh harap them to listen to our rintihan...sapa yang mampu tu..organise a "concerned citizens watchdog group"..and then we can submit our grouses directly, tp the IGP, to the Home Minister, organize marches and what not. They need us to come up to them, look them in the eye and say "WE WANT CHANGE"

benharperbenladen said...

Zulkifli said
"Pelis la Pelis la dengar rintihan kami golongan marhain ini yang mengundi dan memilih kamu...jalankan tugas dengan betul ..bersih dan adil terhadap semua golongan...."

funny...rupanya hang tersalah undi ...tu la pangkah lagi org yg sibuk n gah ngan nama...Malaysia Boleh..Bolehland!...janji M'sia terkenal seantero dunia...astro-not,WPI,North Corridor,East Corridor...etc..sampai terTIDO depa...
terlupa kat rakyat jelata macam kita ni...yg memerlukan perhatian...

itu belum kes lain lagi..rasuah,Linggamgate,Auditor's Report,jenayah,riot bt.buruk, kes nuri, kes Nurin..byk lagi..

kunun janji criminal rate will be reduced 5% eacy apa jadi??
increase 5% per yr lagi ada...

for the next GE..think 1st b4 pangkah :)

sekian....selamat hari raya to all of u...esp mr.jazimin's family...

Zulkifli said...

agree with you tehsin..we need that...since I'm not living in Malaysia ...can I put my letter in your e-mail so that you can send it directly to the mentri's...? or you can give me some idea so that my message can be send straight to them...kalau pos takut tak sampai...

Zulkifli said...

benhaperbenladen, aku bukan apa kawasan aku hang tau la area Taman Tun...tak ada pilihan ...mungkin kalau depa tak tukag perangai aku hentam undi parti lain...kecewa hang tau...dia orang ni dah tahap lok lak...poyo kencana kembang semangkuk....

Unknown said...

I read in the newspaper that the remand order for the Indonesian woman ends today. If there were no charges, will she be free to go then?

Zulkifli said...

yup,but the police can actually go to the magistrate and ask for the remand to be extent for further investigation...if not dia balik rumah main sms lagi dan lagi...penat kan tunggu orang melepas sikit punya lama dah tu LEPAS

Esha said...

Just don't know what to say to this police. They should just torture the indon b*t*h till she provide some info. Kalau dah sampai telan SIM card pasti she is one of the dalang dalam kes ini. Y can't they (police) see that. Frustrating betul......

tehsin mukhtar said...


aku pun dok compile list e-mail menteri2 nih..ada yg top secret...nak sound raja Nadzrin to speak up, hari tu dah dapat ADC dia...tapi dia tak jawab phone...they need to know what the rakyat want!!! Raja2 ni, menteri2 ni tak baca paper ka? Kalau Menetri kita give up gak...tapi what happened to our raja2/agong? they are lost in their own little cloistered world. ampun tuanku ye...

benharperbenladen said...

hahaa zulkifli...understood...

petikan malay mail dd.10 Oct.2007..
HKL: Only two took photos during procedure:
1. head of forensics
2. police officer..

tk dpt tangkap jugak IGP kena baling buah dadu la...

Zulkifli said...

benhaperbenladen, kalau dah dua orang jer yang ada kamera kat dalam tu tak dapat juga....memang poyo peringkat antarabangsa mungkin peringkat galaksi...kepoyoan yang paling buruk dan teruk ...yerla dah dua orang...tak akan la tak dapat...dua tu pun dah dikenal ta li lat tam plom la jawabnya...kalau itupun makan masa bulan nak tangkap aku serah kat ko jerla benhaperbenladen untuk tangkap itu dua orang...interogate apsal dia jadi cam tu

Zulkifli said...

ya la tehsin, pelik tak akan dia orang tak tau apa yang rakyat mau...benda ni dah clearly ...terang terang rakyat minta ...election dah nak dekat dah tak akan tak ada perubahan budaya kerja...still did not have your email...mine is shah2_y@yahoo or my gmail is

cikpuansue said...

kalau tgk citer gerak khas tu alahai senangnyer nak slove criminal....kronologi sama jer....polis menyamar..then dapat tangkap si penjenayah....hmmm....indah kabar dari ghuper.... said...
This comment has been removed by the author. said...

How could I NOT agree with a system similar to AMBER ALERT?
When there is a hope, there is a will. Hope will give you positive energy. Amber Alert is not only giving hope to the unfortunate parents and the abducted child themselves, but it’s proven that more than 80% of the reported cases had been solved by Amber Alert.

ahiruDIN aTTan said “…preventive measures won’t be any good. We need to respond to the situation accordingly”.

When a child was abducted, where else could we go? After police report made, who have the capability to seek help from as many media as possible within the crucial 48 hours? The police will take action just after 48 hours from the time a child has been abducted. Will we have better chance to save a child’s life within these crucial times? With an ALERT SYSTEM, surely the chances are better.

Who do not want to join the peaceful march to accompanying the Steering Committee to submit NURIN ALERT proposal to the higher authority?

