Thursday, October 18, 2007

Post Raya Business Resumes

Both our families (the Jazimins and mine)will be heading for home tomorrow, after a week's Raya break. Jazimin will be heading home from Selama, Perak while mine will be leaving Penang.

This Raya will always be remembered as a Raya that has brought the families closer together as both the near and the distant branches of the family, are resolute with the hope for a quick and successful conviction of the sadistic perpetrator(s) that had tortured Nurin until her death.

We also came to know that Solat Hajats were performed everywhere, during Nurin's disappearance as well as after when she was found, though not alive. And to all these initiatives, we wish to convey our greatest appreciation.

Everyone we met asked for absolutely one common thing, what's the latest news. Of course, we don't really have the answer as just like all the others, we are equally clueless.

We have not make it a habit to call on the police every now and then asking for updates as we are quite certain that the police are indeed pursuing the investigation dutifully and hopefully with much progresses though not much of it are disclosed to the public.

Hopefully, next week we will hear :-

1. THAT the motorcyclist has been identified and arrested;
2. THAT the arrest of the motorcyclist has led the Police for the arrest of the sadistic killer, assuming that the motorcyclist was merely the transporter; and
3. THAT the Police have completed their investigation on finding the culprit who took and disseminated the autopsy pictures.

All these are hopes, but definitely not really high hopes, as these are really no more than merely natural hopes.

Meanwhile, talking of people capitalising on one's misery, we have just also learnt that there is already at least a "story" book on the tragedy befalling Nurin selling for RM2.50 at sidewalk's book stalls. Though we are yet to get hold of one, we are quite sure that we will be able to get a copy of it very soon.

Since we're yet to get hold of any of the books, it is therefore quite premature for us to state our position on the matter.

On the positive front, Nurin Alert will be getting another boost as an article on the subject will be carried by a national daily within the next few days. Hopefully, with its exposure to the public beyond the blog sphere, more public support on it will be garnered. With greater public support, the journey of Nurin Alert from ideals to reality would be faster and easier.

Thank you for keeping on visiting the blog during the past week and sorry for the one week silence. The silent mode was merely due to my limited internet access while on holidays here.


joesniper said...

Amin ya Allah. Engkau maqbulkanlah permintaan hamba-hambaMu yang lemah ini.

Engkau yang menciptakan kami, dengan demikian hanya kepadaMu kami memohon.

Sesungguhnya Engkau yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Mengetahui.


Shimi Lara said...

Alhamdullilah! Good to know your family have drawn closer together. Allah gave us Nurin for a greater purpose. Jazimin and wife must always remember how blessed they were. Her short stay with us only means that we will miss her more. Nurin is waiting for her mak and abah and will one day be reunited with them. Live a good life so Nurin will not be sad.

For the rest of us who never knew her, it is her photos showing a sweet and happy little girl who found so many reasons to smile that we will always remember. Nurin came to us for a reason. Let us honour her memory.

Unknown said...


Izleen said...

En. Jazimin, Pn. Norazian & En. Jasni,

Welcome back, I hope you are more calmer and relaxed now after the long getaway and with family and relatives together.

The rest of the 27 million people nationwide are anxious for the person(s) who did that awful thing to Nurin, to be caught. We will continue praying for you and Nurin.

Zulkifli said...


It's a weird thing that the police have not making any comment yet on finding the culprit who took and disseminated the autopsy photos. Everyone who read the news know that there are only two person with camera in the autopsy room. It is ridiculous really... can you imagine that even the AG is confuse on how the police did the investigation ...Prosecutor case depend on how the police gather the evidence and witnesses..if evidence and witness are lame then it will be very hard for the prosecutor to prove their case...Come on police ...Malaysia boleh...we believe you BOLEH...

Jenn said...

Like any other parent, I applaud the idea of Nurin Alert. Nurin Alert gets my full support.

Post Nurin tragedy, I no longer allow my children to play outside our home, not even under my maid's supervision. I pity my children for their lost of freedom, but I have no other choice considering the increase in danger and 'iblis' out there.

I've been so paranoid ever since and I found out that I was not alone. Turned out that my circle of family and friends felt the same way. We are constantly checking on our children these days.

I once lost my 4 year old daughter for a short 5 minutes (which felt like 50 years) in a Hypermarket in Tmn Permata KL.

Believe it or not, I did not manage to get any assistance from any of the staff there. I later found out that there was no SOP to treat missing children in that Hypermarket, considering the amount of time children get lost in such a place. I felt so helpless. Alhamdulillah, I found my daughter shortly after. I took the time to write to the management of the Hypermarket to lodge my complain and they said that they have taken the necessary steps to counter the problem. How true? Only the Almightly knows.