NURIN ALERT is not only for all Malaysia/Malaysian, it’s for everyone, including the VIPs!


Farra Shahada said...

Kepada yg rasa2 jadi polis bkn utk berkhidmat pada negara.. tp sekadar nak carik keje senang & makan rasuah.. BERHENTI la jadi polis...
Sangat2 memalukan....
I noe how hard to work as a policeman.. tp bagi yg betul2 buat kerja.. bagi yg kaki enjoy nih.. TOLONG la.. kalo taknak berkhidmat untuk rakyat & negara.. BERHENTI Lah... Sbb org2 begini yg sebenarnyer menambahkan lagi jenayah yg ader tanpa kiter sedari...

Al-Fatihah untukmu Dik...

joesniper said...

Sedikit panduan dan nasihat, jika kamu tidak suka dengan sesuatu/seseorang janganlah kamu keterlaluan MEMBENCI dan jika kamu amat suka kepada sesuatu/seseorang janganlah kamu keterlaluan MEMUJA


Ayat power haku diatas bukan bermakna aku setuju lepaskan polis durjana yang sebarkan gambar arwah tu. [Aku kata polis sebab ospistal kata bukan gambar dia, sebab gambar postmortem ade rujukan tertentu. Tah la, aku bukan doktor tu]

Aku setuju individu itu ditangkap disula depan belakang dengan mercun roket yang dicucuh api, diambil gambarnya dan sebarkan kepada anakbini dia.

Kalau dia bujang, sebarkan dalam runag mencari jodoh[ala-ala kembang setaman]biar tak de saper nak kat dier.
Mercun tu biar dier meletup, jangan kasi padam.


Part bawah2 tu tak berapa nak paham la. Yang atas tu ada kaitan.Cuba ko bagi klu skettt...

Kepada orang2 hiburan yag disebut dalam suratkhabar kelmarin yang cadangkan Jazimin jadi penyanyi:

Aku sumpah ko jadi langsuir. Setan punya orang. Nyanyi la ko puas2 lam utan tu. Kalo ko tak cekik aku malam ni, aku cekik ko esok..

unicorn said...

en zul, tok sah dok puji polis kalo dah extreme slow cam nih..!

yg ASP LOH tu buat keje apa yer..?
kat TV(Tempoh hari) disiarkan no HP dia,ari tu i sms suggest buat thorough investigation on tuan punya van putih & indon driver tuh..last2 dia tanya balik..."Pls let me know where & when the white van abandoned?"...Aiik! didn't theY(the POLICE) should be the ONE having details? my ADVICE to the POLICE; TAKE YOUR NOTES!!!

i'm beginning to feel convinced, they are sort of Lackadaisical into this case already.

well, who's nurin anyway? ohh, that dead 8 yr old girl,daughter of who? cab driver..?

murahnya nyawa anak2 org2 biasa ini yer..


the police didn't find was the gesture of GOD. the so-called 'guardian' herself made up her mind to call the father.



be extra careful on the road ya!

shape UP or ship OUT,will you..

joesniper said...

Harap tidak ada kenyataan keterlaluan terhadap PDRM dan/atau kenyataan berbaur politik disini sebab blog ini untuk Nurin punya kes.

Nanti sebab pulut santan binasa, yang kita harap lain dapat lain. Umpamanya blog ni kena blok atau sesuatu yang kita tidak mahu ianya terjadi.

Satu hal lagi, sesiapa pun yang meninggal dunia dan walau apa pun terjadi takkan kita harus sentiasa berduka, takkan kita nak ke angkasa pun tak boleh. Itu mundur namanya. Angka Sawan biarlah jadi angkasawan jangan kita yang sawan. Lantaklah pasengger, ke tukang tiup api ekzos roket ker, kemajuandan kehidupan haruslah diteruskan.

Takkan kerana kad SIM tak dapat nak tukar kerajaan ?, tak boleh ke angkasa ?, nak suruh Pak Lah letak jawatan? Siot betul.

Takkan kerana minah indon belum disoal siatsat IGP kena pencen.

Kalau nasik dah jadi bubur, kita bubuh bawang goreng, daun sup, daging tetel, lada hitam kan sedap. kenapa nak buang atau bagi itik makan ?

Kalau kes curi jongkong selesai dalam tempoh 24 jam takkan semua kes nak selesai dalam tempoh yang sama. Kalau demikian tidaklah hidup ini dinamakan KEHIDUPAN.

Marilah balik kepada tajuk: Dapatkan pembunuh Nurin.

haikal said...

wanita indon da terlepas dah.....hmmm apa diorg buat ni? apa suda jadi? mana pembunuh ni? ellloooooo pooolliiiiisssss... hmmm jadi penumpang roket pun xpe lah... yg i tau penyanyi kumpulan NSYNC tu pun dah pg dah...emm xpela...

Syed Mohd. Aiman said...

no offences guys n girls. Kita sepatunya bagi semangat atau tolong-menolong Encik Jasni n Encik Jazimin sekeluarga bukannya memarahi sesuatu pihak tertentu.

Lupakan semua, kita doakan pada Allah supaya penjenayah ini ditangkap dan arwah Nurin di cucuri rahmat.

Syed Mohd. Aiman said...

Bersabar dgn segala dugaan Encik Jasni dan Jazimin. Tahniah pada encik Jazimin dan semua kerana membantu menjayakan Nurin Alert. Tahniah sekali lagi kerana dapat membuat umrah di tanah suci.

PiZa Rusian said...

Get them to court.. sepa2 yg bertanggungjawab mengaibkan keluarga Jazimin.. x berhati perut langsung kpd jenazah.. mmg manusia skrg kejam!! dulu waktu my best fren's brother meninggal pun polis gila beria2 maw bedah sisat walaupun keluarga x mengizinkan (hingga bertengkar dgn polis dr subuh hingga tengahari) atas alasan x mahu merosakkan jenazah dan perlu dikebumikan jenazah secepat mungkin pastu org awam pula mcm gila nak tengok jenazah dia utk di aibkan.. kenapa manusia begitu?????? manakah hilangnya sifat belas kesian & hati perut mereka??!!!

Pihak berkuasa pergilah trace IP pengedar gambar autopsi tu, bukanya susah kalau ada yg pakar komputer.. sekarang tengok siapa yg cuai sampai terlepasnya gambar2 yg mengaibkan jenazah!! SIAPA PENGASASNYA CARI SAMPAI DAPAT!!!

Nasihat saya bagi sesiapa yg ada email tu tolong ignore or delete, hentikan lah penyebaran email tu! Buat org yg bertanggungjawab sila la bertaubat mana tahu kelak gambar sendiri yg diedakan seperti itu bukan sahaja dr segi kematian tetapi boleh jadi dlm apa cara pun... harap tuan/puan sedar atas tindakan yang salah itu.. Semoga Tuhan menunjukkan kebenaran kelak!!

Doa saya semoga pembunuh Nurin dpt ditangkap secepat mungkin dan Nurin Alert bejaya diterima oleh pihak berkuasa di Malaysia kerana rakyat Malaysia rasanya 100% boleh menerima idea ni kecuali pihak berkuasa yg masih samar2... Harap2 ramai yg menyokong usaha murni En.Jasini, Tembam, Nuraina, Nik Farez & Rockybru.. saya sentiasa di sini utk memberi sokongan kpd cadangan Nurin Alert. Semoga cita2 kita sema berjaya!!! Jangan putus asa, kita mesti 100% ready!!

Umm Sequim said...

Bernama melapurkan indon tu dah di lepaskan . Tak tau apa lagi nak kata .Buntu

Unknown said...

Saya harap polis dapat beri hadiah Hari Raya kepada kami semua dengan tertangkapnya penjenyah tersebut.

Please Mr. Policemen please, please, please........

Unknown said...

Saya harap polis dapat beri hadiah Hari Raya kepada kami semua dengan tertangkapnya penjenyah tersebut.

Please Mr. Policemen please, please, please........

Unknown said...

Alangkah sedihnya lepas dengar berita yg mengatakan Indon tu dah dilepaskan ... hmmm I mean me and you wont telan a SIM card just for fun right? isnt that the biggest clue that this gal is also involved in the murder case? I thought our police use strategy and pyschology to get the criminal how come in this case they can just let go of a gal saying not enough evident.. This is bloody sickening man!!!!! Why cant they make her talk and spill the beans??? what's so difficult in that.. I really hope when the culprit is caught the public and Nurins family members get a chance to beat the hell outta that gutless monster. sigh I can only sigh.. its too depressing its taking this long.. and the victims are always woman and children.....

Admin said...

I am still disgusted to know the murderer is still out there, free, to enjoy himself, to celebrate or to even try his sadist attitude on his prospect! This is disgusting to know he isn't caught yet.

Justice will prevail if the murderer is caught.

To Jazimin and Family, Salam Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir Batin from all of us.

To Our Sweet Angel, Nurin Jazlin,
Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmatNya di atasmu dan Semoga Allah mendampingi mu selalu bersamaNya di syurga.

nazura said...

Joesniper, you ni memang lawaklah. At least released sikit geram membara di dada ni. Tapi Joe memang lah..kita ni nak cari si malaun tu tapi secara tak langsung perkara-perkara lain pun terbabit sama. Kita tak boleh mengelak dan mengenepikan faktor-faktor yang menambah sumbang dan mengkaramkan lagi kes ini dan yang seumpama dengannya.

It has been almost a month. And where are we heading to...Banyak benda yang sepatutnya dibuat tapi tak dibuat. Do they really into it? But who knows maybe they hope that this case will be just like any other cases.. away from the limelight. Away from media attention and away from our mind. THEN..OKAY THAT'IT. IT'S CLOSING TIME..don't worry, people always have something new to worry about. They will forget about this case.

Bukan nak tuduh dia orang tu tak bagus tapi..memang nampak macam tak bagus pun.