Can I propose that Nurin Alert also covers the below 2 areas:

1. Locating missing children in public areas.
The concern is as raised above.

2. Children going and returning home from school.
Instead of prolonging the school hours, I propose that the Ministry of Education enhance the role of the school teachers to ensure that the children gets to school and return home safely. Children should not be left waiting for transportation unattended after school. Nor should they be unattended as soon as they arrive in school (which happen to be wee early in the morning and most of the time still pitch dark). Danger is everywhere now.

It would mean alot to all our children if these areas could be addressed as well.

Let's make Malaysia a safe country for our children. They deserve it.

Zulkifli said...

Kalau sesiapa membaca ruangan jenayah di Utusan Online hari ini , kita akan dapati pelbagai jenayah melibatkan warganegara dari Afrika selatan, Indonesia dan Pakistan. Apabila kita membawa masuk terlalu banyak pekerja asing atau orang asing tanpa hala tuju dan kawalan yang jelas inilah jadinya. Sekarang ini dilaporkan 1,600 pekerja asing masuk dalam satu hari...apa dah jadi...? Masalah sosial dan pelacuran tak usah ceritalah dah jadi macam rutin sahaja di Malaysia sekarang...kes kes jenayah melibatkan orang tempatan pun berlambak masih belum di selesaikan ...di bawa masuk orang luar begitu banyak untuk apa? kalau perlukan tenaga buruh mesti ada perancangan dan jangkamasa tertentu...belum campur dengan PATI lagi...

Agak memalukan kalau perkara ini berterusan...kita bimbang kejadian jenayah seperti rogol, bunuh dan lain lain yang melibatkan warga asing akan bertambah...belum campur penculikan budak dan sebagainya... kemungkinan apabila terlalu banyak warga asing ...mereka boleh membentuk rangkaian jenayah mereka sendiri yang sebenarnya akan merugikan kerajaan dan rakyat Malaysia sendiri...gejala menjual manusia dan sebagainya dah menjadi lumrah...keadaan ini membimbangkan...bagaimana hendak mengawal jenayah ...kalau agen jenayah di tambah setiap hari...? Kita mahu Nurin Alert menjadi kenyataan dan dalam masa yang sama isu pendatang asing yang bercambah cambah ini perlu di beri perhatian... kita boleh bawa masuk orang asing tapi yang mendatangkan manafaat pada negara seperti golongan profesional yang kepakaran tidak ada dalam negara...atau dalam bidang yang negara tidak cukup tenaga kerja...tapi kalau 1,600 sehari? masalah tu...rekod jenayah pun di pantau atau tidak pun tidak diketahui..Ini membimbangkan...kalau penjara diseluruh negara dipenuhi oleh pendatang asing...berapakah wang yang dibelanjakan oleh kerajaan untuk bagi mereka makan? duit pembayar cukai tu...yang mana sepatutnya digunakan kepada perkara berfaedah...jika trend ini berterusan, percayalah kawalan terhadap jenayah akan semakin sukar...dalam hal ini kita tidak boleh menyalahkan polis semata-mata...cukupkah orang yang hendak mengawal penjenayah penjenayah ni....seluruh jentera kerajaan harus memikirkan perkara ini...kalau dulu pendatang asing hanya menapak di bandar bandar besar tetapi sekarang ini di ceruk kampung pun sudah ada mereka mereka ini...dan membentuk koloni mereka sendiri...perkara ini mesti di fikirkan sebelum kadar jenayah makin banyak ...kita takut human traficking (penyeludupan manusia) makin bertambah, kemana pergi kanak kanak yang hilang hingga kini tidak di temui? ...untuk membenteras jenayah , punca pertambahan kadar jenayah juga perlu dikaji...yang sememangnya sudah jelas dan nyata...Semua pihak perlu memikirkan mengapa negara kita satu ketika dahulu aman damai menjadi seperti ini? kanak kanak tidak selamat keluar rumah untuk bermain, surirumahtangga tidak berani kekedai runcit pada waktu malam untuk beli ubat nyamuk takut kena rogol dan sebagainya...Ini masalah semua orang yang cintakan keamanan...harap pihak berkuasa meneliti isu ini dengan hati terbuka dan dada yang lapang...semua pihak kena fikirkan isu ini...kerana ianya jadi satu fenomena yang semakin kritikal

arilzura said...

Selamat Hari Raya buat keluarga En Jazimin dan rakan2...

ini pendapat saya sahaja...

Entah2 mamat yang naik motor dan bawa beg tu cuma budak penghantar barang je tak, sebab tingok dalam rakaman cctv dia macam relax aje.. selalunya kalau orang yang tak tahu apa isi kandungan beg yang dibawa serta tak mensyaki apa2 mesti stedy aje..kekadang kita boleh gak lihat macam isu dadah selalu org yang bawa tu tak tahu pun apa kandungan barang dalam beg dia cuma diarahkan atau dipaksa untuk deliver barang tu je.. so yg akan kena tangkap cuma org bawahan, master mind still bebas.. dan dia buat pangilan mungkin sebab nak pastikan lokasi atau mungkin ada seseorang yang akan mengambil beg tersebut daripada dia selepas org yang tunggu tak sampai atau org yg dia call mengarahkan suruh tinggalkan aje beg kat situ nanti ada org yg ondway untuk datang ambik..mungkin org yg mengarahkan tu pun berada dikawasan berdekatan ek macam cite criminal kat tv... (bahaya juga citer penyiasatan kat tv ni sebab dia bagi idea pd org jahat macam mana nak susun strategy & menipu org lain..tapi polis dalam cite tu cekap sebab polis herolah katakan)

tapi sekirangnya dia budak penghantar dia adalah saksi utama kerana dia mengenali suspect/org yang mengupah untuk menghantar barang klu tak penah jumpe pun mesti tahu serba sedikit maklumatkan..

jadi sesiapa yang bekerja sebagai budak penghantar barang selepas ini anda hendaklah check dulu kandungan barang yang dihantar...

dan mungkin lelaki dan perempuan yang berikutnya tu hanya nak wat sport check sama ada budak penghantar dah hantar atau mungkin dia nak ambil beg tu tapi ramai sangat org yang perhatikan tu yang tak jadi...

macam2 kemungkinan boleh berlaku jadi pihak polis kenalah bijak menyelesaikannya jangan nak buat sambil lewa aje...

arilzura said...

one more things,
tiok still lelaki yang keluar jumpe perempuan baju merah tu macam gaya pakwe pujuk makwe aje sb pakwe datang lambat...

hehehehh... jangan marah ye..

tapi mesti dia orang cover juga sebab takkan dia org tu bodoh mesti tahu ada cctv kat area tu..

penjahat sekarang ni bijak2 belaka.. banyak sungguh idea untuk menipu...

Izleen said...

bunga layu,

kalau betul dia budak despatch jer, tak kan lah dia tak bau apa apa...hidung tersumbat kerana selsema ke resdung ke pun belum tentu boleh mengatasi bau mayat.

steph said...

My heart still bear a piercing pain whenever I see her photo or read about her. Why Allah allow this to happen? I always ask.

But, I believe Allah sent her here to this world for a reason.

We MUST NOT forget her death. Do something to help other children in memory of her.

Rest in PEACE, Nurin.

Anonymous said...

Saya yakin yang penunggang motor tu salah seorang yang menculik Nurin.Macam kawan kita cakap tadilah... tak kan tak bau beg tu. Saya cuba snap gambar dia pakai sony ericson cybershot, boleh nanpak juga dengan lebih jelas dari gambar video. Tapi hanya masa zoom je gambar clear tapi bila snap je, gambar jadi kabur. No plat pun sukar juga nak nampak.hmm... kalaulah saya pakar dalam hal ni kan bagus.Cuba polis minta bantuan pakar gambar. Saya tak happy this year raya coz hati saya terlalu sedih pikirkan Kes Nurin.Contohnya Student UITM ke.Kalau susah-susah en. Jasni upah PI je la. Maybe cara ni boleh juga bantu polis. Pasal duit nak bayar PI, kita cari la sesapa nak sponsor. Masa berlalu terlalu lama.Sambil sembahyang hajat, Kita kena usaha juga. Dah lama benar sangat dah ni.

Unknown said...

Saya setuju dengan Linda, kenapa tak cara penyiasat upahan. Mesti banyak yang hendak sponsor, kalau tidak kita beri sumbangan ramai-ramai...macam mana?

YasMine FamiLy said...

Terlalu Istimewa
*(A tribute to Nurin Jazlin)

Ku tak tergambar wajahmu
Sinar mata itu
Lirik senyumanmu
Pesona yang membelai
Wajahmu bercahaya
Memberi bahagia
Tiap yang memandang
Hati jadi salju
Kau terlalu istimewa
Kasih dan sayangmu terpancar
Seikhlas tiada batasan
Terus membara
Terkilan rasa jiwa
Ingin ku lihat mu dewasa
Apa daya
Tuhan lebih menyayangimu
Ku pasti kau berbahagia
Duduk di sampingNya
Mendengar cerita
Sekadar rahsia
Tak tertanggung rindu…
Mendengar suaramu…
Tawa mengusik jiwa…

(Live in Peace "Nurin Jazlin")

Zulkifli said...

P.I? sepatutnya P.I yang ada serata KL ni tak perlu tunggu upah untuk tolong buat siasatan...mereka boleh hulurkan bantuan dengan menghubungi family Nurin...itu padangan saya...banyak juga peguam peguam yang ada di Malaysia membuat kerja amal tanpa minta upah dalam kes kes seperti ini...walaubagaimanapun ini adalah idea yang baik iaitu melantik P.I...tapi kenala cari yang betul betul pakar...nanti duit habis habuk tak dapat..mengabihkan boreh pula...

yang penting sekarang ni ialah mat motor dalam cctv tu dan orang yang edar gambar autopsy tu...bila la dapat tangkap mereka mereka ni...

Zulkifli said...

mana pi si tehsin, benharperladen dan lain lain? rayo lagi ke ekau sumo...apa apa pun saya nak ambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan selamat hari raya maaf zahir batin lagi sekali...

cakapaje said...


Kali pertama saya ke sini selepas membaca di Rocky's Bru. Seandainya memerlukan volunteers, insyAllah, saya dan beberapa sahabat akan kehadapan membantu.

aristobrat said...

Assalamualaikum semua,

With the growing tensions on how slow the progress of this case been going on, it has urged me to do something which i hope could help in anyway that is possible.

Mr Jasni, i had sent you an email with the attachments of the still images from the cctv. Im not sure if you had a better picture from what i had given you but in anyway, i will be more than willing to help.

as mentioned in the mail, i hope that you could approved my request to distribute those images and also hopefully that may not be a bad idea afterall.

TaxConsultant said...

if you have a better clear picture, i don't know how you do it, maybe you use a magnifier to enhance that picture? i think there is no harm if you distribute it to all of us, please do it, maybe someone can draw a photofit from it. can you email it to me

Izleen said...

menggunakan service PI pun good idea gak...nak harapkan polis, entah lah...

i'm sure dari segi sponsorship nak bayar PI ni tak de masalah...paling tidak pun, i'm sure kengkawan bloggers tak keberatan menghulur sikit untuk bayarkan PI demi Nurin Jazlin.

Aku tak kenal mana2 PI...sesiapa kenal, tolong recommend kan. Atau kalau ada PI yang sedang membaca blog ni, jika tak keberatan untuk membantu.

Zulkifli, selamat hari raya....

Ahmad said...


sabarlah.. saye tau dah ramai dah cakap perkara ini, tapi what's more we can say? kite hamba je.. walaupun saye blom kawin (secara automatik taktau perasaan kehilangan anak sebegini skali), tapi at least saya faham makna kehilangan, u'r lost is great but trust me.. she is waiting for u all in front of the heaven's door..

all the best.. selamat hari raya.. the whole nation is right behind u! Allah bersama mereka yang sabar and trust me, the f*cking culprit will NEVER escape Allah's penance..

kamal fnd hashim said...

Bro. I'm on it.I wouldnt and shouldnt rest until the perps being brought to justice.

For the rest,speculation and anger wont bring us closer to the truth. Stay united;One Nation, One Race, One Voice.

If you think you can help, start by identifying high risk areas near you which requires streetlights, bush clearing, etc..

Start or join your local RA.

Take note for rented houses that has the curtain drawn down all the time, etc..

Notify the Local Council or the Police if you suspect something.

This is what Nurin would want from us. Believe me, i still cry.I do.

Proceed to rectify.

kamal fnd hashim.

sfwn said...

salam, saya memohon jutaan kemaafan atas keterlanjuran saya mengforward gambar almarhum kepada kawan saya. bukan berniat buruk tp sekadar ingin berkongsi kesedihan dan simpati bersama kawan. moga allahyarham dicucuri rahmat dan di tempatkan dikalangan orang2 yang sentiasa berada di bawah naunganNya. maaf atas segala kekhilafan..
~safwan ghani

tehsin mukhtar said...


The Interpol managed to unscramble a digitally altered photo of the Canadian pedophile this week...Can't the police get their help in zooming in on the face of the motorcyclist?


tehsin mukhtar said...


Tak dak raya sakan...cincai jer...dunia ni makin menyedihkan...tak dak hati nak beraya lebih sehari...
